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New Counselor - Part 2

Posted on 30 Dec 2013 @ 8:52pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Elas Vonti
Edited on on 07 Jan 2014 @ 11:48pm

1,658 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M11: Feet to the fire
Location: Ready Room

"You have quite a list here, with two obvious errors… unless you are taking Lt. Rahde’s previous assignments into account or think that Cadet Theldore was traumatized at the Academy or by one mission on this ship. I think that you or medical has forgotten that this is a ship designed for battle and its crew wouldn't be here if they couldn't handle that situation. They or you, I don't care which, have forgotten that I am a Klingon; a race of warriors. Now while my career has been in Starfleet and not in the Empire that doesn't mean I've gone soft. If I need counseling for anything it’s from having to be an administrator. Finally, you should know that one of your staff, Miss Ayren Kelan, has been my mate since my first command. Granted you would no doubt disregard that claiming she is too close to the situation to remain objective. So I will allow you to conduct your screenings, myself included, without interference. Far be it from me to keep one of my crew from doing their duty."

Elas took a slow and gentle route to the chair and sat down, the tone of the conversation kept him tense however as he leaned forward resting on the edge of the seat. "To be clear, I am not asking your permission Admiral. I am now the Chief Counselor aboard this vessel. I don't intend to change anything that Ayren has done here, she has done fine and there is no point in interrupting her. I am here by authority of Starfleet Medical as the senior administrator to the department for this purpose. As befits my position, I do expect to be the first consultation on official matters and I also have to insist on a bridge position along with senior staff debriefings." Realizing his tone was starting to edge on insubordination cards on the table or not, he visibly restrained himself.

"I am not here to usurp Counselor Ayren or supervise any of her current duties. And nobody is assuming you are soft, if anything just the opposite. People need to live outside of combat admiral, from time to time, or do you truly prefer the constant danger and uncertainty or peril? Do you not relish in the tender intimate moments as well as the dangerous ones? My therapy is not one of the traditional you talk and I talk back at you styles. I find often the coping mechanisms people need to deal with the losses and traumas suffered are best coming from within. How many soft half moments have you forgotten Admiral, how many childhood memories that have been lost to pain and struggle?"

Elas stopped for a moment, his mood shifting down to a more somber tone as he settled back into the chair, continuing his speech while he had the momentum. "My methods and my particular strengths allow the subject immersion into memories of their own choosing, reliving them simply for the pleasure of it, or reviewing a past regret, or to see a loved one if only in a dream. I do nothing to lead these recreations or create them; it is a self-guided process I merely facilitate." He felt as though he was fighting a lost cause, but he had to be up front with the admiral or his task would be impossible. Still his spirits sank as he only wanted to help but would face this same resistance each and every time. This Klingon would only see this as an intrusive interrogation questioning his abilities, and he hadn't realized the implications of his bondmate being a counselor aboard the ship would have.

"I can conduct the interview now Admiral, it will take a blink of an eye. All I need is your permission. You will close your eyes and open them in a few moments and may not even remember the experience."

Da`nal could taste the blood in his mouth from him biting his tongue to allow this person to finish digging his own grave. From the corner of his vision he saw his yeoman peak around the corner to see just who had the audacity to tell him how things were going to happen on his own ship and Lance slipped quickly back to his deck as soon as he saw the Admiral's gaze.

Swallowing he stood slowly his tone curt and to the point. "I don't care whose authority you THINK you are here on...This is my ship and if you want to remain here he you will learn your place....Lieutenant! So long as I remain in command of this ship, any activity that affects this ship or its crew REQUIRES my permission!" Removing himself, the security chief that hadn't even report to aboard and the Cadet they had only just picked up prior to the temporal incident from the list he tossed the PADD back at the officer with force.

"There is nothing wrong with neither my memories nor my ability to deal with the effects of combat! However if medical think there are other on this ship that need be it. You have my permission to conduct your screenings and you can present your results to the XO and make your recommendations. DISMISSED!"

As the doors closed behind the office he tapped his comm-badge. "Commander Lantiq, report to the Ready Room immediately." After sending summons to his XO he couldn't help but talk to himself as he reopened the man's records and transfer orders. "Arrogant petaQ..."

[Outside the Ready Room]

Elas smiled inwardly as he felt the near explosion of fury from the Klingon. He had certainly poked the bear, and his scattershot technique had revealed interesting data. Da'nal held himself above his crew in regards to his estimation of durability. Da'nal was hiding something which made him worry about his honor... he was certain in regard to Starfleet. While this was to be expected from a Klingon, Elas held a Starfleet Officers oath over his cultural heritage, and expected others to do the same. He could easily pluck the information he needed out of Da'nal’s mind but a dozen ethical concerns and half dozen sworn oaths prevented him from doing so. He expected an Admiral not to be so easily baited, but this man was on edge especially after Elas hit several nerves at once.

He felt the emotions wash over him, and even with his telepathic senses on full lockdown the sheer power of force was daunting. Da'nal also had worry over a family member, but not quite family... former crew or friend perhaps? The stresses of their last few missions had taken their toll. Da'nal had demons, this was certain, Elas felt as a parent might sending their child to bed only to be met with a shouting tantrum that they weren't tired. Elas would have no choice but open an official review if he couldn't get Da'nal to submit to the psych evaluation.

He let the Padd impact his chest flatly as the admiral had thrown it rather hard and stared at it impassively when it slid to his lap, not impressed. Saying nothing as he was dismissed Elas hid his smirk from the mental image of a bratty Klingon infant resisting naptime. With a defiant grace and absence of urgency he stood and turned, walked out the doors to the stunned expressions of several crew. The meeting had gone as well as it could have, but sadly he brought up his Padd and highlighted Da'nal's name:
"Definite CIS inhibitions in place- Declined Evaluation will pursue alternate routes before commanding under relieved duty for physical and mental evaluations."

The Federation President himself had given him the Tolley Citation for his therapies, namely re-introducing Maquis turncoats back into Starfleet, and programming the EMH for psychological diagnoses. His meetings with the President’s office and research at Daystrom had established the very search parameters that flagged many officers in the fleet as having crippling burdens affecting performance. Starfleet Medical, under authority of the President post-wartime rebuilding initiatives had given him the imperative to act on the information, and report results. His recommendations for Lt. Wendsar had already been submitted, he hoped she would choose to stay on board but their meeting had been a frank one and her mind made up. His current results for the admiral:

Da'nal: Declined therapy or evaluation.
Details of interview:

He has a hidden agenda for something to do here on earth that makes him worry about his oath to Starfleet,
He is not objective with his crew and holds himself superior to them,
His relationship with Ships counselor Ayren Kellan is a supporting factor in his life, but she cannot be objective
His personal life is not in balance with his professional life and is adding to the discord.

Current Recommendation:
Unable to provide recommendations without further diagnosis. My belief is that Da'nal needs time off duty with his bondmate and a chance to work out his issues through her.

It wasn't looking good for Da'nal, but Elas was a man of infinite patience. Already a new avenue occurred to him, a long overdue meeting with the ships current Counselor. She might be able to get him to at least submit to a review with her present as mediator

Once in the turbolift he tapped his badge, "Elas Vonti to Ayren Kelan, I would like to request a meeting with you at your next convenience." It was about time for him to meet his department; though it had yet to be assembled Ayren was a good fit. She had given up a career for love, and was well respected amongst the crew, all he needed was a Medic to cross train with and the three of them would get the people on this whistling while they worked.

Rear Admiral Da`nal
Commanding Officer

Lt Elas Vonti
Chief Counselor


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