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Fresh Meat...The New XO

Posted on 27 Apr 2014 @ 2:39am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Master Chief Petty Officer Lance Nelson & Lieutenant Commander Anastasia Lyons

1,465 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: CO's Ready Room
Timeline: MD 3 - 0905

As soon as Ops had confirmed that everyone had been beamed aboard he had the helm resume course and get make sure they got ahead of schedule. He paused only long enough to watch as the Achilles maneuvered over a section of debris that was being salvaged, recalling the transmission of the stations destruction and the resulting conflict. His heart raced at the memory and he stepped into the lift to greet his new XO.

Ana walked across the bridge of the Achilles for the first time and her stomach flipped, she was on a Prometheus Class for the first time and she was second in command of it! Spotting the officer in the 'Big Chair' wasn't the CO, Ana assumed he was in his Ready Room. Her stomach flipped once more as she approached the door, the only contact she'd had with Da'nal was a brief subspace message and that was only one way.

The female XO straightened her uniform and hit the chime.

Lance heard the chime sound but he knew the Admiral wasn't in his ready room. Getting up from his desk he passed through and the Admiral's office and the doors opened at his approach to reveal a tall blonde. "You must be Lt. Commander Lyons?"

"Yes, that's right, who are you?" Ana said, knowing very well it wasn't Da'nal, "Is the CO about?"

"Were are my manners, Chief Nelson, the man behind the big man, Yeoman and administrator your service," he added with a flourish. "As for the Admiral..." a wry grin spread over his face, "...he went to meet you in the transporter room actually."

Ana rolled her eyes, "What a way to start my time here...I guess I'll have to wait here for him then."

[Transporter Room 2]

Da`nal arrived to an empty transporter room only to see what looked like personal effects being beamed away. Turning to the Chief, "Chief?"

"Ya just missed them, sir."

"Thank you Chief. Computer locate Lieutenant Commander Lyons."

"Lieutenant Commander Lyons is on the Bridge."

There was no way to miss the humorous smirk on the face of the transporter chief as he turned to return to the bridge when the chief stopped him. "Sir I could...", as he nodded to the platform.

Shaking his head it was Da`nal's turn to smirk. "Maybe next time." A short time later he stepped off the lift and instead of heading into his ready room through Lance's office, he stepped forward and onto the bridge.

Ana nodded at Lance as they heard the lift doors open, she turned to look and immediately recognized the Klingon male, "Admiral on Deck!" she called across the Bridge before moving to meet him.

"Lt. Commander Anastasia Lyons reporting for duty, Sir!" she exclaimed, snapping to attention in front of him.

His eyes locked on the officer who had been standing next to his yeoman and he saw all the bridge officers snap to at her command and he waived them down. "Resume your stations.

"Commander while I appreciate the formality and adherence to customs and courtesies I can't have my crew jumping to the feet every time I walk into the room. Every member of this crew knows their position and they know mine. They honor me by doing their duty, not by coming to attention."

"Ah...Yes, sorry Sir." Ana said, a little embarrassed.

Gesturing to the door to his ready room, "After you Commander."

She dutifully entered the Ready Room, stopping in front of his desk. "I apologise again Sir, it was an automatic response."

Gesturing to the seat before her he took his. "No apologies need. It was, as you said, an automatic response and no doubt you assumed as a Klingon, I would be a stickler for the formalities and adherence to regulations. While this is usually the case, I tend to cast aside the needless fluffery for those under my command."

Lifting the padd on his desk he referred to her bio. "I see her that you are considered and expert on Klingon culture. Tell me where did you gain this expertise?"

Ana smiled and began to speak in Klingon, she told him how she might be considered an 'expert' by Starfleet but maybe not by him. Lyons continued to tell him that she used holodeck programs to train in his people's combat techniques and that she owned a Bat'leth, although that skill was proving hard to master. "So you see Sir," she started, speaking in Federation standard again, "...I know more than most about Klingon culture but I'm sure there is much more I could learn from you..."

During her explanation in Klingon the corner of his mouth began to curl upwards and as she concluded he was temped to grin at her attempt at flattery but pulled it back as he considered the statement. ~Was it flattery or just an honest acknowledgement of a short coming~, he decided to give her the benefit of the doubt and go with the latter. " 'The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing', just don't admit to not knowing something to those under your command. To me is one thing but as a command officer you have to give the appearance of knowledge, even when you have to make a decision on incomplete information."

Noticing his lip curl slightly, Lyons raised her hand, "Before you start getting a big head, I was merely stating a fact, not trying to inflate your already massive, Klingon ego." she told him, with her own grin. "So, where shall we start?"

"nuq latlh ego per, tlhIngan per batlh (What others call ego, Klingons call honor)," adding with a toothy smile," besides a Klingon needs a big head so they can hold all the various ways to kill those who cross them. But enough of the banter." Handing a padd to her, "our mission is simple, inspect Federation supported refugee facilities, as well as the starships patrolling the Romulan-Klingon border. It appears that their have been raids by Klingon forces on supply ships, remote camps, and other Romulan worlds along the border.

"Yesterday there was a briefing of the senior staff and they have their assignments. Additionally the Marines aboard are being...blended...with security. Marines have a long tradition of providing security, so I don't think there will be too many difficulties, but there may be some departmental rivalry...keep an eye on things. Other than that get to know the crew, we have several new crew members and department heads that came aboard a from 24 as may know some of them. Set up a brief meeting with all the new officers at once, regardless of rank. I don't know about you but I hate repeating myself. Any questions?"

"None Sir, I understand." she said confidently, "Any recommendations for first meeting?" She was eager to get started and meet everyone, he could probably see her excitement on her face.


As the CO and XO met and went over their current assignment event were unfold on the Bridge. Through the window behind him the streaking of stars altered to the unmoving points of light as the ship dropped from warp and altered course.

Feeling the shift in the ship and catching the glance of his new XO Da`nal turned to look out his portal and saw for himself what his senses had already told him. Before he could contact the bridge, a chime sounded at his door. Lt. Parsons entered and explained the situation.

After hearing the explanation Da`nal nodded, "You made the right call Lieutenant, have him beamed aboard as soon as we are in range. Dismissed."

As the door closed Da`nal returned his gaze to his Exec, knowing most humans preferred to be addressed by there name rather than rank. "What do you prefer to go by...when appropriate of course?"

Ana smirked as she looked back at him, "If you want to refer to me without rank, then call me Ana..." she told him, knowing how Klingons felt about informality, "...But if it's easier then stick to Commander."

She didn't much like informality either but she let it slide now and then.

"How about you Sir, what do you prefer?" she asked him.

He leaded back in his chair grinning. "Well I am heir to my House....My Lord will due."

Ana let out a laugh and went to stand at his right side, drink in hand. "Sir or Admiral Da'nal it is then..." she said sipping her drink, "I will leave that honor to those in your House. I won't inflate your ego any further, otherwise, we risk losing you to cranial explosion." she winked.

Rear-Admiral Da`nal

Lt. Commander Anastasia Lyons


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