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Posted on 29 May 2014 @ 3:17am by Master Chief Petty Officer Lance Nelson

866 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: Engineering
Timeline: MD 3

Malone had arrived aboard the Achilles under somewhat dubious circumstances. He'd been one of many senior project supervisors on the reconstruction of Starbase 24, when he'd received sudden orders to stop what he was doing, and report aboard the USS Achilles as her Chief of Engineering. Whilst this wasn't necessarily an adverse direction to his career, he was distrustful of sudden changes to the status quo. Having spent most of his career in the services of the clandestine, 'sudden' developments were things to be distrusted.

All the same, he'd come aboard as ordered, and hadn't noticed anything unusual about the ship. Of course he'd read up on her, he would've been a fool not to have done so. He knew what she was, who commanded her, and some of her history. He was always prepared, and prepared thoroughly for everything. Another latch-on from his previous occupation was to always be ready for what was to come.

So he now found himself looking around the engineering section of the Prometheus class ship. She wasn't the largest vessel in all Starfleet, nor was she the most advanced, but she was a tiger. With the unmatched capabilities of MVAM, she was a force to be reckoned with, and a vessel to be deployed to areas where force may be required. Prometheus classes were a god-send to the fleet, because where three whole vessels might need to be detached, a single Prometheus could be sent - freeing up two ships for other duties, as well as leading foes to dramatically underestimate their opponent.

Lance had left the Admiral and the new XO on the bridge and went to seek out the new engineer that was on the list of officers they just grabbed off the SB 24 construction site. He was curious to see what kind of mood the officer would be in after being pulled off the project. Seeing the new CEO giving his new digs a look-see he approached him. "Lieutenant Commander Malone...Master Chief Nelson. The Admiral is busy with the new XO so I wanted to come down and see if there was anything you needed?"

Malone turned around at the voice of the Master Chief, and looked at him with a curious gaze. "No, thank you, Master Chief." He replied with a smile. "Its a pleasure to be aboard."

"So what do you think of our little row-boat?"

Kerry looked around, taking it all in. "Could be worse. Could be a Steamrunner. Those things are nasty little crap-boxes."

As he departed Lance turned and stepped closer. In a hushed tone, "Oh there is something you should know and will probably what to check in on."

"Oh?" The new CEO asked. "What might that be?"

"While we were at Earth, one of the Marines, found an old Klingon agonizer booth. He thought it would make a good gift for the Admiral from the crew and arranged to get it aboard and several of the crew have been working while off duty to restore the cargo bay 6."

"I hope they haven't just stuck it into the power system." Malone frowned. "Plugging in old tech into new tech isn't exactly simple."

"Agreed...but the are both Ops and Engineering staff working the project. Last I looked in they were replacing the original components with current technology while maintaining authenticity." Motioning to the wall panel, "When I heard about this little project I started thinking. Where to put this thing." He pulled up a diagram of the Admirals ready room and tapped the panel. "I thought if we relocated the aquarium to his quarters and installed it here we could conceal it with the holo-emitters that are already installed. What do you think Commander?"

"I think it'll be a bitch of a job, but its certainly do-able. The rooms are easily customizable to individual tastes, and as you say, most of what we need is pre-installed." He said, reviewing the diagram. "Don't you think it'll be a tad tricky to kick the Admiral out of his office to install this thing, without him knowing about it?"

Lance grinned. "Oh ye of little faith. Klingons HATE paperwork and as the Admirals yeoman I can...arrange...the proper window of opportunity."

"Well, lets hope you get that figured out." Kerry smirked. "I'm not sure I like doing endruns around the CO, but its for a good cause."

Lance nodded. "Good to know and the Admiral will like that. But if you want to check on the miscreants in the cargo bay I will get you a time to meet with the Admiral and see what I can come up with to get you the time you need to install their surprise."

"Thank you Master Chief." Kerry said.

Lance sketched salute with two fingers to his brow and grinned before heading off. After a few steps he turned, "Oh and I will get a one on one scheduled for you with the Admiral as well."

"Thank you again, Master Chief." Kerry smiled. "I'd better go find out what these people are up to."

LtCmdr. Kerry Malone
Chief Engineer
NPC by Sharpe

MCPO Lance Nelson
NPC played by Da`nal


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