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Dinner with the girls - Part 1

Posted on 11 Dec 2013 @ 9:52pm by Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey

1,053 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M11: Feet to the fire
Location: USS Achilles

Teresa picked Vicki up from school after Teresa's shift ended in sickbay. Vicki was all a jabber about what she had learned. When Vicki finally took a breath, Teresa teasingly asked. "So you had fun today? Do you want to go back?

Vicki nodded vigorously. “Yes, mama.”

"So mo much fun, that you don't want to spend time with Jason? Or help me cook?" Vicki's eyes got as big as saucers. "No... No... I want to spend time with Jase! What are we having for dinner? "

Teresa smiled. "How about spaghetti with meatballs, salad and garlic bread. You may make the salad and garlic bread."

Vicki let out a squeal. "With cheese, in and on top?"

Laughing, "Of course. We couldn't have it any other way."

"Yippee!" Vicki started to take off at a run. "Walk, Vicki. We are not going to a fire. When we get back to our quarters, I want you to go in and take a shower, and change into a dress."

"Ah... mom... Do I have to?"

Teresa smiled at Vicki's response. It reminded her of herself at that age. "I would think that you would want to show off one of your dresses that your grandma gave you, to Jason."

"I hate dresses. I can't play in them." Vicki said with a pout.

Teresa laughed. "I used to be the same way. Didn't like shoes, either; I'll make you a deal. You may wait until 15 minutes before Jason arrives. Until then, take a shower and put some play clothes on. I'll be in right behind you. Pony tails or braids?"

"Ok, mommy. I'll wait until then. I want braids, mommy."

After Teresa and Vicki showered, Teresa set up the fixings to make salad and garlic bread. She set the red wine on ice, to chill. Then she placed an apron on Vicki, before dawning an apron for herself.

A half an hour before Jason was due to arrive, everything was ready. The kitten was shut up in Vicki's room. So she'd stay out of the food. The kitten had gotten into the bad habit of begging for food, while they were eating.

"Ok, let's get you changed into a dress. It’s almost time for Jason to arrive."

Vicki drug her feet to her room. "I don't see why I have to."

[Marine Quarters]

Jason came out of the head with a towel around his waist and opened his closet to get out the clothing he had replicated earlier. Luckily things had settled down since the ship had been thrown back in time. The ship was back where it was supposed to be and his head was still trying to get his mind around it all. ~The came from the future into the past so that the planets present could come to pass....~

His thoughts were interrupted as his roommate tossed the padd he was reading on the foot of his bed as he sat up. "You off to see the Doc again?"

"Yep. She asked me over for dinner."

"You all have been seeing an awful lot of each other...things are getting pretty serious between you two? She introduce you to her folks yet?"

Throwing the towel at his head Jason replied. "Nahh...not yet anyway."

"So what's the deal? I mean I can't say that I blame ya. She is hot, but I don't know if I could do the whole instant family thing..."

Fastening his pants he wrinkled his brow. "Seriously?! You'd pass on a good thing just because she had a kid?"

"No no I didn't say that at all...I just would have to be in the situation before I know for sure. You know what I mean. When you first found out you didn't hesitate? Even just a bit?"

Jason paused slightly and he was pulling his shirt up his arms, "Okay maybe just a bit but we're well past that now. I was surprised just how quick the little squirt grows on you."

Steven picked up his padd and laid back down. "You got it bad man...twice a bad. Just don't get too worn out tonight because I won't be taking it easy on ya tomorrow at the MCMAP sparring."

Jason smirked. "Don't worry, I'll have you tapping out in record time like before; and in front of Captain Post."

"HA! Speaking of officers aren't you worried about your girl being an officer and you're not?"

Shortly after leaving his quarters he stopped by the ships replimat and started looking through the various items in the database. He had paused over a particular set category but ended up with a colorful bouquet of flowers.

When Jason arrived, Teresa was putting the finishing touches on Vicki's hair. Vicki was wearing a pink princess dress/costume. It was
the only dress Teresa could get Vicki to put on. Teresa was wearing a navy blue slip dress with gold trim.

"Why don't you let Jason in, while I pour the drinks."

"Do I get wine, tonight?"

Teresa laughed, "Good try, munchkin, but no. Sparkling grape juice and milk for you little lady."

"Aw... Mom..." Vicki said, as she skipped to the door. When she opened the door her mouth dropped. "Uhmm... Mommy..."

Teresa turned to see what was wrong. "Vicki, let him in." Smiling at Jason. "They're beautiful, Jason. Let me get a vase."

Teresa walked over to the replicator and ordered a vase. "You chose my favorite flowers. How did you know, or did a little birdie tell you?"

Jason looked down at Vicki smiling. "Just a lucky guess I suppose."

Vicki let out a small giggle. "I don't know anything, I promise." Vicki couldn't stop giggling.

"Uhmmm... Hmm... Why don't I believe that?" Teresa asked, laughing. Taking the vase from the replicator Teresa brought it to Jason. "Why do I think you two have been plotting against me?"

Jason shrugged. "Maybe you’re just paranoid?"

After taking the flowers from Jason and placing them on the table, Teresa turned back to Jason and gave him a huge hug. "Thank you so much for the flowers. They are beautiful. As for me being paranoid, I don't know do I have a right to be?" She asked with a laugh and then planted a big passionate kiss on his lips.



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