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A Rare Gift - All the Kings Horses - Part 1

Posted on 29 May 2014 @ 3:31am by Ensign Jessica Logan (PNPC) & Master Chief Petty Officer Lance Nelson & Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan & Lieutenant Lucas Mason

1,077 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: Cargo Bay 6
Timeline: Premission thru MD 3

[Still in Earth Orbit]

Lance got an unusual message while wrapping up some paperwork; all it said was to go to Cargo Bay 6. Needless to say is only took a short time and after he walked in and rounded a few containers he came face to face with a mess. Parts and pieces of....who knows what were being scattered about. "What the hell is this mess?"

Mentally, Eirias cursed. The Master Chief was the last person he wanted to encounter right now, as it was a sure path to the Admiral finding out about the booth. His only hope was that since Ayren called them in here, she could put a plug in him. For the moment, he straightened up and came to attention as required when addressing one of a superior rank. "Master Chief, the 'mess' is the parts, supplies, and housing of an agonizer booth recovered from the salvage yard on Luna."

Lance's eye went wide. "What found an old agonizer booth and brought it aboard!?

"Yes Master Chief, with the complete agreement and consent Commander Kelan." Eirias decided to make sure he mentioned his reference point for this, to make sure Lance would have to contact her directly. "Permission to resume reconstruction, Master Chief?" He asked directly.

Raising his hands in surrender he shook his head he chuckled. "Don't let me stop you."

"Aye, Master Chief." Eirias responded, and went back to work on the device in front of him.


In the mean time, Ayren thought if she got the Chiefs of Operations & Engineering involved things would go quicker. She was excited on behalf of Dan'al. She grinned as she walked into Operations. When she saw Jsioasi she approached him. "Lieutenant, may I please see you in private for a moment?" Ayren said.

[Some time later]

Word had reached her that there was a special and secret project being worked on for the Admiral and having served with him from the beginning she wanted in on it. Logan had just gotten off duty and made her way down to the cargo Lance had told her about. Peaking around the corner she saw the poor lost soul trying to things together. "Need some help?"

Eirias on the other hand, was still in the middle of the room using a microwelder on a piece of equipment that looked like it had seen better years. Focusing on the repair, he decided to finish it before looking around. "Be with you in just a moment. Engineering or operations?" He asked.

Putting her hands on her hip as she watched and waited. "From know that metal looks in bad shape. Wouldn't it be easier to replicate a replacement using the specifications from scans of the original?"

Finishing the weld work, he turned around and faced her, looking for a rank identifier. "I thought about that, but I don't have access to that level of replicator use being a Marine. That would come from your department or engineering. Anyone had a chance to fill you all in on the objective here?"

Striding into the bay, Marcus was surprised to see the green of the Marines holding a welder and obviously having done some of the work already. Arriving just in time to hear the question asked, the young Ensign chuckled. "Yeah, you found an item that apparently needs to be reconditioned and reassembled, and is slated for the Admiral's use. I'm from Engineering." Looking over the parts, he wasn't quite able to figure everything out.

Shifting back to attention at the sight of the Ensign, Eirias couldn't help but mentally sigh. "That's correct sir. This is an agonizer booth, or the parts of one. The objective given is to recondition it to working status and install it in the Admiral's ready room. The main power conversion module is missing, as is the inverter. The sensor system has been badly degrades, and the isolinear chips that contain the vital sign monitoring are...well, damaged."

"At ease PFC, if we're going to be working on this, you can't be overly formal. So from the sounds of this, you're working on refurbishing the exterior, and you need myself and our operations person here to get the other parts working. Logan, if you'd take the sensors and chips, along with getting the hookup established in the ready room I'll handle the module and inverter. That frees up the PFC to work on the exterior so it looks decent, and handle any other minor issues in the process. Sound good to everyone?" Marcus asked.

Logon began pushing up her sleeves grinning. "Calling me Jessie...lets get the replicators humming as well. No reason to give the boss a patched up present when we can do a full restoration with new components that just look old. If we are going to do this lets do it right. Besides if we use new components it'll be easier to link to the ships computer and power systems."

"Understood. Here's the physical scans of the components, I already did all of them." Eirias handed the PADD's with the specs to the two volunteers, and began the work of dismantling the casing again.

Taking the PADD and a moment to watch the PFC work, Marcus was again surprised at the enthusiasm expressed on such a menial job. The notes on the inverter and module took a bit to decipher as the PFC's thought process differed, but it gradually began to make sense. Making notations, he setup a drawing to match the needed parts based on current technology as suggested by Jessie.

Standing next to him Jessica looking over as Marcus worked and grinned. She turned and head out enthusiastically, calling back as she walked away. "I will head over to Engineering to get the industrial replicator online. Send me what you need and I will have it beamed over after fabrication." She was nearly at a jog when the doors to the bay doors closed behind her.

For the next couple of hours, Eirias was busy submitting the scans back down to Jesse in Engineering, and watching as the new parts came back to the bay. He couldn't help but watch Marcus as the engineering officer carefully started piecing the components back into place and testing them, as this was something outside his previous training. Gradually, he caught on to the rhythm and methodology, and was able to help speed the process along.



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