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Pride and Prejudice

Posted on 23 Apr 2014 @ 7:38pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,320 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: Romulan Space - Cariel system
Timeline: MD 3

S'Talon climbed the steps to the t'Khellian estate but as he reached the top he turned to watch the sun rise over distant mountains, longing for the familiar views from the his families home on Romulus. Since the destruction of his home and the realization that he was the last of his family he had come to serve the t'Khellian house. His hope to one day rebuild his family and restore them to their doubt a hope shared with many on Cariel and elsewhere. Turning he entered the estate looking to find Mistress t'Khellian.

Whilst the setting was rustic and the house a mere fifty years old modern security had not been ignored in the planning. The perimeter alarm had sounded deep within the mansion even before the man's foot had touched the first step.

Deletham, a retainer of Isha's late husband approached her office on silent feet. Private Secretary to the leader of one of the few houses who had neither gone insane nor taken up the ill considered persuit for power was one that he was satisified with at his time of life. Besides, he had known Isha since her marriage, and whilst he would not claim to understand her, he understood her enduring committment to his former master.

He entered the office on silent feet and paused a respectful distance between the doorway and her desk. "Madam t'Khellian, there is another one approaching."

Isha raised her head from her document. "Only one? Then do go and find out what he requires. If it is a matter I need to deal with bring him to me, otherwise direct him to the administrative office in the old town."

Deletham nodded. It was the response he had expected but to meet the newcomer without her knowing of his arrival would be unforgivable in his ears.

He made is way down the marbled hall and opened the heavy door just far enough for him to slip through. It was a short walk through the garden, then he waited for the newcomer to reach him.

Seeing the man ahead of him standing there as if he was waiting for him S'Talon slowed as he neared. "I have arrived with updated information on both the local and outlying refugee settlements as instructed. I was also given information to brief Lady t'Khellian on Federation supplies and recent Klingon activities. If you will take me to her."

Every new arrival claimed to be the bearer of news, but it was not Deletham's place to judge. He linked his long sindly fingers and allowed the sleeves of his robe to slip over his joined hands. "Come this way," he said simply, careful not invite small talk.


Isha observed the greeting on the screen on the top of the desk. "I don't recognise him," she said aloud then as Deletham began to show the newcomer the way she folded down the screen and the desk became a single polished wooden surface again, in keeping with the 'simple' colony she had founded.

She got to her feet and crossed to the glass doors that ran from floor to ceiling looking out over the lake she'd had excavated and filled to recreate part of the garden of her late Husband's House. There was an element of serendipity there - those orks had taken place fifty years ago and now she looked out on one of the few accurate representations of a ch'Rihan landscape, and possinly ironic since she had retired here to escape the twin traps of politics and power. It seemed that those perilous cloaks could not do without her.

"Madam, the Newcomer," Deletham said.

How did he move so silently?

"Thank you, Deletham. Do remain," she said. Isha turned slowly and cast her gaze over the Newcomer."You are?"

Bowing his head respectfully, "My Lady, I am one of many that has lost almost everything when our home was destroyed. I am merely an administrator serving your family as it serves our people. I my name is S'Talon...S'Talon tr'Nanclus."

"tr'Nanclus, a hundred refugees a week come into this office, and I find that they all claim to be bearing a message of import. One in a thousand does. Deletham informs me you have information. Is that so?" To Federation ears her approach would be brusque, but Isha was affording the newcomer every respect, in particular avoiding any familiarity that might diminish his standing.

He was puzzled by her apprehension but given her family history he could understand why she was so guarded. "I could have summited the regular status's through the normal channels as usual. However I came across new information I thought you should hear as soon as possible. Thus I came here personally."

Isha stepped away from the light of the window and into the relative shadow of the room, "Then tell me your news, tr'Nanclus," she continued as she sat at her side of the desk and motioned for him to take the seat opposite.

Placing a tablet on her desk. "That contains the regular status of the various camps in the sector, Status of Federation supplies and the pending arrivals, the current Federation starships assign to patrol Romulan space. Additionally there are continued reports of Klingon raids on the border worlds but this is nothing new. Now as you may or my not know my family has a history with the Tal Shiar. Through some of the old contact I was informed that there is a strong possibility of a major Klingon incursion in the near future. I reached out to the Tal Shiar, or what's left of it, and they plan on 'looking into it'." Nodding to the tablet, "I thought it odd though that I hear this rumor at the same time there is an inspection of Federation relief efforts being done by a Klingon Admiral."

Isha chuckled softly to herself - a Klingon Admiral? "The Tal'Shiar are not without their reach," she said, "though I confess it depends on which branch one consults. Tell me, why would the Federation allow a Klingon Admiral to inspect their efforts when it is Klingons as ever doing their best to hamper progress?"

She had an inkling of why. Someone had gone up in the world since their last encounter, but she was not about to offer that thought.

Having no love for Klingons at all still hesitant of the Federations motives, "Well I find it hard to believe this Admiral is actually going to be here to help. Let alone intervene on our behave against his own people..."

Isha sighed and leaned back in her chair, her hands splayed on the surface of the desk before her. "In my experience they are unpredicatable, arrogant and have a code of honour that is convenient only for them, as for the Federation, well it contains most of the extremely devious species of the quadrant. Put those together and -" she raised her hands and clapped them together as she sat forward, "- you arrive at potentially the worst combination. I hardly expect help from powers that have made every effort to shave territory at the first opportunity."

Even with their assistance their was generations of distrust of the Federation, and he had grown up and been trained to exploit the openness of the Federation and the opportunities that offered them. He glanced behind him as others has arrived at her summons.

"What is the latest news from our scattered friends?" Isha asked.

The woman who had entered had eyes just like Isha's, since Isha's retirement before the catastrophe Aidoann, her daughter had assumed leqadership of the House Illialhlae. She now kept the peace between that house and the Khelliana, and the squabbling factions - most of which were waiting until Isha picked a side and allied her colony and its intact Tal'Shiar division with one side or the other.


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