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JDL - Ops & Eng - LtJg Denterius & LtJg Douglas - "Making ammends"

Posted on 30 Apr 2014 @ 4:30pm by Lieutenant JG Kassi Denterius

820 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor

=*= Jefferies tubes =*=

Kassi was grateful she was so limber. Where as other officers found the Jefferies tubes cramped and uncomfortable, she found them to be not so bad. Even though the crawlspaces were compact and efficient and she actually kinda liked crawling around them. Although there were some tasks she’d rather not do in them, some… where unavoidable, like the one she was working on now. Either way though, many in her department were starting to find her when it came to those odd jobs that had someone going into the tubes.

For her, the current job was having to help some Engineer repair some damage to a deflector control housing. How it got damaged, she hadn’t figured out yet. But the Engineer couldn’t access it, so here she was, cutting out the old track frame to put in a new one. She had just finished cutting through the frame when she noticed a person at the end of the crawlspace access, but opted to ignore them for the moment after picking up who it was.

"Alright, turn it off." Kassi called to the worker on the other side of the control module she had just cut free. The module and the broken frame moved slowly at first, then it was pulled free and she could see through to the maintenance bay for the deflector dish. The new frame was worked into place and Kassi adjusted her safety glasses, changing the settings on her torch, she then told her co-workers to go do what they needed to do for a moment.

"What do you want, Lieutenant?" Kassi asked, glancing at the other junior grade officer, before the sparks began to fly between her torch and the new frame she was installing. "If you're here to try and make me feel like you are better than me, you are wasting your time.” She snapped, remembering the last time they ran into each other.

"Look, I don't want to fight right now." Wyatt said in a loud voice to be heard over the hiss of the welding torch, "I just wanted to say thanks, it would've been another day or so before I would have gotten down here to do this... did you need a hand?"

“It's no big deal, I was already down here checking some things out myself. This needed to get done, so I'm doing it. But if you want to help, I could use a better angel on my welding rod. There should be some extra rods and safety gear in the maintenance bay." She pointed through the wall to the other side where the control module had been removed.

“I probably shouldn't have popped off with that comment the other day and I'm sorry about it." Wyatt stammered out, and crawled out the Jefferies tube the way he came before that could start another fight. When he was by himself, he sighed heavily. He'd make the effort and just maybe they could work together without banging heads all the time. Or at the very least he hoped that making amends would save his ass an keep her from going to his Chief. A few minutes later he was back with some more supplies. "Here you go, this should be everything you need and then some."

"Put on those gloves and eyewear and hold one of those rods right here," Kassi said, tapping at a point on the frame where she had to join it to the compartment. When he did that, she checked that the frame was level and continued welding. "I'm sorry too. I was tired, my throat hurt from talking, then I yelled at several Ensigns who seemed to have forgotten how to run a simple diagnostic scan, one of my team members was injured... So when you showed up, I was already in a bad mood, and was trying to do my reports and hope I didn’t get chewed out from ‘my’ Chief.” She was still trying to figure him out. “I didn't mean to take it out on you. Perhaps we can start over?”

“Sounds good to me.” Thankfully, with just a couple more seals the casing was quickly back together and she shut off welding torch and placed it aside. “File that section down a hair to make it as smooth as the rest of the seam and all should be good.” Kassi said to Wyatt as she started gathering he supplies and handing some of them off to Nick. With things picked up, she grabbed her PaDD and checked a few things off on it. “Make sure you let you’re Chief know that he owe’s Ops one.” She said with a smirk and wink to Wyatt before grabbing her stuff and headed down though the tubes to her next task.

LtJg Kassi Denterius
USS Achilles

LtJg Wyatt Douglas
USS Achilles
(NPC apb Kassi)


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