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Briefing for a Milk Run

Posted on 18 Apr 2014 @ 10:15pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan & Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Lieutenant Jsioasi & Lieutenant Elas Vonti & Lieutenant JG Telemachus Rahde & Major Richard Sharpe

1,878 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: Deck One - Observation Lounge
Timeline: MD 2 - 1300

The word had been given and the Achilles was on it's way out of Earth's solar system. Soon they would be at warp and on their way to their next assignment. He has sent out word to his senior staff to meet him in the observation lounge so that he could inform them of their assignment and other recent developments. As he waited for everyone's arrival he re-examined the details and drank from his ra'taj.

Ayren walked in and seeing that no one was there yet, she slipped her hands around his neck from behind and gave him a quick kiss on his temple. She was still shaken by her experiences the night before, but hoped it was only an isolated incident. Dan'al had said nothing, so she wasn't sure if he knew at this point that she ended up in sickbay, which was good. She would have no idea how to explain all of that. "Hello you sexy beast..." she whispered in his ear, before she took a seat.

Elas arrived outside but felt both of them inside. The Imzadi... their telepathic connection was stimulating his senses still raw from the encounter the night before. He took a deep breath, and calmed himself as best he could before walking in. He stayed to the far side of the room, though the distance didn't matter. Their gaze upon him made him flush with embarrassment. These feelings were supposed to be shared only between the two of them but his connection to Ayren was now an out of control torrent. She probably wasn't even aware he could feel their love, or that it was eroding at his control. He took a seat, a swift bow before sitting in greeting was all he could manage.

Despite his display the previous evening after having "let his hair down" he was ready to get back down to business. He had enjoyed Ayrens embrace and her scent but now that others were arriving, especially when they were telepathic, it was time to ease up on the PDA.

The cyborg was next to arrive. Lieutenant Jasioasi stopped when he entered. His reflective eyes did not appear to move, but he was looking at each of them rapidly in turn. The data from his senses gave him strange feeling as he tried to analyze it, as if he had missed something going on between the three already present. Quiet. That was the most unusual thing, most species liked to talk before meetings, he'd found. He decided to try his hand at catalyzing conversation, not one of his strongest points. "Good afternoon, everyone," he said, carefully modulating his calm, even voice with a pleasant overtone as he took his seat, "At least, I hope it is?"

"Sometimes you have to bring your own good afternoons," Doctor Bi'trell said behind Jasioasi, patting him gently on his shoulder as she passed by.

From the brief glance she managed, and what she could pick up from the corner of her eye, Ayren seemed well enough - all things considered. Atri was hoping to be able to discuss the event of the night before in detail with Elas, if for nothing else but to flesh out her record of the event; of course, there was enough "else" inherent in the event for her to want a deeper understanding.

She smiled as she took her seat, and mock-whispered across the table to the Ops Officer, "I hope we brought enough."

One such arrival was the marine executive officer, the recently arrived Lt Sharpe. Having received the summons, he'd quickly replicated a brand new uniform, and polished his boots, comm badge and insignia. He would leave no room for the Admiral to find fault with his appearance. He used beard suppressant on his face, and tidied his hair, and then set off for the observation lounge.
He'd arrived conspicuously earlier than anyone else, with the exception of the CO and the XO. However, he wouldn't let that bother him, and toyed for the moment with coming to attention, but given that it was a meeting, that sort of parade formality seemed out of place. "First Lieutenant Sharpe, just come aboard, Admiral." He said, by way of introduction, since hadn't actually met the command team yet.

While Da`nal had approved the Marines assignment this was their first meeting. He rose and offered him his hand, "Welcome to the Achilles. I have to let you know that you are joining a battle hardened group of Marines."

Richard accepted the hand. "Pleasure to be aboard sir." He said, simply. One did not bandy words with a flag officer.

Lantiq nodded to the new Marine officer "Welcome aboard Mister Sharpe"

"Thank you sir." Richard nodded.

Upon receiving the summons Rebecca had been all business, she had pushed her lingering personal problems aside (as if they were ever really going to go away for a long time). She had been hiding herself away in her cabin or her office for much of their stay at Earth, except when she had gone down to Earth to see her father in person, so it was about time she got herself back out and about, besides she had a job to do and all the paperwork in the world didn't mean she could get away with not getting out there. So she had quickly checked her uniform, made sure the rest of her appearance was befitting a Marine Officer and made her way to the Observation Lounge. She was pleasantly surprised to find her MXO already there, this was certainly an improvement over the last one.

"Good Morning Admiral," Rebecca said by way of greeting, managing to muster a smile, she then nodded to the other two officers present. "Commander, Lieutenant."

Telemachus had just finished reading up on the security personal when he got the summons, he straightened up his uniform and put his shoes back on before making for the observation lounge,

Telemachus stopped just short of entering the lounge, he attempted to control his mind before continuing into the lounge "Good day Admiral,' he look around and nodded to the other people in the room "Captain, Commander, Lieutenant"
Lucas entered the observation lounge right on time and was mildly surprised to see it already full of the other senior officers. It was no matter, he wasn't late. He walked to his seat and sat down waiting for the briefing to begin.

Now that everyone had arrived Da`nal laid the PADD he held on the table. "I hope everyone enjoyed themselves last night. No one hung over?"

Grinning at the banter and got down to business as he wanted to keep this meeting as brief as possible. "Given the hearing and the events leading to it Admiral Rittenhouse felt that we need a "break from the norm". So our next mission will be what I've heard humans call a 'milk run'. We are heading into Romulan space to inspect Federation Refugee facilities to make sure our relief efforts are meeting their needs as well as to check on the Starship assigned to patrol the Romulan-Klingon border. This may seem like a 'milk run', but will still have our duty so I want us to render whatever aid we can."

Looking from officer to officer he laid out his expectations.

"Commander Kelan your service will no doubt be need to deal with any grievances from Planetary or Camp leadership. Be sure they understand that we are here to make sure that any discrepancies are identified and addressed, but that we aren't equipped to do everything ourselves."

Ayren look to her mate with a wide grin and nodded. She made a few notes on her PADD, wondering if she should contact Isha or if that might open an old wound for Da`nal

"Lt. Bi'trell, I want you and your staff to look over the medical situations at camp, report on the overall conditions and see to an emergency needs."

She was anxious at the opportunity to do so real good and to show her new CO what she was capable of. "We'll be ready sir."

Noting her enthusiasm he replied, "Good.

"Lt. Lawson, before you leave at the SB-24 I want you to prep the Engineering staff to see if there are any repairs needed to existing equipment or facilities that might be needed. See to any immediate needs, anything major just report so that they can be addressed."

"Aye sir."

Lt. Jsioasi, work with Engineering as needed, but also see if the site's power needs are being met and if the current supply runs are adequate or if they need increased... or even decreased."

"I will have a full report available promptly, Admiral," Jsioasi assured Da'nal.

"Capt. Post...Lt. Rahde, look over the security situation of each camp from top to bottom. There have been reports of raids by random Klingon forces across the border, harassing remote refugee camps and non Federation supply ships...that sort of thing. So far these raids have seem to simply rogue operations by some, but if things continue my people may get emboldened. The last thing the Federation want to see is a official action by the Klingon Empire. Look over the overall tactical situation and see what is need to close the gaps along the border."

He hadn't been addressed directly, and when in the presence of a flag officer, one didn't just opt in one's opinion without being asked. Especially if you were a junior officer - which Sharpe most certainly was. He had no doubt that Captain Post would assign most of the administrative duties of this order to him, so he was glad to be here to at least listen to what was being proposed for the detachment. He was already formulating a few ideas, which he would gladly share with Captain Post and the Sergeant Major once they were back in Marine Country.

Post nodded as she took in the task her detachment had been assigned.

"Yes Sir," She nodded.

Telemachus started making notes on a pad "aye sir "he said grinning

"The Romulans are a proud race and there may be some who resent the fact that the Federation in involved at all. Lt. Vonti, I want you to report on your overall impression of the mental state of the camps we visit."

Elas acknowledged Da'nal with a nod, keeping his tight lipped stance. He added "cultural research" of the colony worlds to his priorities, he needed to be intimate with details in their daily life or he would get nowhere in discussion with them. He also planned to gather data for Romulan/Vulcan re-unification sentiment, a personal fascination of his.

Looking out over everyone he close the briefing. "Get yours people ready and pre-stage any supplies you think might be needed. Captain Post, Lieutenants Sharpe and Rahde I need you to remain. Everyone else is dismissed."

Lucas noted there was nothing specific for him, but based on the assignments Da'nal handed out there would be a lot for him to review and catch up on. Plus "milk runs" seldom turned out to be without challenges.

Rear-Admiral Da`nal

Lieutenant Lucas Mason

Lieutenant Jsioasi

Lieutenant JG Telemachus Rahde


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