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Posted on 18 Apr 2014 @ 10:17pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Sergeant Major Arcenio Velez & Captain Rebecca Post & Lieutenant JG Telemachus Rahde & Major Richard Sharpe

3,476 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: Observation Lounge
Timeline: MD 2 -1340

[Obesrvation Lounge - Prior to Briefing]

Even though the hearings into the ships excursion into the past had cost him a few crew members he was glad to be underway once again and able to get back to business. The activities of the previous evening had been a welcome diversion, bu.t now it was back to work First on his plate was his plan to give his Marines a more active roll in ships security. To that end both he and his XO awaited the arrival of the security chief and the Marine command staff in order to hammer out the details.

"I think this is a sound concept Admiral" Lantiq offerred "But having seen inter-service rivalry cause problems in the past we may have some difficulty implementing it..."

"We all serve Federation and Starfleet Commander..." Da`nal interrupted. "...besides, rivalry can also drive both sides to excel were without the challenge they would stagnate. You are correct though, it can be a double edged sword, but I think the benefits outweigh the risks."

[Following the Briefing]

Now that everyone else had left he rose from his chair, standing behind it as he began. "While we hade several people added to our crew there were several transfers that were denied... those transfers I denied were to the security department. The reason for this this that with the Marines stationed aboard we already have a security force. I want to have some of the Marines assigned to Lt. Rahde as a security detail."

Given that it was her Marines that would be used Rebecca spoke up first.

"That's certainly doable, whilst the majority of my Marines aren't trained for investigations, we can definitely handle standard patrols, and naturally we can aid in militarily securing the ship in the event of an attack," She replied. "I and my Marines are eager and willing to help wherever required aboard, Sir."

Coming from a special operations background, Sharpe was familiar with starship layouts, as they often drilled on combat situations of boarding hostile ships. "Whilst I would never disagree with the Captain, I do have to emphasise that marines are not specifically trained to the same level as security personnel. They're trained for take-downs and combat, not police action and investigations. I would concur with Captain Post by stating that our people would really only be of use in situations where projected force would be required. Marines are a hammer, Admiral, security people are scalpels." He looked to Lt Rahde.

"I would also ask, has Lieutenant Rahde any experience with working with marines in his area of operations before?" Sharpe posed. "Our training is a little different from his, and there might be integration issues. Perhaps we should schedule some cross-departmental training regimes, so that marines know how security work? We wouldn't want any mistakes to occur because of poor communication and a lack of understanding of protocols. I would also say that Lt Rahde's people, especially his supervisory staff, would do well to know how marines operate, so that they can utilize our people effectively whilst undertaking security duties."

He quickly added; "Respectfully suggesting, sir." Looking to Admiral Da'nal and Captain Post.

Lantiq listened, while Post had shown an eagerness to take on the new role, he was disappointed Sharpe had fallen into the old rhetoric of marines only having a specialized combat role. Coming from a culture of a combined Bajoran Militia these reservations puzzled him. "The problems with being a "hammer" Lieutenant, "he addressed Sharpe, "Is that it's a tool that can do but a single task, hit things. While it is extremely effective at that task, this ship needs tools that are capable of multiple tasks. If needs be I can bang in a nail using a spanner or a pair of pliers, but I can't undo a bolt or cut wire with a hammer..."

"I agree we need to devise some integration protocols but I believe Marines are expected to adapt and overcome, " Lantiq continued "I therefore expect them to adapt to following the directives of Security supervisors and adapt quickly. I will not tolerate any insubordination between Marines and Starfleet Security Officers or NonComs nor will I accept any excuses about "mis-communication". I trust that is clear Lieutenant?

"With all due respect sir, this isn't a one-way street in terms of education." Sharpe bristled at being singled out by the XO. "The security department are going to need to learn how we work too. Also, marines do not make excuses. It is merely my duty to point out logistical issues that may arise, so that they can be dealt with effectively from the get-go." 

Da`nal interjected. "It goes without saying that there is going to be a learning curve...on both sides. But I think we can all agree that is better to keep the crew engaged. It has been my experience that when a unit has nothing to do but train, moral gets low and over training can dull operational effectiveness. Those Marines assigned to Security will remain Marines, though under Lt. Rahde's command for the duration of their assignment."

Rebecca was not particularly impressed with her MXO's attitude towards this whole idea, the last thing she needed was any member of her detachment giving any indication of the standard stereotype of a Starfleet Marine. Those days were long gone, with the SFMC being integrated into ship's company they simply had to learn to get along. She wouldn't have expected this from her MXO after their first meeting.

"I should also point out that Starfleet Marines have been used in peacekeeping and quasi-law enforcement roles on frontier worlds where there is trouble," Rebecca added. "I'm sure that if we can deal with civvies in good order we can do the same with our own people."

"Mister Rahde," Lantiq continued " I assume you and your team are capable of giving appropriate training, instruction and leadership to Captain Post's willing Marines in shipboard security procedures?"

Telemachus had sat quietly up until this point "You assume correctly commander , I do however have some ideas for integrating the Marines into the security forces." Telemachus sat forward "I also believe that both Security and Marine personnel will need to be brought up to speed so to speak"

Da`nal nodded. He was liking where this was going and that both department heads were for the idea. "Captain Post, perhaps to seal the deal one of your officers could take on the duties of Assistant Security Chief?"

"I would suggest Lieutenant Sharpe" Lantiq offered "In that position he will be able to deal with his concerns about any logistical issues that may arise"

Richard, who up until this point, had been sitting quietly after the rebuke of what he felt were legitimate points of interest. It was his job as Marine XO to think about the logistical problems, whilst the CO thought about other factors. He felt he'd been doing his job the way he was supposed to, but apparently it was his role to sit there and agree without complaint every silly idea that is ever submitted, without comment. After the XO nominated him for Deputy Security, he snapped out of his sullen mood and looked towards the head of the table. "Huh?" Was all he managed. Not exactly the most articulate of replies.

Lantiq raised an eyebrow behind his dark glasses. Sulking was not an attribute one expected of Marine officers  "I was proposing you would be a suitable candidate to fulfill the position of Assistant Chief of Security, Mister Sharpe. Since you believe there will be a number of problems involved in integrating your people into the ships security functions this will put you in a position to deal with any such problems swiftly and effectively. I trust you are up to the task of assuming those additional responsibilities?"
So he hadn't been hearing things. He'd have to be deputy for both the marine unit *and* the security division. Man was this a strange day or what? He was wondering if they were just razzing on him because he was the new guy who'd dared to voice an opinion. He certainly seemed to have pissed off the XO without even trying. "I'm sure I'll have no problems, Commander." Was all he could say.
Lantiq nodded, "Good, I'm sure you will do a fine job." The Bjaoran gave Da'nal a glance and then continued, knowing the Admiral had no time for any level of insubordination from junior officers and hoping Sharpe would get the message, he said "Although I do not believe this to be necessary, but for the sake of the record, I will state that in matters of ship security you will fall under the authority of Lieutenant Rahde and the Achilles' command team. In all other Marine matters you will revert to Captain Post's chain of command. Is that clear Mister Sharpe?"
So now his life was twice as complicated as it had been before. Bravo Richard. You've put both feet in your mouth and decided to chew. You should've just stayed quiet and let those with rank do the talking. Now look where opening your big mouth has gotten you. All these rebukes were running around his head, with the additional view that he had seen the look of disappointment in Captain Post's face when he'd voiced his opinions. He had a lot of work to do now, and most of it uphill. "Very good, Commander." He replied, deciding that there was no point voicing an objection to what was clearly set in stone. Insubordination was just not something he could contemplate as a marine.
"Captain Post, anything to add?" Lantiq asked
"With respect Sir, and this is no detriment to Lieutenant Sharpe's abilities, but asking one officer to deputize two separate departments is asking an awful lot," Rebecca said carefully. "The Lieutenant is the only other officer I have in the detachment, as such I'll be relying upon him a great deal, I would prefer if he were not trying to juggle two sizable responsibilities at once."

Rebecca paused.

"In addition, the largest unit I can realistically spare to wander around the ship, and still be able to carry out day-to-day operations, and still be able to react to an yboarding quickly is a squad sized element," She continued. "Posting an officer to work alongside the Squad Sergeant would, rightfully so, be seen as an attempt to undermine that Sergeants authority, so I'd prefer that either that Sergeant serves in the role, or if that is not practical, bring in another Marine officer to fill the slot"

"I'm not at all sure I see it that way Captain Post" Lantiq replied "Mister Sharpe would be an Assistant Chief of Security, a leadership and command role. While he should be aware of the duties of personnel carrying out routine security functions around the ship, on a day-to-day basis, he would not be trailing about second-guessing the actions of subordinate junior supervisor"
"By your own reasoning therefore, the Corps should not have Platoon Officers, as they would adversely undermine the authority of the Platoon Sergeants. Neither should Starfleet have junior officer positions as they would undermine the authority of senior non-coms...."
"In addition I believe that the idea is that all members of the Marine contingent will, in rotation, undertake the additional security role, not just a single squad. I understand your concerns about being able to deliver an effective anti-boarding response. However, routinely having Marines dispersed about the ship will actually increase the response level to any boarding, not decrease it!"
"The Achilles' Security contingent will consist of both Starfleet Security and Marine personnel, working together as a team.  That team should be a formidable obstacle to any aggressor attempting to take control of this ship!"
"Now, as to Mister Sharpe being able to cope with juggling responsibilities. If you and he feel the duties are too much for him; that you are unable to reorganize responsibilities within the detachment, or are unable to delegate to your junior officers and noncoms some additional tasks and so carry out this mission, then please say so now ...."
"My apologies on the first point, I misunderstood your intentions for the relationship between the Marine Officer and the Marines attached to security," Post replied as evenly as she could manage. "However I must respectfully disagree on the other points, firstly I would much rather that a dedicated squad be used, one that I should note would be able to gain experience in the role rather than being rotated out, there is no point in replacing people that not only want to be there but also have been doing the job for at time, with people who don't."

Post paused.

"Secondly, I'm not sure how having a number of my Marines split up individually or in pairs across the ship will help me in the event of a boarding, we work best in teams using specific tactics, having members of my detachment picked off in detail by an advancing enemy boarding party is a complication, and a loss of manpower, that I could do without, keeping the element as a consolidated squad will at least ease that somewhat," She continued. "Thirdly, at no point have I indicated that I have any doubts to Lieutenant Sharpe's competence or ability to get the job done, I am only saying that even the best officer can be overwhelmed if wearing too many hats, I've been an MXO myself and I know the workload, we are essentially an independant unit, very little of our paperwork ends up on the Admirals desk because we deal with it in-house."

Post paused again.

"My point is this, in this situation we are best suited to guarding fixed objectives, such as engineering or the bridge, which also has the bonus of having them integrated into my defense plan, in order to free up security officers for investigations and the like that require dedicated training," Post said simply. "I want to get the best use out of my Marines, that's by job, I like the idea of using them for duties such as guarding the gangway when we are in dock to free up security officers to deal with problems ashore for example, but I will not deploy my Marines in a fashion that reduces their effectiveness, I have a small enough detachment as it is."

Richard, who had so far tried to avoid getting between the MCO and the XO, decided to weigh in. After all, they were talking about him. "Respectfully Commander, I have to agree with Captain Post. Having a dedicated squad TAD to security would be considerably better than rotating everyone. They'd get more focused training on the security side, and be considerably more proficient in the duties of the security division. Given that marines are capable of fighting in a starship interior anyway, as part of basic training, I imagine that the turn-around time on training would be minimal, but its the non-combat side of the security role I'd prefer to focus on. I'd like our people proficient with security techniques so that they will be an asset to Lieutenant Rahde, rather than a combat force."

"As for my duties, I will do what I am instructed to do by the command team." Richard said.

Da`nal had expected resistance but things were getting out of hand...time to put a stop to the bickering. "That is enough." In typical fashion he rose from his chair and walked the room as he spoke. But before he started he addressed the on person that had not spoke as yet. "Sergeant Major, basic sentry duty is an iatrical part of Marine training is it not?"

"It is Admiral. In fact the initial general orders that every Marine is required to know in basic training are based on sentry duty."

Da`nal glanced from the senior Marines then back to Velez. "Really?"

"Yes Admiral. 'To take charge of this post and all Federation property in view; To walk my post in a military manner keeping always on the alert and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing; To report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce; To repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guardhouse than my own; To quit my post only when properly relieved; To receive, obey, and pass on to the sentry who relieves me, all orders from the Commanding Officer, Officer of the Day, officers and non-commissioned officers of the guard only; To talk to no one except in the line of duty; To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder; To call the Corporal of the Guard in any case not covered by instructions; To salute all officers, colors, and standards not cased; and, To be especially watchful at night, and during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post and to allow no one to pass without proper authority'."

"Impressive, thank you Sergeant Major." Looking to the others. "Seems to me that very little additional training is going to be needed at all. When this ship is at battle stations Marines are posted throughout the ship as guards to the bridge, my ready room, engineering, and other critical areas of the ship. The rest are stationed strategically in case the ships multi-vector assault mode is engaged. Even the Recon detachment is split with one squad assigned to the upper or lower drive sections, just in case."

He continued to pace as the other officers remained seat. "The means to implement this is already in place and with this ship heading into Romulan territory the distributions of the Marines is a plus not a negative as their posts will already be manned! During normal ship operations the Marines will fall under Lt. Rahde's command. If there is an issue...the Marines on duty call him. Under alert conditions the chain of command revert back to Captain Post and her officers and if needed they can absorb security personal as needed."

He stopped behind his chair gripping the head rest. "The same Marine cannot be expected to stand the same post day in and day out and stay sharp so the postings WILL be rotated. I don't care what schedule is established, just get it done! As to the dual posting of Lt. Sharpe..", he pause to pick his words carefully as to not dishonor his new officer. "There is a long history of personnel performing more than one duty aboard a starship, however I think Lt. Telemachus can handle the regular operations of the Security department. This should allow you to keep up with your duties as the Marine detachment XO, if you still are overwhelmed...delegate. Do I make myself clear!"

"Yes sir"Telemachus said

Post managed to avoid rolling her eyes, and instead allowed herself to blink quickly. So this entire conversation had been totally useless. If they had said to her when this had started that all they wanted to do was extend her Marine's sentry periods to non-combat sitatutions as well she would have said yes and that would be the end of it. This had been handled totally wrong, she didn't like the stereotype of tenson between Marines and Fleeters, but this was what happened when Fleeters, the XO and Security Chief most notably in this case, got involved bad things tended to happen, in this case they had failed to make clear exactly what they wanted from her Marines. Now that she knew she could sort it out fairly easily, and with as little intervention from other members of the ship's company as possible, she had had quite enough of the Fleet for today. She considered stating this, but knew that lighting up a two-star wasn't the best idea especially if that two-star was a Klingon, so she didn't and would just get it done herself once this was finished.

"Yes Sir," Post said simply.

Sharpe said nothing, now that the Admiral had laid down the law. So the marine command would be divided, and marines would be rotated into security and under security's command. Should be interesting, but it was the Admiral's command, and if he wanted to do things that way, that was up to him. It was certainly not the job of a lowly first lieutenant to tell a Rear Admiral where he could stick his orders. That's not how the chain of command worked, and he wasn't going to break ranks. Captain Post had already acknowledged the order, and she was the CO.

Rear-Admiral Da`nal

LtCmdr Lantiq Ryal

Captain Rebecca Post

Lieutenant JG Telemachus Rahde

1st Lieutenant Richard Sharpe


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