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A Rare Gift - Part 1 - Approval

Posted on 23 Feb 2014 @ 11:29pm by Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey & Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan

1,778 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M11: Feet to the fire
Location: Various
Timeline: Back post - Shortly after the Achilles arrival at Earth

[Luna Station Fleet Salvage Yard]

After finding out no one was to be home this holiday, and not much to do on ship with the investigation proceeding apace, Eirias decided to take some time and visit the fleet salvage depot on Luna. All sorts of strange and unusual things had been found here before after being cleared by the fleet.

Shifting through the huge cargo bay someone had converted into a storage and display area, he already had a decent haul of smaller items that he could work on and repair. Then his searching gaze landed on a much larger piece, half obscured by other piled on items. For the next 10 minutes, Eirias worked to uncover the device, moving around bits and junk until he was able to pull it out and get a good look at it in the light of the bay. Scanning it with a tricorder, he was then surprised to see the information display the item as a 'Agonizer booth-copy'. Remembering a chance remark by Staff Sergeant Frey about unusual items fitting for a Klingon, he decided this fit the bill perfectly and tapped his comm badge.

Staff Sergeant Frey, PFC Eirias. Are you busy? I'm at the Luna Salvage Yard, Bay 51. According to my tricorder, I've found a copy of an agonizer booth..and with some help from engineering, I think we can make it work." While waiting on a response, he was conducting a detailed scan of the derelict artifact, and compiling a list of what they'd need to get it operational.

[Marine Quarters - USS Achilles]

Jason was packing a few things for his leave when the call came in and he was stunned to say the least. "You found what!?"

"Agnoizer booth, Staff Sergeant. The official manifest lists it as a copy, and it's in a slightly neglected state." Eirias responded to the question, unsure if it was a good sound or bad.

"An agonizer booth?! That things got to be what about a hundred years old." While definitely an interesting relic and a serious blast from the past there was no way to miss the kids earlier comment. "Ok ok...but why in hell would you wanna get it working?"

"Close, 90 years old Staff Sergeant." The question caught him off guard, and it took a moment for him to answer. "Well, I would never give a non-functional item as a gift, and it's an interesting exercise for me to try and get it operational. Also, the Admiral could use it for...cultural immersion." Eirias almost grinned, but sounded more happy than he had been in a few days.

Jason nearly choked as he laughed, "'Cultural immersion' my ass. If you wanna brown nose the Admiral that's on you mate. I'm headed out on leave so you do what you need. Frey out" Jason imaged the effect of a function agonizer on board and grinned devilishly as he closed his bag and headed to the nearest transporter room.

[Luna Station Fleet Salvage Yard]

Eirias could only shake his head. 'Obviously the Staff Sergeant has never dealt with the types that run these salvage yards. Have to have reasons for everything.' He thought to himself as he made his way over to the desk. As predicted, the attendant was officious, literal, and paperwork-minded, but after a half-hour of dialogue, the items were made available for release. Looking down, he tapped off a quick message to Lieutenant Commander Kelan, sending her the generalized information and requesting her assistance.

Ayren got a message from private Jason Eirias regarding a rather unique gift for Dan'al. It had surprised her, and amused her. One thing she was certain about, if anyone would appreciate it, it would be Dan'al. Presently she peeked around the edge of the entrance to the office and knocked on the side of it.

The yard manager looked up at the woman peaking in and straightened up. Attractive women never came here....ever so he was impossible for him to hide his surprise. "Hello there can I help you?"

"Hi.." Ayren responded warmly, fully aware of his surprise, but at the same time never arrogant even if this kind of reaction was a frequent occurrence. "I hope you can, I am looking for Jason Eirias.." she answered with a little lilt at the end making her statement into a question.

His manner changed almost immediately as she was looking for that Marine that had been poking around his yard all morning and not for anything that would have kept here in the office. After a quick check of the yards locators, "He's in the main yard, section 5 row 12."

Ayren cocked her head slightly, he was clearly not happy with what was going on. "Thank you.... I can assure you this will all be over soon..." she said smiling making her way towards wherever section 5 was, past section 2, then 7, through the rows of section 3.... "Where is the logic in this?" she mumbled as she eventually found row 12 in the correct section.

The booth had been pulled out, with several components arrayed around and, and Eirias' normally clean face was now smudged with carbon and grease. "Almost got it all. Just a few more parts to find in this organized chaos." He commented to himself, until he caught sight of Ayren, and went to attention. "Afternoon, Commander."

"Good afternoon," Ayren responded. "How are the preparations progressing?" she asked, looking over what she could see.

"The booth and pieces are assembled here for transport, minus two I need to obtain from row 18, section four, ma'am. Three essential parts are not listed or visible in the yard, and four more are damaged, and beyond my level of skill to refurbish." Eirias remained perfectly at attention, though the solid black of her eyes instantly told him she was at least part-Betazoid which made him slightly uncomfortable, given his family trait of not being able to be read or influenced empathically or telepathically and past history with those who could.

Ayren needed no psionic ability to sense his discomfort. She was used to it and also understood and learned not to take it personally anymore. She always tried to explain that no one needed to be threatened and so on, but explaining herself over and over with every person she met, was not ideal for her, so she simply let it roll off her back. "As you were," she said kindly. "Do you know of someone who can fix what you can't?" she asked slightly concerned.

It took a moment for him to process the instruction, but he finally relaxed. "From what I see here, any of the more senior or trained engineers should be able to, ma'am. Operations would be needed to figure out where, and how to hook it into the ships' systems. Lastly, we'd need someone with command authority to be able to bring this in without the Admiral being notified, or his yeoman finding out." Eirias summarized to her.

"I will speak to the XO, it will better if we have him on our side when it comes to availing you of the resources you need..." she said half to him, half thinking out loud.

"Understood ma'am. This shouldn't take more than a few days to complete once all the pieces are in place. I just have to track down a couple more from in here." Eirias relaxed a little and smiled slightly, figuring out Ayren was now definitely in on the plot.

"Carry on and I will handle the XO and that nosey yeoman...." she said with a smile and made her way out of the maze. She tapped her commbadge.

=^= Kelan to Lantiq, please respond..=^=

=^= Go ahead=^=

=^= I would like to talk to you at your convenience, when will it suit you?=^=

=^= Stop by my office in twenty minutes, I'll see you there =^=

[XO's Office]

Lantiq looked up from his desk when Kelan entered "What can I do for you? And I hope its not a question on diplomatic matters, not my strong subject..."

Ayren chuckled lightly. "Oh Commander ... it is all about diplomacy....." she said with a tight lipped grin. "You see... a rare give was acquired for my mate, your captain...." she said with mirth, pointing that whatever she was going to share, would require diplomacy with both roles. "It is an "agonizer booth..a very very good copy..." she said smiling and paused for him to absorb that piece of information. Her obvious excitement about this very controversial gift was in odd contrast with her sweet soft appearance. Then who would put her with the Klingon Admiral anyway....

"An agonizer what?" Lantiq asked rather baffled "Is this another of those Klingon relics?"

Ayren grinned. "Yes, it is, but it could be restored to a functional one... if the resources would be made available..." Ayren said. "It would mean much to the Admiral.." she said leaving it hanging. "Do you know what an agonizer is..." Ayren asked

Lantiq thought for a moment "No and you know I'm not sure I want too... Okay, as long as it dosnt involve taking the warp core off line or pose a danger to the ship I'll approve the restoration Is there going to be some kind of presentation ceremony?"

Ayren smile brightened. "Yes, but he must know not a thing," she replied. "Commander, this 'booth' is rather large, large enough for a Klingon to get inside.... just so you know. They will install it once completed in the Captain's ready room, for his private view and use... I think he might want it closed off so he can have it out of sight if needed," she explained that he would know of the process in Dan'al's ready room," Ayren explained. "Thank you for your approval and for your time," she said with a grin.

Lantiq nodded, wondering if he should ask what for his private view and use.. actually entailed and why the thing needed to be kept out of sight, then decided he really didn't want to know.

Ayren messaged Eirias that it was a go ahead and that his was authorized to complete and install the booth.

Listening to the authorization, Eirias quickly sent the information on to the manager's console to have the parts transferred to the Achilles cargo bay. Heading back out, it was time to find an engineer and an operations officer to help, which gave him a hefty job to do.

LtCmdr lantiq Ryal

LtCmdr Ayren Kelan

SSgt Jason Frey
Recon Marine
- NPC Played by Da`nal

PFC Jason Eirias
Marine Rifleman and Tinkerer


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