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Lost in time - Insult to injury

Posted on 10 Nov 2013 @ 7:13pm by Master Chief Petty Officer Lance Nelson & Captain Rebecca Post & Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar
Edited on on 10 Nov 2013 @ 7:13pm

1,052 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Sickbay

After leaving Jason at the turbolift, Teresa headed to sickbay. She entered sickbay at a quick pace. The hostages were arriving as she entered.

Stopping a medic as she passed, Teresa ordered her to prepare sandwiches and water. "No alcohol."

There were muttered complaints from several of the biobeds, at this order.

"There will be no drinking in this sickbay. When was the last time any of you drank water?" No one responded to this. "That's what I thought. Continue with my instructions, medic."

Teresa went to each biobed. Mostly there were cuts and bruises. One patient had a sprained ankle. While another had a hairline fracture in their wrist. Mostly they needed food and drink.

After releasing the last patient, Teresa went to her desk. One of the nurse's came up with the last chart. "Well... All in all that turned out well. It could have been worse. At least there were no deaths."

The nurse nodded. "I just hope that was the worst of it, but I doubt it. Did you get a chance to eat?"

Teresa shook her head. "Let's not invite trouble where we don't have to. As for lunch, no I didn't get a chance to eat. We were talking, when I got the call. having dinner tonight, with Vicki. I'll finish these charts, then have lunch."

Suddenly and without warning all went bluish-white in a blinding flash and everyone was thrown to the deck as everything went black.

Teresa grabbed the desk to keep from falling, when the ship started shaking. "Damn! What was that?" Teresa cried out, before catching herself. "No one move, until the emergency lights come up. Remember, safety first. When the lights come back on, prepare for injuries."

As the emergency lights came up, Teresa stood up to assist anyone that might need it. Only a couple of people had hit the deck. Thankfully none were injured, accept for their pride.

The nurse got up off the deck, and crushed herself off. "What was that about not inviting trouble?" Faith asked with a smile.

Teresa have Faith a dirty look. "Let’s just prepare for any emergencies. That was unexpected."

At this moment Captain Rebecca Post was escorted into the sickbay by the Corpsman who had checked her out down on the marine deck, and one of her Marines. The Captain didn't look particularly impressed about being here, however both the Corpsman and her senior enlisted marine had insisted that she get treated, quickly, here before she headed up to the bridge to find out what was going on. Quite simply she had lost a fight with her desk, having been thrown into it during the incident. She had suffered a nasty wound to the back of her head, which had bled quite a bit, and given her a concussion at the least.

"Doctor, if you've not got any emergency patients would you mind treating this head wound of mine?" Rebecca asked with a slight smile. "The good Corpsman here, not to mention my SNCO, won't let me do anything useful until they're confident I'm not going to fall down every time they look away."

"Why, don't you let me be the judge of that, Marine." Teresa said as she picked up a scanner. Pick a biobed, while they're hot, You have your choice. By the way are all Marines stubborn?" Teresa asked. She was just making conversation, it was what helped her ace her bedside manners, in medical school.

"It's our training, they need to make us stubborn when it comes to pain and the like, we need to be able to fight through this kind of crap if we were in the field," Rebecca replied as she sat down on one of the biobeds. "How's it look then Doc?"

"Well its not as bad as it looks. Scalp wounds generally are heavy bleeders. Its a long cut but not too deep. You have a mild concussion, that's easily taken care of. I'd like you to take it easy for the rest of the day, but you are needed. So, I'll release you to light duty." Teresa made a few quick notes on her padd. Then picked up the regenerator. Within a few minutes Rebecca looked like new again. "Don't overexert yourself. If you have any problems come directly back to sickbay." Teresa said as she pressed a hypo to Rebecca's arm. "This will get rid of the pain."

Light Duty, Rebecca thought to herself, yea right.

"I'm sure I'll do my best," Rebecca replied with a slight smile as the hypo began to take effect. "Thanks Doc."

Rebecca turned to her Marines.

"Satisfied the Sergeant Major's concerns have been met?"

Looking to each other they nodded. "Absolutely."

"Good," Rebecca nodded. "Let's get to the bridge."

"Roger that." As they left the Corporal looked back, about to thank her but other wounded began to arrive. Some with serious injuries.

Everyone in sickbay was in pretty good shape but that, obviously, wasn't the case everywhere. "Ma'am, looks like we are about to get really busy in here."

Teresa waved off the thanks that one of the Marines offered. "Just keep her safe and alive. She's no good to us injured or dead." Teresa said as she turned to deal with the influx of wounded. "I may not be able to fix her."

As the Marines left Teresa thought to turn on the EMH. "Computer, activate the Emergency Medical...Hologram."

"Please state the nature of your emergency." You hear As the EMH came on-line. When he saw the wounded coming in, he picked up a tricorder. Teresa was working on a seriously injured patient and didn't look up. "An unknown object or enemy has hit the ship. Power and communications are down. Grab a...Medkit and a corpsman and make your way to the bridge. It is safe to assume that turbolifts are down." The hologram nodded. "Very well. You might want to take care of that cut on your forehead, soon." The EMH said as he picked up a tricorder. Pointing to a corpsman. "You are with me."...Teresa hadn't even realized she had injured herself. "I will, as soon as I finish with this patient."

Captain Rebecca Post

Ltjg. Teresa Wendsar

NPCs Played by Da`nal


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