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She's got bite! - Part 2

Posted on 03 Jan 2014 @ 9:47am by Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,244 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M11: Feet to the fire
Location: Ready Room

She was not sure how to feel about it, but for now she pushed aside her misgivings and mixed feelings and stepped forward slipping her arms around her beloved's neck. "As long as I can still do this right here, right now.....” With a tilt of her neck she reached his mouth and kissed him warmly and passionately, with the promise of much more in the privacy of their quarters.

Her latest reaction was a far cry from the way she had entered his office. As she pulled back he looked her up and down. "You do realize you are out of uniform Lieutenant...Commander."

This time her eyes brightened and the corners of her mouth lifted into a surprised smile. "I am promoted?" She didn't see that coming at all. The smile dropped into a dead pan face, but the twinkle in her eyes revealed that her sense of humor had returned. "And you don't feel threatened either... impressive..." she stated straight faced.

"Well considering your previous rank and continued service it seemed only appropriate. Besides, I thought it might come in handy when you have to deal with that new counselor of ours. I'll still leave you on as an auxiliary counselor, but not subject to his orders. Of course just like last time I'll have to put the XO as the approving authority for your personnel issues."

"Sounds good," she said, but then cocked her head to the side. "I detect some aversion to the idea of the new counselor... that is about as diplomatically as I can say it... you don't like him?"

He sat against the edge of his desk. "He is an arrogant petaQ that thinks his orders here have given him some kind of higher authority. The only reason that I didn't reject his assignment here is that it would raise a red flag and this ship is under enough scrutiny write now as it is."

Even while so upset, she had hoped that the new counselor could gain Dan'al's trust. "He clearly rubbed you up the wrong way..." she said a little disappointed. "Did he do a psych evaluation yet?"

Shaking his head. "No! He is Ulian and thought I had repressed or forgotten memories that were causing me stress or something. At any rate he had a list of crew that felt needed to be screened."

Ayren pursed her lips in annoyance. "One day Starfleet will have to realize that Klingons have different cognitive and emotional processing mechanisms than most Alpha Quadrant races... ". Her anger of earlier started boiling up again, but for different reasons. "Good thing he hasn't evaluated you... I don't know what method he will use, but I know one thing, the test Starfleet requires is outdated and frankly culturally inappropriate for Klingons. I have been saying it for years, but "there are not enough Klingons enlisted and commissioned in Starfleet at present to warrant the development of a Klingon specific instrument. At present, counselors are required to use the prescribed generic PDH II C Test and adapt it to Klingon personnel. A in-depth interview will be analyzed according to bla bla bla" Ayren rattled off the response she received for her last attempt to convince Starfleet. "Let me tell you, that test and interpretation is crap. Unless a counselor has Klingon specific experience and understanding of how your people work, you will end being classified with a personality disorder," she stated.

"Perfect. Well I told him I had you to counsel me so that should hopefully keep me from being label as having any kind of 'disorder'."

Ayren smiled. "That won't quite hold with Starfleet as ethics dictate that as a counsellor I am not allowed to formally counsel someone with whom I had sexual relations as that would impair my objectivity. So, they will not except a formal evaluation from me, however, on a personal level, you can receive counsel and support from whoever you choose. As Captain of a vessel, it is quite the norm for the captain to use the CDO as a someone to be trusted..." she grinned. "And I can keep him off your big broad back as long as possible..." she grinned wider. "I will tell him that I have excellent taste and I am not attracted someone with violent anti-social behaviour, unless of course that person happens to be Klingon...." she giggled at her own humour.

Huffing at the jest he reached out and brushed some hair from her face. "I have faced greater threats than a head strong lieutenant."

Ayren smiled and looked up at him. "Of course you sweet calculated brute.." she said with mirth. "That is why I love you" she said. Just then her commbadge beeped with a message from Vonti that he wanted to see her. She responded with a message that she could see him an hour. "The man has spoken ....I need to go and get presentable." She had no idea what she looked like, but she knew that she was not quite her composed and professional self. Her hair was definitely all over the place and she still needed to get codes to replicate her uniform. "So... where are my pips?" she asked with a cheeky grin, holding out her hand.

Waving a hand towards the door that led to the ready rooms sleeping area and bathroom. "Go freshen up and I will replicate you a uniform."

"That bad huh..." she said referring to her appearance as she disappeared through the door. "Oh my gosh.... " she exclaimed when she saw her face in the mirror. "I looked like this the whole time and you kept a straight face!?" she shouted thinking he was still in the ready room, as she started to undress.

Leaning against the door frame watching her. "It was probably the greatest challenge any warrior had ever faced."

She rolled her eyes and stepped out of her dress, and placed that and her undies in the receptacle. Her black hair tumbled to her shoulders as she loosened them, turning to him. Placing her hands on her naked hips and deliberately slowly looked him up and down. "I am so glad I provide opportunities for you to face demanding challenges... it helps with your growth as a warrior," she said nonchalantly as she turned around and padded towards the shower.

Waiting a bit longer as she sauntered off, he grinned and replicated her the open jacket version of her new uniform before beginning the task of cleaning up after her assault on his office.

It was a little while later that Ayren reappeared; her damp hair pulled back in a clip, face restored to her natural beauty and of course, her brand spanking new uniform and pips. She had to admit, she liked the new cut. She walked towards Dan'al and grinned. "Am I ready?" she asked with a suppressed grin.

Placing several items back on the shelves he shook his head as he turned and inspected her uniform...after all it had been some time since she had put one on and had never worn the newest version. Tugging here, and brushing there (just for effect) he stepped back nodding. "Take no prisoners."

"I don't need to, I got you," she quipped and with that left his office. There was something she needed to do before she met the Ulian counsellor.


Rear-Admiral Da`nal
Lt Cmdr Ayren Kelan


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