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Someone changed the lightbulb...Part 2

Posted on 18 Apr 2014 @ 10:30pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Atri Bi'trell & Lieutenant Elas Vonti
Edited on on 18 Apr 2014 @ 10:36pm

1,858 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: USS Achilles

Shaking his head, "No nothing like that, but something of equal importance." His tone was not one of anger...not exactly but was one that made it clear the seriousness he placed on the situation. "You considerably altered the ship's EMH without consulting the ships Chief Medical Officer, your direct supervisor, concerning changes to medical equipment. Nor did you seek authorization from anyone in the ships chain of command. The alterations made took up significant computer resources on a ship that is by design limited in the...extras that are found on other vessels. Explain yourself Lieutenant."

Elas felt a flush cross his face. This wasn't the first time he had been in hot water for bypassing standard procedure, but he had learned from previous encounters that forgiveness would be quick if he played his part. He only had to explain logically, decry his own mistake, swear obedience to protocol and end the conversation on a high note. He had done it to many CO's over the years, as Elas tended to get things done with or without permission.

He chose his words with utter care, "I must say I did have the assistance of Cheif Lawson. I had asked her to help simply to get a head start on the on the pysch subroutines, but there was so much precoding and matrix level installations the only way to get that subroutine introduced was to compile a dozen others. By the time Lawson and I finished the prep work, it was roughly half of the required upgrades. At that point I am afraid we or rather, I got ahead of myself. Lawson advised we hold back for proper review but I insisted that we upgrade the EMH for testing, and could hold the upgrades separate until our diagnostics were complete. They are still there in file Vonti-Turing EMH D1. I apologize for not obtaining permission, my exuberance for my work often leads me to be impatient... it won't happen again."

Elas felt the speech was apt, and felt they should be satisfied with that explanation. Elas awaited a verbal wrist-slap and was already thinking about the nights diversions he had planned.

"Counselor," Atri began, turning to the Admiral briefly to say, "If I may, sir," before returning her gaze to the Ullian: "This never needed to be your work. The extent of these modifications is at the fringes of what I would reasonably consider my work." She sighed. "I'd respectfully consider any projects or research you bring to my attention, regardless of their scope, but I have to ask that you at least inform me if you feel a need to reach beyond your assigned duties as Chief Counselor."

Atri felt almost embarrassed at the statement. She'd hoped to meet with everyone in her section on good terms, of course, but - as Da'nal had said - she couldn't let anyone undermine her department. At this point she wasn't sure how bothered she really was. The surprise at the modifications had faded, and Elas seemed at least somewhat genuine in his explanation and apology. Hopefully the two of them would have time to speak candidly about the situation... she hadn't been to the lounge since the post-hearing mixer, after all.

Elas couldn't help himself, "Of course, certainly. I am however constantly trying new things outside my assigned duties. I stay busy and research freely as is Federation privilege. I was part of the team at Jupiter and learned a great deal about holoprogramming, so I wasn't idly tampering with a system without training. I mean no disrespect and I understand why you had to have this meeting. I will report to you as my CO for any ship or duty related research from this point forward. I just ask that we don't delete the program. I saw indicators of sentient level algorithms which are early signs of emergent AI intelligence. The ultimate goal at Jupiter Station was to create a fully functional holographic stand in for a crew member. I believe the advanced systems on and frequent problems facing the Prometheus to be an excellent opportunity to test for emergent intelligence in an AI."

Da`nal leaned in both curious and disturbed. "WAIT! Are you saying the EMH hologram is now sentient?!"

Elas wished the Admiral wasn't here, the direct focus of his thoughts were pummeling Elas. The emotions coming off of him bypassed his mental blocks, it was infuriating he couldn't control it. He had to speak to a dot on the wall behind the Admirals head, and he found himself talking very fast.

"No Admiral the EMH is not currently showing signs of true Sentience, but it would be accurate to say the possibility does exist. The modern EMH is based off of the Mk. II rebuild after the Mk 1 showed a trait of developing self-programming heuristics. Those same heuristics allowed the Mk. 1 to be clever, innovative, even intuitive to the degree he advanced to a complex program capable of truly intelligent thought. There is no indication of that yet, but the EMH has barely seen operational time since the application of the upgraded program."

There was more he wanted to say, much more but the tumult of the Admirals emotions was driving him close to losing his temper. The Doctor seemed to be at bay behind his mental blocks as all people usually were but with Da'nal he felt a rush of anger, a mirror to Da'nal, or a reflection... time would tell. His control was impeccable, not one twitch made it to the surface but Elas shut his mouth while he could keep it under control.

His irritation turned to curiosity as he thought, the prospect of the development of a third sentient artificial life form in the Federation. First there was an android, then the Voyager hologram. Thus far all other attempts to recreate another android had failed...perhaps they could succeed with a hologram. However he couldn't have them experimenting with the ships emergency systems.

"What do you feel are your chances for success with this...experiment?"

Atri's eyes went wide and she stared at Da'nal.

"Sir, you can't honestly be considering proceeding with this," She said, holding her tone as steady as she could manage. "There are numerous other ways we could test the legitimacy of this intelligence outside of one of the ship's emergency systems. If... if something were to happen, if we required the EMH to perform its designated duties and it were unable to do so - if it even refused! The immediate danger to the health and livelihood of the crew is not something that I would stand by."

Elas was able to set it aside, the Admiral had calmed a little, Elas realized he was amplifying emotions internally, another problem for later. Dr. Atri's reaction caused that uncontrollable flicker of anger to start, as it had the first time he had met Da'nal. "Doctor... it wasn't an experiment on the ships emergency systems, it was a routine series of updates which incorporated old subroutines from the EMH I. What nobody expected was the algorithm "The Doctor" randomly developed to also randomly develop moments later." I'm lucky I caught it so early as this gives us a unique opportunity to study it from inception to full blown realization of life. The EMH is not compromised, it is 100% functional and well within the control of this vessel and her crew."

He was getting angry again, he heard it in his voice as he began to get wound up. Why couldn't he control himself?

He turned to Da'nal, "If the EMH is allowed to continue as is, it will almost certainly develop sentience in much the same manner as the Doctor, within 95% certainty of a stable and functional personality.

Da`nal listened to the debate intently as he weighed the options. He pulled at his beard even after the counselor had stopped speaking. The impact of his actions here could have wide reaching effect and he rose from his seat and walked the room next to and behind his guests. Now he knew what Picard and Janeway must have felt when faced with their troubles about artificial life.

Returning to his desk he stood behind his chair. "While I believe holographic artificial life will be the path AI development will take, I cannot allow it to continue in its current form. First, Counselor, this IS and experiment as the holograms sentients has not yet developed. Second, I cannot allow an unproven upgrade, regardless of its potential, to be made to the ships emergency systems. What if the EMH actually develops sentients and decides it doesn't want to be a doctor? Do we simply turn it off and rewrite the program in violation of its individual rights?" He watch as the rhetorical questions were absorbed both officers.

"However the potential for the development of an artificial life form is to great to ignore. And with the integration of holo-emitters throughout this ship, a Prometheus class vessel is ideal for the develop of holographic life. So, the upgrades will be removed and the EMH restored to its original programming. I was a team put together to see to the development of holographic life. When we get to SB 24 to pick up our new XO I will brief her and she will oversee that team. I want both of you to work together on this and pull in whoever needed from the other departments as well."

Elas didn't... couldn't argue. He swallowed the panic over his loss of mental control and focused on the tip of his nose as he thought. "Engineering is a little light, so I would like to volunteer for that and other obvious reasons. Lawson showed no interest in the program, but Tyce Backo is a Corps of Engineers Specialist, I tried to get his help too but his duties as Assistant Chief kept him too busy. His credentials are impressive... and Doctor I do heartily apologize going over your head. If we can keep the program active, we can monitor it, so we can remove the new subroutines and upgrades, but may I suggest storing a local file onboard, purely in physical memory chips? SB 80 may develop a stable breakthrough and it would be vital for our interaction from afar to assist in the research."

"Contact SB 80 and establish whatever working relationship is needed and use the holodecks as needed." He looked to each officer, "anything else?"

Elas wanted desperately to tell both of them he was in dire need, his lack of control as far as Da'nal was compromising him as an officer, and Ayren... He needed to tell them but it wasn't the right time so he nodded silently, as had become his custom. He knew Da'nal would find out about him and Ayren eventually, and the Doctor was the right person, every sense screamed to tell them now before anything else happened. He stayed silent.

As there was no reply he looked to both of them, "Dismissed."

Rear-Admiral Da`nal

Lt j.g. Elas Vonti

Lt. Atri Bi'trell


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