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A surprise in the making

Posted on 15 Nov 2013 @ 1:47am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

611 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Nahroo Capital City - Royal Palace

The Sovereign and First Sword approached the Priestess' chamber adjoining the palaces temple when an aid ran up to them panting. "MY LORD!"

Turning the Sovereign putting a hand on the man's shoulders, "Easy...catch your breath."

"" After a few deep breaths he stood upright. "We have reports from our spies in the Vershani camp. They too have captured a group of strangers and they are all preparing for a test by combat."

Shaking his head at the mention of the archaic ritual, right and wrong should be proven with evidence and testimony...not by trial by arms. All that proved was who was the better warrior, but the news gave him an idea. "How many of their number are involved?"

"Reports are that they are using a depression in the rolling hills of the valley as a combat pit and as many as possible will be watching their champion take on one of the strangers."

the Sovereign gripped the pommel of his sword as plans took shape in his mind. "When is this contest to take place?


Nodding at the confirmation at what was a part of the ancient tradition. "Very well. Notify the armory to prepare to dispense arms!"

Slamming his fist into his chest. "Yes my Lord!", and the aid rushed off to carry out his sovereign's orders.

First Sword Nersus watched as his liege smartly whipped around to face him, his heavy cloak spinning up as he did and his leader and friend placed a hand on his shoulder. "The goddess has blessed us with this opportunity. Are the armies ready?"

"Yes. The 3rd and 6th are drilling as we speak. The 4th, 5th, and 7th are in ready reserve with the 1st and 2nd on the walls."

"Good. Arm any prisoners and fold them into the infantry. Even if we catch them off guard we will still need every sword we can muster."

"If they refuse?"

"Tell them that if they fight and survive they shall have their freedom. If we lose the day the Vershani will kill them in their cells anyway. Now I want the 1st thru the 6th to muster at the east and western gates. I will take the 7th out the main gate. We will use the foot hills to mask our movements and we will attack just as they are enjoying their blood sport!"

"What of our guest?" Nersus asked with a nod to the door to his left.

"If she is of the Goddess...she may be more useful that 1000 armies. Now go."

With a glare of determination Nersus saluted. "Your word is my will! It will be done."

Alone outside the Temple he took hold of his cloak and entered. He did not head into the priestesses chambers, but instead headed to the front of the Temple to the altar. As he drew near a hand maiden approached unrolling a blue cloth that hung from her hands. His expression didn't change as he unbelted his sword, laying it in the cloth only to place two daggers as well, Sovereign or not, one did not go before the Goddess armed. Once he was finished she bowed and backed away.

Another hand maiden approached with a basin of water. Once she approached he dipped his finger tips into the water, touching his finger tips together over the bowl, then touched them to his fore head, face then shoulders. After holding his hands in place for the required length of time he then took hold of his cloak as he knelt to pray. Surprise or not they were going to need all the help they could get.


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