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Bad news

Posted on 24 Feb 2014 @ 2:42am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan

1,266 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M11: Feet to the fire

The hearings were over FINALLY…as Da`nal and his crew filed out of the chamber he stopped as he saw who was approaching. As the party drew closer he turned to Lantiq, “recall the rest of the crew and finalize the crew transfers. I want to be ready to leave by the time Gamma shift comes on duty.”

"Understood Sir" Lantiq acknowledged "I'll get right on it" He tapped his commbadge and arranged transport back to the ship. As he dematerialized he noticed Da'nal walking towards another klingon...

Da`nal was left to face the approaching alone.

Stopping before the fellow Klingon…even if he was in a Federation uniform. “You are Rear-Admiral Da`nal of the House of Varal?

Nodding. “I am.”

Several years ago you stood with Charghwl’IH, son of Soval and last surviving member to the House of Kruetok?”

“I stood in his defense when he was accused of mutiny and again when he married my mate’s cousin. Is this about his disappearance?

“It is. We have confirmed that the blade found in Rome was in fact his. The DNA he tried to leave with it had degraded to a point that an individual identification was impossible but they were able to establish that the DNA was a Klingon-Vulcan-Human hybrid.”

“That has to be him. Has a mission been launched to recover him?”

“Unfortunately, no. Our requests have been denied. The Federation authorities feel that the risk of ‘contamination of the Earth’s history’ by sending a team back is too great and that one man isn’t worth the risk. They also said that the fact the while we believe he appears in the historical records for a brief period; his disappearance from history and that his remains were never found leads them to believe he took every effort to protect Earth’s history.”

Da`nal had a hard time accepting that his friend, though actually dead now for thousands of years was trapped in Earths past. “Charg has connections to the Houses of Mogh, Martok and now Torath. Surely…”

“Pressure has already been tried. A formal request from the High Council itself…even from Emperor Kalhess were both denied.”

Da`nal’s anger was growing. ~How could they not want to get him out of there and restore the past. How could they deny a request from the Emperor?~ Turning sharply Da`nal barged back into the hearing chamber. Only Admiral Rittenhouse remained.

~There had to be a way!~ Ayren thought, but she was not going to interfere in this discussion.

Seeing the Da`nal and the anger on his features, along with the Klingon Ambassador in tow, he knew exactly what he had returned for. He raised both hands to cut him off before he even got started. “I know what you are going to say and I agree with you. If it were up to me a specialized team would be head back to get him as we speak. Your friend had some influential connections and this got pushed all the way up to the Federation Council.”

Da`nal fired off regardless of the explanation. “Charg’s bio signature is unlike any on the entire planet in that time period; the recovery team could find and extract him from orbit!”

Rittenhouse shared his frustration but couldn’t allow him to pop off like that. “Be careful Admiral…”, his expression softened, “…Da`nal, I know what you must be thinking. You, and the Ambassador must be thinking this is a dishonorable act. To leave a man behind no hope of rescue, especially after send a message through the centuries so that he could be found.”

Stepping closer to the pair of Klingons he placed a hand on their shoulders. “The only consolation I can offer is that if the man found in the historical record is Charghwl’IH, he lived a life of honor. Rising from slave and Gladiator to serve to Emperors of the Roman Empire. For a Klingon I would think that to be a very honorable life.”

Ayren could sense that Ritterhouse was truthful, it confirmed her earlier conclusion. The news was devastating though.

Though Da`nal agreed that such a life was honorable, he was not about to let his friend remain a slave to no man. His determination must have been apparent to Rittenhouse.

“Admiral Da`nal, let me be clear. You are not to make any effort to retrieve Commander Charghwl’IH. That’s an order.”

Snapping to attention he replied sharply. “Aye sir!” Turning sharply he left the hearing room and the Ambassador followed behind.

"You are not going to leave it, right! You are going to let Kretorg know..." she said softy but with urgency. She glanced at the Ambassador.

Da`nal thought to her..knowing that she would pick it up. ~I am going to do more than that...~ "Ambassador, I would like to see what was found."


Moments later the they were walking through the work being done to restore ancient coliseum's foundations. The column that Charg had used had been removed and was in area set aside to analyst and catalog any archeological discoveries. Due to the attention they had drawn the Klingon relics had been isolated for specialized analysis.

Running his hand over the worn symbols that had been carved into the stone. Even with weathering that hand worn away the stone he could clearly see the Klingon Teek Googk and the symbol of Charg's House. Next to the section of stone was the case, his Klingn communicator, and a very old dak'tagh.

Once again, Ayren was stunned. ~It is real... very real~ This was truly Charg. Her thoughts immediately went to X'aedell, her cousin and Charg's wife. She glanced at Dan'al. The implications of the find was far reaching and she kept quiet.

Replacing the blade on the table he turned to glaring to technician. "Leave!"

Once the technician was out of hearing distance and out of sight, she let her fingers trail over the knife and communicator. It was as if she imagine his feelings, his anguish for being trapped there her determination to survive, his acceptance of his fate, his hope... that one day... they would come back for him.... She could almost "see" him carving the symbols, bending down, looking around to make sure that no one saw him, placing the items in the case, stroking them before finally closing the case.... he was older and changed by his experiences, but still a hopeful man..." Ayren breathed in sharply and shook her head. "He was here...." she said simply.

The Ambassador looked shocked. "How can you sense him after all this time?"

Ayren shook her head. "I can't say I 'sensed' him... it is just a sensation, a flash... maybe my imagination was playing tricks on me..." she said, looking at the relics, frowning. She herself could not explain what she felt. She forced a smile to make light of what she said, but it was so real...

Da`nal looked to the Ambassador. "I need to keep protesting the Federation Council's decision...loudly."

The Ambassador nodded and was intrigued. "What is your plan?"

"Better you not know." Da`nal tapped his commbadge, "Da`nal to Achilles, two to beam up!" ...he had work to do, not much time to do it, no idea how he was going to pull it off, but knew that he HAD to do something.

Rear-Admiral Da`nal

LtCmdr Lantiq Ryal


Vice-Admiral Rittenhouse
Klingon Ambassador
- played by Da`nal


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