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The Hearing - Part 2

Posted on 23 Feb 2014 @ 11:23pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Sascha Oakheart

1,260 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M11: Feet to the fire

"Logical?" Admiral Zedo countered sharply, shaking her bald head. "I am afraid I do not see any logic in any of your decisions." she continued, "You ask if you should have left one of your crew behind and risked capture and death?" she repeated, looking expectantly to him as if to give him the chance to counter her misrepresentation of what he had just said. When he didn't, she continued, "Yes." she answered. "You were put into an impossible situation unprovoked, but rather than holding firm to the principles of the Federation, namely the Prime Directives, you chose to involve yourself. You chose to risk contamination and the fate of an entire people rather than accept the loss of one of your crew." she declared firmly, "Why? Do you feel these Directives are beneath you? Do you feel that they apply to all but you? Or is it something closer to home?" she asked, still not raising her voice though she spoke fervently. "Perhaps something as simple as pride. Too proud to admit that you have no power to change what is done. Too proud to return without a member of your crew, even though it meant sparing an entire race from contamination."

Da`nal wanted to take the woman by the throat but Aryen's calming presence in his mind helped restrain him. "We were thrown back in time by an unknown force against our will! The inhabitants involved US, not the other way around! They believed a member of my crew to be a representative of their Goddess and through that belief we were to protect her. As captive we had no chance of escape but mounted and armed we had the opportunity to escape if need be. My portion of the away team did everything in their power to allow event unfold as the inhabitant wished. Better to escape and isolate ourselves from the planets people that to die and be discovered as truly alien! ."

"You accuse me of Pride! No Admiral I think it is so that are trying to guilty of Pride! Trying to find glory in forcing your will on others regardless of evidence to the contrary!"

Before things got anymore out of hand and before Admiral Zedo could take another shot across his bow, Rittenhouse interjected. "That enough! We are to keep this to the facts and not engage in speculation." Pausing only long enough to draw a breath, Admiral Da`nal did you or any member of your away-team, that you could account for, engage in combat with the inhabitants of Dandarand?"

"No sir."

"Thank you, you are excused."

Da`nal rose from his seat as he continued to stare at Admiral Zedo, he knew her reputation and knew this wasn't over for her.

Lantiq was called forward next, the panel followed a similar line of questioning to that they had directed towards Da'nal. After listening to his account of events on the surface the questions turned ugly. Zedo in particular seemed to be trying to get Lantiq to second-guess or critique Da'nals action and leadership during the mission.

The Bajoran answered honestly and frankly, refusing to be drawn or led to unjust conclusions, he finished with "Admiral Da'nal was faced with an sudden and unpredictable situation, one which has still to be explained by Federation scientists and which can only be said to have been "an act of a God" Under the circumstances I fully support my commanding officer's actions, decisions, leadership and judgement."

Konin nodded giving nothing away, Zedo pursed her lips and looked annoyed and Rittenhouse concluded "Thank you Commander, no further questions. Next we will call Lieutenant Jas"

The Panel's questioning of Jas focused almost immediately upon the actions of the joined symbiant in revealing technological information far advanced of the civilization level in which the crew had found themselves. Lantiq provided expert testimony from the Trill Embassy concerning the shock the symbiant and it's host had suffered during the time travel and how this had caused a regression to the consciousness of a previous host. A situation that the current Jas had no control over whatsoever.

The panel had listened, but seemingly with little interest. There were no questions following the presentation of the evidence, which did not bode well for the outcome. Lantiq was left with the distinct impression that the panel was looking for a scapegoat and had found one in Jas...

There was no getting around the fact that, symbiant or no, a Starfleet Officer had blatantly violated the Temporal Prime Directive. The panel had deliberated for a short time and Rittenhouse got the distinct impression that Zedo was out for blood. Why he didn't know but she was definitely living up to her reputation.

As they returned they took their seats, he had no wish to ruin a promising career but something had to be done...if nothing else than to throw Zedo a bone.

"Lieutenant Jas, you are relieved of duty as Chief Science Office of the USS Achilles. Service aboard a starship requires a that you be able to cope with and adapt to the unknown. Your actions demonstrate that you aren't ready for that; as such you are reduced in rank to Lieutenant Junior Grade and will be assigned to a starbase or other research facility where I'm sure your service with be exemplary.


Now that the surface matters had been handled there was at least one thing positive to deal with before the inquiries continued. Rittenhouse looked to the gallery, “This panel now calls Marine Captain Rebecca Post.”

Rebecca strode forwards to the appropriate place and stood to attention. Her uniform was immaculate and no part of her appearance was out of place in any way. She might have other things on her mind right now but she was, ultimately, a Marine Officer, and as such a certain standard was expected.

“Captain Rebecca Post, Marine Detachment Commanding Officer, USS Achilles,” Rebecca said formally.

“Stand at easy Captain. Captain Post, according to the all reports the initial moments following the Achilles’ arrival in the past things were chaotic. The ship was plagued with damaged systems, no communications and yet your Marines jumped into immediate action. Not knowing what was happening your Marines assumed their battle stations, secured the ship, as well as swept the ship deck by deck to locate and assist the injured. You and your Marines are to be commended.”

“We followed standard procedure, Sir, as Marines there is little that we can do to directly aid against the external threats that we are facing, what we can do is secure the ship against potential hostiles and help out where we can,” Rebecca replied. “I also want to state that my officers and senior NCOs should be especially commended, for at least some of the incident I was in sickbay, having sustained a head-injury during the initial arrival, they, particularly my Sergeant Major, performed their duties admirably until I was back on my feet.”

Rittenhouse nodded, "So noted, I'm sure Admiaral Da`nal will approve and commendation you deem appropriate for those under your command. Before you are dismissed. You were on the bridge when solution was implemented. Did you see any other option available to Lt. Mason?"

"No sir, I did not," Post replied.

Looking to either side he saw that neither of them had anything for the Marine Capt. "Thank you, you my step down."

Post nodded and came to attention again before turning and returning to her seat.



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