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Tomek Dardos - New science officer

Posted on 24 Jul 2014 @ 2:14am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Ensign Tomek Dardos

1,227 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: Star Base 24 / USS Achilles
Timeline: Backpost - before entering Romulan space

[Star Base 24]

"Hmm," Tomek mused to himself as he finished reading a new book on alien cultures, "Interesting." His other soon-to-be crewmates sat in the spacious waiting room with him, each absorbed in thought or in some book or game on their pads. He glanced around quickly, his eyes taking in everything, noting the time on a chrono on the wall. Still a few minutes to Zero-Hour. He stood up, stretching his aching back as he did so, and walked around the chairs to a window that gave an excellent view of space. Somewhere out there, his passion lied, his dreams called to him. Extraterrestrials to study and experiment on. Tomek grinned. Maybe he would keep a few as pets, or maybe even slaves.

He shrugged. Although Starfleet did not approve of slavery, he was sure he could get around that fact by simply calling them 'lab assistants,' or 'indentured servants.'

Tomek started pacing alongside the window, impatient for the Achilles to get here...

[USS Achilles]

The Achilles dropped from warp and dropped to half impulse as it made a slow arch around the construction site. Da`nal sat in his seat recalling the last time they were here. "Hail the station and make sure everyone is ready for transport."

"Station Ops acknowledges with the Commodores respects. All personnel ready."

Nodding he gave the order. "Very good Contact our new crew and Energize."

"Aye sir." The operation officer on duty link with the Star Base and hailed inhabited areas of the station. =^=Crew transfers to the USS Achilles. Stand bye for transport in...three minutes.=^=

Once the transport was complete Da`nal rose from his seat. "Lieutenant you have the bridge. Resume course and increase speed to get us back on schedule."

[Star Base 24]

After a few more minutes of waiting, the Achilles finally jumped into view, causing a small gasp from the woman, or rather, girl; sitting next to him. She seemed to have some kind of disability with her legs, which was why she was sitting in a hover-chair. Tomek looked at her, saying, "Impressive, isn't she?" The woman nodded. Obviously, she didn't seem to talk much.

A voice rang over the intercom: =^=Crew transfers to the USS Achilles. Stand by for transport in...three minutes.=^=

Tomek shrugged and said, "Better get going," then turned and walked briskly to the transporter room. He couldn't wait to get started in his new laboratory...

[USS Achilles]

As the transporter effects faded the operator watched as two Ensigns and one Lt. Commander materialized. The engineer Stepped down and head off and the intel women floated off in her hover chair but the other one held back a bit. "Can I help you Ensign?"

Tomek stepped down from the pad, looking around at the room around him. "Uh, yes, actually. Can you please point me to the Research Division?" The operator pointed in the appropriate direction. "Thank you. Have a good day," Tomek responded. He walked off. He still had to get acquainted with his coworkers...

[Science Division]

After walking through the doors, Tomek stepped into the Science Lobby, only to find it empty. "Hrmm..." he mused to himself. He went over to the Xenobiology section to check out his personal laboratory. When he opened the door, he almost gasped. It was everything he had dreamt of, and more. The pristine hallway, the sealed containment units, he even had his very own desk! He was going to have lots of fun here...


Having completed his initial briefings with his new XO and CIO, Da`nal needed to stretch his legs. He knew he had other new additions of the crew to meet but he despised having to sit behind that deck. It wasn't long and he was passing by several of the science labs when he stopped. There was a slim chance his new science officer was here so he entered only to find the Ensign leaning back with his feet on the desk. Folding his arms across his chest, "Comfortable?"

Tomek grunted an affirmative, closed out the camera application, and glanced up to where a foreigner had entered. The Rear Admiral stood there, arms folded. Tomek half-coughed; half-choked, and scrambled out of his chair to get into attention. "Yes, sir! Ensign Dardos reporting for duty."

Stepping into the lab he left the officer at attention as he looked over the various items in the room. The officer wasn't some young, wet-behind-the-ears kid coming out of the academy. The man that had been in the chair was near 10 years older than the typical Ensign. "Duty? Looked like you were about to take a nap."

Tomek replied, shaking his head, "Oh, no sir, I was just... getting acclimated to my new work environment!" Tomek smiled and relaxed, noticing the laid-back demeanor of his superior. "Sir, I was wondering. I know that Starfleet allows testing on lab-rats and monkeys, but how would you be with me actually testing on the xenos themselves?"

The question had come completely unexpected and his memory flashed to the 'Testing' that was done by the Kzinti on their prisoners during the war and his demeanor, that had been relaxing, stiffened. "You are well aware of the Federation's policy, as well as interstellar law, concerning testing on sentient beings."

"Err, yes, of course," Tomek stammered, "I... was just, playing?" Tomek nervously laughed. "Damn it," he thought, "That was stupid."

Da`nal huffed at the mans nervousness. "Well as long as you do your duty you have nothing to fear from me Ensign, and if you like your predecessor kept an eye on a live supply of serpent worms for me. Experiment on them If you like...just make sure I have what I need for a bowl of gagh from time to time."

Tomek didn't quite know how to respond to that. Did his CO mean that he was free to do as he wished, as long as Da'nal had what he wanted? Tomek decided it was best to play it safe, and perform everything in secret. "Of course, sir. My apologies."

"Good. Currently, the sciences doesn't have a department head so you can report directly to the XO for assignments or any issues you have. Other than that. Welcome aboard."

The slim xenobiologist stated curtly, "Thank you, captain. If you don't mind, I'll be continuing getting acquainted with my workspace?" Tomek on the outside was the very picture of efficiency, but on the inside, his mind was working. He would have to pull up the crew database on the Achilles. Tomek was sure there was an engineer who could be bribed to install a fake panel or something like that, where the real work would get done.

Da`nal dismissed his being address and a Captain as there was a Federation tradition of any officer in command of a starship be addressed as Captain...regardless of rank. "Very well, get yourself settles in, but be quick about it. If you don't already know we are headed into Romulan space and everyone well be needed to assist in the relief efforts."

"Of course, Captain. Is that all I can help you with..." Tomek's voice trailed off.

Da`nal grinned and shook his head slightly. "For Just keep you feet planted while on duty."

Rear-Admiral Da`nal

Ens Tomek Dardos
Science Officer


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