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She's got bite! - Part 1

Posted on 03 Jan 2014 @ 9:46am by Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,243 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M11: Feet to the fire
Location: Ready Room

Ayren stormed into Da'nal's ready room and Lance had to swiftly step out of the way to make room for her to prevent a collision. In her shaking hand was the padd with the orders regarding the new chief counselor. The heavy desk halted her progress, but not her words fuelled by volcanic anger. "What. Is. THIS!?" At the last word the padd sliced through the air in an arc straight towards Da`nal's throat. Had he been a lesser man, it would have met its target, but his hand stopped it.

Lance's eyes had widened as his boss had been able to snatch the PADD from the air and at such close range too.

While Da`nal rotated the PADD through his fingers so he could read it he looked to his yeoman. "Leave us." His ears had told him that not only had Lance gone to his office but had left through the door.

Had anyone barged in like she had they would be heading to sickbay, but when a Klingons mate acted this way it generated a completely different response. Glancing at the PADD he saw what he already knew. That she had been informed of the new ship counselor and was...reacting to the situation. "It is a PADD with Lt. Vonti's transfer orders on it. That a problem?"

His calm tone enraged her more, causing her black eyes to become pools of lava. "A PROBLEM?! ..... Qu'vath guy'cha!!" Ayren always used Klingon if she was angry, because neither Federation standard, nor Betazoid had words nearly strong enough to express her emotions, especially at present. Through her blind rage, her senses tried to alert her to something in Da`nal's demeanor, but she ignored it. "If Starfleet wants to get rid me…well then they managed that! I've had it... or wait... I resigned my commission to be here with YOU... oh yes" she paused as if she suddenly understood something..."and of course I am JUST not that IMPORTANT, so they can screw me around as they please..." she spat out. "They KNOW I will stay because of YOU.... but I am done....I am going to breathe this air" she said waving furiously around, "eat this food, and DO NOTHING!!!" she paused in her tirade. She was not done quite yet, but she had to catch her breath.

Her fire and rage only fed his desire and let him know once again that he had chosen well. In a single move he swept his desk, seized her, and slammed her onto it. Pinning her down as he stared into her eyes while she struggled, his teeth bared as he growled. "You know that one person is nothing to Starfleet...or even the Empire! That honor is found in duty no matter the task!"

He closed the distance between them breathing deeply at her neck and grinned as he saw the chills of goose bumps form on her flesh. Pulling back he faced her again seeing that her fire still there, and had been added to by her body’s involuntary reaction. "Besides, such a reaction is hardly...Diplomatic."

In the alluring mixture of anger and lust, somehow Ayren managed to free her arm, probably because Da’nal shifted his position (actually only because Da’nal shifted his position). In defiance she made a fist and planted it hard on his mouth, cutting her knuckles on his teeth. She was fully present of both the strong currents of the interaction between them: Furious foreplay and angry confrontation. This was their war and he would always win the physical fight, but she had to fight for victory of her own. She was a woman after all. While her eyes challenged him without restraint, her lips also parted just that little bit. The furious foreplay would remain in that category... foreplay, he would have to wait till they were back in their quarters. "How's that for diplomacy," she retorted, but then her knuckles made themselves known. "Ouw..." she said.

The taste of her blood and his was invigorating! With his tongue he licked at the minor wound and laughed heartily. He released her by sliding her off his deck and into the furniture on the other side of the room. Waiting for her to rise he stood ready...if she wanted a battle she would have it.

She frowned and sucked her sore knuckle, glaring at her mate. "You are not going to distract me from the point!" she said with renewed anger at his smugness. She grabbed his mug that was on the table and threw it in his direction, followed by whatever else she could grab. She had not been this upset in a long time. Tears threatened to spill as she thought of the devastating orders. "You are right, Starfleet doesn't. CARE! And frankly, neither do I!"

Blocking or evading the projectiles sent his way he fired back. "veQ! If that were true you would not be so furious!" He moved in quickly wrapping her up tightly. Even as she struggled against his grip he continued. "Now if you will calm yourself there IS another set of orders you HAVEN'T seen."

She squirmed against him, but of course it was futile. "Which? I can't be demoted more, because I am a civilian already....." she asked suspiciously, chewing her lower lip. She only resigned her commission as officer so there would be no cause for concern regarding the relationship with her commanding officer. Though she had made the choice and accepted it, she felt disrespected and disregarded by Starfleet.

As she eased her struggles he too relaxed his grip and let her slide back away from him. She was a mess...smeared make-up, tear streaked cheeks, red eyed, and her hair wild; he found the PADD that had been on his desk and began to read.


To Ayren Kelan

Based upon your background, your service both uniformed and as a civilian, and in no small part on the recommendation of the commanding officer. Your commission is hereby reactivated and you are assigned to the USS Achilles as the Chief Diplomatic Officer.

Signed Vice Admiral Johnathan Rittenhouse
Starfleet Command


Waving the PADD in his hand. "Now you can turn these down and remain a civilian; doing what you want and helping out where ever or you can accept them and serve this ship with my side."

Her senses and mind were as disheveled as her outward appearance and she stood there dumbfounded and deflated after the adrenaline rush of the emotionally charged encounter. "What?" she asked quietly. The switch was too fast for her to be excited. She was the CDO before and loved it, but it didn't quite feel like a dream job now. She knew well enough that her emotions had not caught up with her reasoning, but still.... She breathed out slowly. "Did you bully them into it?" she asked watching him carefully.

Smirking slightly at the idea. "No. There was no need. With us here at Earth we are in a prime location to re-crew and resupply so the Admiral contacted me about the hearings he moved on to open crew positions. When the when we got to the diplomatic slot I recommended you and your record spoke for itself. Now whether he contacted DS5 or not I don't know but he sent me the approval just before you stormed in."



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