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An Uneasy Meeting

Posted on 10 May 2014 @ 4:13pm by Lieutenant Commander Anastasia Lyons & Lieutenant Matt'ew al-Altaa

1,439 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: XO's Office
Timeline: MD 3 - 1600 HRS
Tags: AM


Ana was sitting at her office terminal going through the ship's shift rotations when she noticed the time. The new Intel Chief was supposed to be dropping by for a departmental review. Unfortunately, according to her chronometer, he was a few minutes late. Not exactly the best way to give a good first impression.

Matt'ew was hurrying to get to the Executive Officer's office. He knew that he was late, and he was angry with himself for not budgeting his time better. After he had done his rounds in his department, he had to return to his quarters to perform his daily prayers. As he had not yet had a chance to unpack all of his possessions, he had had to first unpack his religious icons and set them up properly.

He finally reached the door to the Executive Officer's office. He took a quick second to straighten his uniform, and then pressed the call button located on the right side of the door.

"Enter!" Lyons called out upon hearing the door chime, she looked up and grinned as the new Intel Officer came into view as her office doors slid open.

Hearing her command, the computer opened the doors, allowing the tall Betelgeusian to enter. "My apologies, Commander," he bowed his head in submission. "I was detained due to a personal matter. It will not happen again in the future."

Ana shook her head and gestured to the seat opposite her desk, "No harm done, I was just looking over the duty rotations for each department, I presume you have yours?" she said, avoiding probing into his personal life. If there was an issue that would affect his work, he looked the type that would speak up.

"Yes, Ma'am." He handed over the PADD he was carrying which laid out, in great detail, how he had broken down the shifts in his department to four, six hour shifts. Each officer would command a shift and command the group of enlisted personnel that were also assigned that shift. He had made it so that he had alpha shift, which was from zero eight hundred, to fourteen hundred hour. The two middle shifts would have the junior officers in command. And delta shift, zero two hundred to zero eight hundred hours would be commanded by his department exec, Reva.

After handing the PADD over, he stood at parade rest, in front of Lyons' desk, as he had not been given permission to sit yet.

"Thank you, have a seat before you strain something..." she joked, placing the PaDD on her desk before standing and approaching the replicator, "How are things in Intel then?" she asked as she ordered her usual tea. "Can I get you anything?"

"Thank you, Ma'am," he replied stoicly. He then lowered his tall frame into one of the guest chairs in front of the XO's desk. In response to her question, he responded with, "Altair Water please, Ma'am."

Nodding, the blonde XO ordered the unusual request and turned back to face him, "So? How is your department?" she asked, placing his drink in front of him. "You were so eager to get down there...."

Matt'ew pursed the lips of his speaking mouth slightly before answering. "So far, Ma'am, I would rate my department as average." He reached forward, picked up the glass and lifted it slightly in a salute. "Thank you." He then leaned his head back slightly, opened his beak, and slowly poured some of the water into his eating mouth. Afterwards, when he had had what he wanted, he closed his beak, sat upright and continued speaking with his other mouth. "Give me a couple weeks, and I'll have the Intelligence Department running like clockwork, Ma'am."

"Have you had a chance to interact with any other crew members aside from me and the CO? And how does the Achilles differ from your last posting?" Lyons asked, curious to see how a fellow newbie assessed things, "I am new myself and the pace certainly a step up from previous postings, I'm handling it pretty well though I think..."

Matt'ew started to shake his head as he replied. "Outside of Sickbay and my department, no Ma'am, not yet. As for how the Achilles differs? A great deal. My previous assignment was on a Science vessel, the USS Einstein. She was a tidy little ship, but not really something you'd want to take into any real combat. For the short time I was there, the commander and crew seemed very competent and personal."

"And you and the Admiral seem to have hit it off okay, what do you make of him?" she asked. sipping her tea, "I am still making my mind up."

If possible, Matt'ew sat up even straighter. "Are you asking for my professional assessment of the officer, or my personal opinion of the man, Commander? "

"Both Lieutenant, I am asking for both. From one noobie to another, nothing serious." Ana said softly, merely creating conversation.

Matt'ew considered the XO's question. "Well, Ma'am, professionally speaking, the Admiral's record definitely speaks for itself. He has proven himself to be a capable leader. As for the man? I have not known him long enough to make a proper assessment. However, so far, he seems to be a friendly and open man."

Ana nodded in agreement, "Do you think we'll encounter any...issues with him during the mission, being as close as we are to Klingon space?" she asked, trying to be as diplomatic as possible, not trying to bash her new CO but just trying to gain all the facts.

Matt'ew tilted his head slight to his left. This line of discussion was starting to make him a bit uneasy. "Is there something specific you are referring to, Ma'am?"

The blonde woman shrugged slightly, as if sensing his uneasiness. "Nothing serious before you start thinking that, I am just aware how loyal Klingons are. I just worry that that same loyalty might affect his judgement. Saying that however, he seems unwavering so far. But it's my job to worry on these things, no?"

Matt'ew could not argue with her logic. "Yes, Ma'am, when you put it that way." He took a moment to collect his thoughts, then continued. "As far as I've read of his personnel file, I find no indications that he might have any hesitations in defending the Federation, where his fellow Klingons are concerned."

"I think you're right, I am just overanalysing the situation." she replied, closing the topic. Ana did however make a mental note to bring the topic up with the Admiral when next they spoke in private.

"Was there anything else you wanted to discuss while you have my attention?" she asked, picking up the PaDD and glancing over it, "You seem to have everything under control though..."

Matt'ew thought for a second and then replied, carefully. "Over analyzation aside, do you wish for me to stay alert for anything...out of the ordinary, Ma'am?"

Ana nodded slightly, "Good idea but keep it on the down low, we don't want the CO thinking we don't trust him. When in fact, we are looking out for him, aren't we?"

Matt'ew's chest swelled slightly. "Of course, Ma'am! I was not implying anything to the contrary."

The XO raised a hand slightly and smiled at him warmly, "I am well aware of what you meant, Lieutenant, if I thought otherwise, we would not be having this conversation. No insult was intended, if there was then I whole heartedly apologise." she said as she leant forward in her seat.

"It is because I trust you that I mentioned my concerns to you..." she added.

Seeming to be put at ease by her pronouncements of both regret and trust in him, Matt'ew calmed down. He took a breath and nodded. "I understand, Ma'am. I will ensure that your trust is not misplaced." A pause. "Is there anything else you wish to discuss with me, Ma'am?"

Ana shook her head, "Unless you have anything else to add, you are dismissed."

Matt'ew shook his head silently. Then he stood, turned toward the door and started to leave.

"Oh and Lieutenant?" she said, stopping him for a moment. "Glad to have you aboard." Ana offered her hand to him.

The Betelgeusian took his XO's offered hand into his own large hand and returned the friendly shake. Then he tilted his head forward as he replied. "Thank you, Ma'am. It's an honor to be here." He then released her hand, turned, and left her office.


Lt. Commander Anastasia Lyons
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Matt'ew al-Altaa
Chief Intelligence Officer


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