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Medical Shell Game

Posted on 26 Jul 2014 @ 9:52pm by Commander Karen Myles & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

952 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD 4

[Sickbay - 0143]

Wallace was pulling a late night as he continued to review Ullian mental abilities and their effects on others. Leaning back he stretched the muscles in his back and neck. Yawning, he got up and replicated a cup of coffee and paced the sickbay to check on the single patient...who was snoring softly.

Sipping his coffee he looked over to him as he thought to himself; ~lucky bastard...~

Ever since Lt. Bi'trell had been reassigned to SB 47 the Achilles was without a CMO and given their current assignment he had learned that command felt they could manage until they returned to Federation space. As usual what did they know. While he was a competent medical officer he knew he was not a CMO...never wanted to be. Setting his coffee down he began to search to search for medical officers in the area that could be assigned to the Achilles. He rested his head in his hand while he waited on the computer to run the search. That was the last thing he remembered.


The next thing he realized that a nurse was shaking him gently. "Doctor Wallace...?"


"Sir, why don't you get yourself squared away. I will call you if anything happens."

Looking up at the nurse he grinned. "Thank you... A shower and a meal sound like a good idea. I won't be too long." As he rose she left and he transferred the search results to his PADD.

[USS Achilles - Officer's Lounge - 0718]

Wallace was refreshed and eating a hearty breakfast as he reviewed the list of CMO eligible officers. As he lifted another fork full he's eyes ran across an idea option...plenty of experience, and right on their planned flight path. It was perfect, now he had to present the idea to the XO without it looking like he was stepping on her toes. But before that he decided he would contact her and see if she was even interested in a starship posting. Setting the PADD down he finished his meal and took his triple shot café mocha and headed back to sickbay.

[Sick Bay]

Wallace took what had become his seat in the CMO's office and spoke to the computer. "Computer, open a channel to Commander Myles at Refugee Camp 3 in Cariel system."

"Working. Channel established, awaiting acknowledgement."

[Refuge Camp 3]

Sitting down in front of the computer terminal and pulled off a pair of gloves and ran a hand through her hair, trying to get it at least slightly presentable before she answered the call. She took a deep breath as she hit a few commands. "This is Commander Karen Myles, to whom am I speaking?" She took a sharp breath realising she sounded rather harsh, sleep had been a luxury here for her, she smiled softly as she added. "And how can I help you?"

Even disheveled he found her attractive and he dismissed her curtness with a grinn as the thought to himself. ~She looks like I felt a few hours ago...~ "Pardon the interruption Commander. I am Dr. Wallace aboard the Achilles. We are do to arrive there soon and I saw that you were due to rotate out of your relief assignment. I was wondering....." he. paused knowing he was certainly about to spoil her future plans. "...I'm sure you are looking forward to some well deserved time to yourself, would you be interested in a posted here? Our CMO was reassigned and while I'm a good doctor I'm no CMO. That and we have a medical issue here that I am frankly over my head."

She took a deep breath and held it for a few moments as a hand reached up to rub her forehead, she was about to reply when a bowl of stew caught her attention, calling it food did it too much justice. Looking back at the screen she shrugged slightly. "Well I suppose I wouldn't mind having a warm bed and real food again." She looked around for moment and then back at the screen with a slight smile. "Have your commanding officer clear it with Starfleet medical, should they both agree I'll be prepared to come aboard when your ship arrives."

Karen paused for a moment. "This medical issue you have, better be good it'll be keeping me from laying on a beach somewhere." she added with a smile.

~Well that was easier than expected...~ Wallace smiled genuinely and with relief, "I will make sure everything is taken care off. I will transmit the details of the case to you and I will find the best beach program there is for the holodeck to boot."

=/\= Doctor Karen Myles please report to triage centre four, repeat Doctor Karen Myles please report to triage centre four =/\=

Karen instinctively looked up as the loudspeakers sounded. She took a deep breath and held it for a moment before looking back at Wallace. "Well looks like my break is over, no rest for the wicked it seems." She shrugged slightly. "I'll try to find some time to look at the case notes before you arrive." She rolled her neck and winced slightly as she felt it crack with the customary cracking noise. "I'll hold you to your holo-program promise, Myles out."

As the screen went dark he leaned back with relief then opening a new file he copied the medical information encrypting it and transmitted it to her. Once that was done he needed to inform the XO & CO of his idea....but first he needed to speak to the Admiral directly about something far more important.

Commander Karen Myles
Consulting Physician, Refugee Camp

Dr. Wallace
Medical Officer - played by Da`nall


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