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Posted on 08 Dec 2013 @ 11:47pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

849 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: USS Achilles

Ready Room

Da'nal looked out the widow in his ready room as the USS Hawking escorted them back to Earth. There was a lot of questions to be answered, at least for Starfleet. So much had happened is a short time and as he lifted a mulled glass of bloodwine his thought returned to the event of the recent past.

24 hours earlier - 2000 years in the past

Rain clouds were rolling in fast as the Sovereigns forces moved into position and they rode slowly towards the rise in the entrance to the valley. Something told Da`nal that they were riding towards a key moment in the planets history. If so they had to tread very carefully.

It hadn't taken long and the Sovereign's forces had been discovered and the massive forces of both armies were no longer trying to out maneuver each other but were face to face and heralds from each side were returning to their respective sides. All around them trumpets sounded and swords were drawn.

...Cavalries charged.

...Men and mounts cried out in pain.

At the Sovereign's signal the infantry charged and all hell broke loose. Their story had held and they remained away from the battle as guards for the Goddess' emissary but Da`nal and the other members of the away team held their swords at the ready; just in case. As the clash continued it shifted from area to area as reserves were ordered forward to either strengthen the line or to try and exploit a weakness of the opposing force.

All the time Da`nal scanned the battlefield for a glimpse of the rest of the away team and he thought he saw the unarmored form of a Starfleet uniform in the distance but the person was lost as another formation of troops charged into the fray.

He had been about to bolt into the engagement to try and reach what he believed to be one of his officers when his XO's armored hand grasped his arm. "Sir you know you can't. There is no way to be sure..."


Turning from the window he looked to the shelf behind his desk that now held the helmet he had worn and the sword he had been given. He took a seat at his desk and his thoughts returned to the events of the battle.

24 hours earlier - 2000 years in the past

In the heat of the battle the leader of the Nahroo Sovereignty and the High Lord of the Vershanni, both having lost their war mounts found each other on the battlefield as rain began to fall. The troops near them all stopped them as a ring formed and slowly grew as more and more stopped to watch the coming battle between their leaders. The outcome would determine the fate of either side.

The plumage on the Sovereigns helm was tattered and bloodstained as was his armor. The Vershanni leader was equally battle scarred and both were worn but they both prepared to face each other.

Unknown to those on the surface things were taking place in orbit that was to change the fate of an entire planet. The fighting was still raging on at the flanks of the formations and began to spiral towards the members of the away team. Da`nal and those with him prepared to defend themselves as the leaders of the two armies charged one another and as their swords met everyone on the battlefield fell to the ground as a great boom rolled through the valley.


Placing the now empty cup on the replicator the shimmering of the replicator's recycling process reminded him of the entity that had returned the Achilles to the appropriate time. The being, beings really, that the people of Dandarand had come to know as the Goddess was had turned out to be a former corporeal life form that had evolved beyond their physical form. These being had been guiding and protecting the people for millennia and had decided that it was time for them to care for that the planet was apart of the galactic community and a member of the Federation. But before they left the Dandaronian people to their own fate there had been one last prophecy that had to be fulfilled; and that was where the USS Achilles had come in.

Upon their return to the present the ship's data and logs had been handed over to the USS Hawking for analysis and the Captain of the Hawking had sent Da`nal the results; including a translation of the ancient scroll that predated events they witnessed by almost a thousand years.

'...two great armies shall join in battle on the plain of judgment and the heavens shall weep. Lightning will split the heavens, the wrath of the Goddess shall fall upon all and each shall be judged. The low shall be made high and the high made humble. The chosen shall rise and unite as one to raise their swords no more.'


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