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What, Where, When, & Why....Part 1

Posted on 31 Oct 2013 @ 7:10pm by Ensign Jessica Logan (PNPC) & Sergeant Major Arcenio Velez & Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Lieutenant Hayley Lawson & Captain Rebecca Post & Lieutenant JG Suteyo Alahanu & Cadet Junior Grade Tekran Theldore

1,201 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: USS Achilles - Various


Standard lighting had been restored and the ship was well on the way to being 100% again. However they still couldn't communicate with the away team. Ensign Logan's legs were all that could be seen as she squirmed around within the guts of the console.

Surrounded by opticable, gel-paks, and the various circuitry that made the ship function Jess scanned the assembly to double check what she already knew and closed she tossed the tricorder out the opening in frustration as she wiggled her way out. As she emerged she looked up at the engineer. "I can't explain it...there is not a damn thing wrong with the ships communications but we still can't reach the away team."

Grimacing, Hayley tried to think of another reason why they couldn't get through, "can you tell if our transmissions are actually being transmitted and if they are, we need to consider interference between us as the away team?"

"The transmissions are going out but the stop dead in its tracks at about 10 meters from the hull. They aren't reflected back or re-directed...they just stop."

"Stop?" Nathan asked, stepping through the debris. "By what or how?"

Hayley shook her head, "I have no idea. I'll head down to engineering and see of I can get a better idea of what's going on"

Nodding, Nathan returned to the command chair. He was doing his best to get a grip on the situation. "Status report, all departments."

[Transporter Room]

Cammy headed to the transporter, convinced she'd be more effective planet side and up on the ship. Upon arrival, she noticed a Yellow jacket fiddling with the transporter console. "Let me guess," she said, figuring she knew what was going on. "Transporter not working?"

He gave her a nod, not looking away from his work.

Cammy gave a sigh. "You know, It'd be nice if these things actually worked when we needed them." She tapped her commbadge "Ensign Valentine to Engineering. You're never going to believe this, but the transporters are useless. Any idea they'll be working again?"

"We'll get on it as soon as we can Ensign" the on-duty Engineer responded

"Terrific," she replied with growing frustration. She stepped out in to the corridor and headed for the turbolifts. As she walked, she tapped her commbadge. "Ensign Valentine to Lt. Goodshire. The transporters are down. I'm going to take a shuttle down."

Upon entering the lift, she tapped her commbadge again. "Valentine to Sargeant Major Velez. Don't know if you're aware, but we aren't getting to the planet with the transporters. Mind sharing a shuttle to Dandaran 4?"

[Marine CO's office]

Velez still hadn't heard from Captain Post and was unaware what the general was. He still had Marines throughout the ship, but he could have a team ready to go. =^= I am still waiting on Captain Post, but I will have a team meet you in the shuttle bay.=^=


After a few moments of trying to find out why the ships communications weren't working, Hayley stepped over to a nearby console and started running a system wide diagnostic. She'd just managed to get this ship running smoothly and she couldn't fathom where she could have gone wrong.

As soon as the diagnostic was running, Hayley tapped her combadge, "Jess, have we tried sending a link to a nearby starbase or starship? It may just be something in the atmosphere that's blocking the signals"

Junior cadet Tekran Theodore entered engineering and walked up to Lt. Hayley Lawson. "Junior cadet Tekran Theodore reporting for duty as ordered ma'am." Tekran announced at attention. "What are my orders?"

Hayley turned to the new arrival, "first of all, you can relax before you sprain something, this isn't the corp" she said, putting a hand on the cadets shoulder, "I run a pretty tight engine room, but we're nice people, so don't hesitate to ask for help if you run into trouble. While you're here, you'll be assigned to me. I want to keep an eye on you, but for now just follow me around and observe"

"Yes ma'am, err uh I mean ok" Tekran stumbled. Tekran relaxed and allowed himself to look around taking in the sheer size of the room and how it was seemingly dwarfed by the core. "What’s on the agenda for today?" he asked

Hayley smiled, "it seems we have something of a mystery on our hands. We can't send communications to the plant and our transporters are strangely malfunctioning. Right now we're trying to find out why"

Tekran pondered for a moment thinking back to his first couple of years at the academy "could it be an energy disturbance preventing our communications and transporters?"

Hayley nodded, "we had the same thought. Our sensors haven't picked up anything. The diagnostics say everything fine with the systems themselves, so we're looking into outside sources, atmospheric interference, jammers, they whole nine yards"

Tekran nodded. "Anything I can do to help?" he offered eager to get his hands dirty, so to speak.


Teresa frowned as she finished up with the patients in sickbay. She had heard no news from the bridge. She was uncertain as to whether or not she should go up there or not. There had not been any serious injuries with the shake up. She had lost one person. She had done everything she could to save him, to no avail. Returning to her office, Teresa wrote up the details to the officer's death. Including the steps she had taken to try and save him. She'd leave the notifications to the CMO.

After taking a breather and drinking mint tea, Teresa stood up and walked to the CMO's office and placed the DATA PADDs on the desk. This was the second patient she had lost in her career. The first she had lost as an intern. It still hit her hard, though. She hoped that it never got easier. Her mind drifted to Vicki and Jason. Neither of them showed up in sickbay, which was a good sign, she hoped.

Suteyo awoke in great alarm. Pain, awful wracking pain shot through him with even the simple state of being aware. The room was dark, but he knew a recovery ward when he saw one, having had spent plenty of time in them. Pain was nothing, but the nature of what had happened to him very much mattered. His medical history was a torrid affair with vulgar wounds grievously inflicted with murderous intent. Listening for any talk or information, there was none, it was a simulated night to help them sleep and recover.

Deciding to answer for himself what had happened he flexed slowly, starting from his toes. His legs were intact, and he could take a full breath... it was when he tried to sit up that the source of his injury was revealed. The bruised and torn skin on his chest wasn't burned but he couldn't move his torso at all. Struggling to remember the events before his sudden blackout, he remembered a sensation of huge massive crushing force, blue light... the ship violently rocking...

Looking for the beacon, he summoned a nurse, he was awake and needed answers.



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