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The Hearing - Part 4

Posted on 24 Feb 2014 @ 2:38am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Master Chief Petty Officer Lance Nelson & Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan & Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Sascha Oakheart
Edited on on 24 Feb 2014 @ 2:40am

1,388 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M11: Feet to the fire

"Admiral, if you will consider the situation we were faced with. We had been transported back in time with majority of the senior officers left on the surface of the planet under serious threat. There were also the considerations of the Prime Directive. Our attempts to rescue the away teams were ineffective. In such circumstances, I believed that my first duty was to the ship and crew, and thus I focused my efforts on that. As a result we were able to devise a solution and rescue the crew."

The Admiral nodded and took note of the officers explanation, but his question had not been answered. "That is all well and good Lieutenant. However I was talking about the events prior to your ship being sent back in time."

Lucas inwardly sighed. He wasn't going to play this game, so he decided to answer directly, "Admiral, as far as I am aware this is a Court of Inquiry and as such it deals in facts. Are you asking me to speculate on something whose appearance on sensor readings is inconclusive and which you noted another officer characterized as a ghost?"

Rittenhouse was beginning to think that Zedo was right and Da`nal had been wrong in placing Lt. Mason in command. "Lieutenant, you were being placed in command of a starship and as a commanding officer you have to make life and death decisions based on incomplete and inconclusive information. That said; Yes I want speculate. Now what was your take on the object and did you consider this object a threat?"

Konin focused in on matters relating to Mason's command of the ship during the incident, in particular reports that Mason was unaware crew were attempting to beam down to the planet and then that he lost the crews confidence and had to resort to locking the shuttle bay to prevent other crew from leaving the ship. Then when one craft did leave it somehow returned again....

Mason was answering as best he could however Zedo continued to interrupt and criticize his explanations, continually attempting to bring Da'nal's own leadership into the situation, even though the Admiral had been stranded on the planet.

"Yet again I see clear evidence that Admiral Da'nal was cavalier in his attitude towards ensuring a proper chain of command" Zedo complained "And again promoted another officer beyond the scope of their abilities. Thereby leaving his vessel and crew in a very hazardous situation, under the dubious command of Lieutenant Mason. It is a wonder the ship was not destroyed! I believe this Board should issues the most sever sanction on Admiral Da'nals judgement and command!"

Da`nal was getting infuriated with all the posturing and maneuvering by Zedo. For whatever reason she was out to get him and took every opportunity to try to focus things on him rather than the matter at hand. He was about to put her in her place when Mason spoke up on his own.

Lucas was getting tired of interrupted and what appeared to be someone out with an agenda where there was not place for one. Lucas addressed himself to Admiral Rittenhouse, "Admiral, I seek an immediate ruling from the bench as to whether I will be able to answer questions without interruption, otherwise I will have to invoke my rights against self incrimination and move to have my previous testimony stricken from the record."

Lance entered as the questioning for Lt. Mason continued and he looked to Ayren with a nod and a subtle grin. He didn't take a seat in the gallery but walked up to the forward area Looking to his commanding officer.

Da`nal watched Lances approach as he stood with his helmsman. Things weren't going well but seeing the PADDS in his hand and the expression on his face it was something that needed his attention. Da'nal nodded then turned his gaze back to the panel, respectfully interrupting the current line of questioning. "Admiral's, with respect, I would request a brief recess, while I confer with my Yeoman."

Rittenhouse nodded. "You have 15 minutes." As Da`nal moved to talk with his crewmember Rittenhouse moved to Zedo, whispering sternly "If you have something against Da`nal you had better produce some evidence or stick to the matters at hand and stop pushing everything on him, is that clear!?"


Da`nal took Lance off to the side to find out exactly what he he brought. "What is it?"

Lance grinned. "Well this is the report file by Lt. Vonti on the mental state of the crew...".

Da`nal waved a hand, "I could care less about his opinions right...."

Lance interrupted. "Sir you will want to read this," he stated firmly.

Reading the report he was honestly shocked at its contents. The report clear the crew and especially himself of any mental irregularities, trauma, or incapacitation and stated that he and the crew were all fit for duty. Da`nal straightened and let out a huff, perhaps he had judged the Counselor any rate he was going to have to see what had let to this glowing report. Especially since their initial encounter had been lees than ideal. Taking the second PADD, "and this?"

"The translation of the scroll that the away team was beaming up with and was supposed to validate before all hell broke loose. Doctor Galen was kind enough to send it to us."

[Back with the Panel]

Zedo began to flush when the door to they had entered from opened and her aid entered, PADD in hand. "That should be my EVIDENCE right now!"

Before Rittenhouse could question Zedo further, Da`nal spun around the very second he read the ancient translation. "ADMIRAL'S...I have new evidence to present!"

Zedo ignored Da`nal as she scanned the report, getting more furious as she read.

Rittenhouse looked to Konin then back to Da`nal as he returned to his place next to Lt. Mason. "What have you to present?"

Da`nal stepped forward, holding the PADD up. "The members of the archeological team on Dandarand 4 have just sent this report. It contains a translation of an ancient document that PREDATES the time that my ship and crew had been sent to by nearly a millennia! This document contains a prophecy about the very battle my away team was a witness to and that Lt. Mason fired on."

Again Zedo cut in. "You can't possibly know that!"

Da`nal grinned as he again lifted the PADD as he began to read its contents. “ ‘A time of turmoil will sweep the land and darkness will threaten to conquer all and the Goddess will send her chosen. Two great armies will meet upon the plain but lightning shall split the sky and strike down both the high and the low. The Goddess shall pass her judgment upon every soul. Those deemed worthy shall rise from the dead and raise the sword no more' ". Da`nal paused to let the words soak in before he continued.

"Dr. Galen confirmed the analysis of the translation....and the fact that according to the planets history there has not been a major conflict on the planet since that battle. It would seem that the Achilles was predestined to be sent into the planets past...that the away team was 'chosen' to be on the surface..." placing a hand on Lt. Mason's shoulder, "...and that Lt. Mason was fulfilling history when he fired on the planet."

Taking the PADD as Da`nal handed him, Vice-Admiral Rittenhouse looked it over. "This hearing stands in recess while this data is confirmed and the panel deliberates."

[Forty minutes later]

Rittenhouse alone re-entered the hearing room. “The panel finds that no member of the crew of the USS Achilles could have foreseen the events that led to the ship and it’s away team being sent back in time. While the involvement of a higher form of life can not be confirmed, there is sufficient evidence to substantiate that a consciousness of some kind was behind both the temporal incident as well as the strange ‘malfunctions’ that limited the options available to those aboard the USS Achilles. The earlier judgment against Lt. Naj Jas stands and rest of the crew is returned to duty. This hearing is closed."


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