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Why me...

Posted on 20 Apr 2014 @ 8:29pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Commander Anastasia Lyons

1,155 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: USS Achilles and Starbase 24
Timeline: MD 2 - 2345

[USS Achilles]

Da`nal entered the bridge and turned towards his ready room. The gamma shift watch officer stood but Da`nal waived him back down, he wasn't in the mood for unnecessary formalities. Here he had been preparing to promote Lantiq to Commander only to be forced to relieve him from duty. Upon entering he took a seat and activated his terminal. As it rose from the desk he turned to the replicator, "O'mat Gri T'M pffiots". It wa going to be a long night. The replicator hummed as his order materialized and he spoke to the computer.

After his meeting with Security and the Marine department heads several things had come to light and he had been forced to relieve them of duty, his XO key amongst them.

"Computer, locate officers within rendezvous range of our current flight plan that are eligible to hold a first officers position and are qualified to serve aboard a prometheus class starship. Eliminate all officers holding the rank of Captain & officers that have held the rank of Commander for more than one year." The last thing he needed was an XO the was to set the doing things their way.

"Current flight path of the USS Achilles extends into Romulan space."

"Disregard all officers currently serving on Federation ships or facilities within Romulan space."

The list of officers began to grow and he took a health bite of his food as he began to review one officer after another.

Sometime later he sat, gnawing on a bone absentmindedly as he tried to make a decision from the final three candidates. In the end he choose the one with that had extensively researched Klingon least this way there would be few cultural issues and if she had truly done her homework would know how to run things the way he would want them run.

Lt. Commander Lyons was currently assigned to the reconstruction of SB24. He and many of his crew knew that area of space well from the Kzinti war they had been involved in. After drafting the order he rose from his desk he once again heading out onto the bridge. This time passing instructions to the watch officer. "Alter course to SB24 and increase speed to compensate for the detour."

"Aye sir. How long will we be at 24 sir?"

"If all goes well...long enough to transport."

"Understood sir." Turning from the Admiral even as he move to leave the bridge he carried out his instructions. "Helm, you heard the order, alter course and take us to SB 24 and increase speed to keep us on schedule. They are still cleaning up that area while the new base is being constructed so we'll want to drop out of warp well outside the standard control zone."

"Roger that, new course laid in increasing speed to warp 7.4."

[Star Base 24]

Anastasia Lyons had been assigned to Starbase 24 for nearly two months now, she had wanted this posting to be the start of some excitement but it had been anything but. Tedious security drills on what was essentially a brand new, partially operational dust collector at this stage, what was the point? All she wanted was a bit action to get the heart racing.

Sighing with boredom, she decided to go and check her area of responsibility, "Let me know by comms if I'm needed..." she told the junior officer before exiting just as he was about to respond.

A Klingon Battle song could be heard as she wandered the decks, needlessly checking airlocks and securing rooms that the engineers had stopped working on for the day. The new decor looked fresh and clean but it was only a shell at the moment, only completed areas had working systems. Life support and minimal power for construction equipment was about all that area had. After some time, Ana arrived back on the Promenade and stopped to gaze at the stars, "When did my life get so boring?" she grumbled.

=^=Ops to Lt. Commander Lyons, The construction yard reports that another section of the dome is ready to be put in place. Ensure that section 40 of decks 200 thru 575 is clear. =^=

The chirp of her commbadge startled her back to reality and she sighed a response, =^= Lyons to Ops, message received and I'm on my way. =^=

"Excitement here we come!" she muttered sarcastically after the line was closed. After 45 minutes of pointlessly searching half installed office spaces and laboratories, Ana sighed as she returned to her station and opened a commline to Ops, yawning as she spoke whilst massaging her aching temples, =^= Lt. Commander Lyons to Ops, the palace of boredom is cleared for the dome section, as you knew it would be... =^=

=^=Don't sound so excited; you could be one of the pods hauling construction supplies...=^= The sound of a comm panel chirping could be heard through the open channel. =^=...well looky here. Looks like you have a message. Where do you want it?=^=

Ana raised a brow, she very rarely got messages and when she did it was bad news, "Patch it through to my station, Tom...Any idea who it's from?" she said as she tapped the command for honey and ginger tea into her office replicator, "And just so you know, being a worker pod maybe preferable at the moment." she sighed as she sat back at her desk with her drink, at least there would be more activity."

=^=Oh yeah well that can be arrange. You don't want to wait on this one, it's from the Task Force Commander condolences.=^=

Anastasia almost dropped her drink and sat up straight, "Wait, Tom, do you mean Da'nal?" she asked as she tapped her console rapidly, "Ops, confirm sender?" she asked, almost with fear. What could Da'nal want with her?

=^=Oh it's confirmed. Maybe he wants to use you as bait to check to see if the Kzinti learned their lesson?=^=

Lyons gulped, almost trembling as she started the message. She was visibly trembling at this point.

After not getting back the usual retort Tom got a little concerned. =^= Hey Lyons...You still there? I was only joking.=^=

=^-He wants me as his XO...=^= She responded with a slight gulp, =^=They're on the way here for crew transfer, I have to report to him then...=^=

=^=WOW...Well I guess congratulation are in order. Don't worry about things here, I will let the Commodore know. You get packed up and then the first rounds on me.=^=

=^=Thanks Tom, I'll invite my new boss too, I hear he likes drinking with his crew, I'll come up to Ops before I leave...Lyons, out.=^= Ana said excitedly, before darting off to her quarters to prepare. This was it, one more step closer to the Captain's Chair. The Klingon Battle song filled the air once more.

Rear-Admiral Da`nal

NPCs played by Da`nal

Lt. Commander Anastasia Lyons


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