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Posted on 31 Oct 2013 @ 7:05pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Hayley Lawson & Cadet Junior Grade Tekran Theldore

1,453 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: SB 80 - Repair Bay
Timeline: Back Post - Prior to departure

Walking along the docking bays, Hayley was looking for that one among many that was holding her next assignment. She was really looking forward to this one, A Prometheus class, a ship capable of splitting into three seperate ships and fighting off a ship three times it's size.

After looking through most of the docks, Hayley made her way to the Observation area to try and get a better idea of where the ship was. As she walked in, she spotted someone standing by the window

Da`nal watched from the observation area of the starbase. Each section of his ship was being worked on separately, but his attention was on the lower drive section. In the final battle with the Kziniti that section had lost a nacelle and it had been pure luck the Vaq'bach had been nearby to provide cover for the crippled section.

Stevens had assured him that the refit would double the structure strength of the nacelles and that the reconstruction would be done ahead of schedule. He watched intently as workpods buzzed around the ship, but his keen hearing heard the subtle footsteps of someone approaching him from behind. "It is not wise to approach a Klingon from behind without announcing your presents..." Turning he faced the person that had approached. " there something I can do you?"

"Maybe you can Sir, I'm looking for the" Hayley said, glancing down at her transfer orders, "Achilles. You wouldn't happen to know where she's birthed do you sir?"

Extending his hand, "your orders."

Hayley handed over the PADD containing her transferr orders. It felt a little strange to hand it over her orders to someone that wasn't her new CO, but if it helped find her next post...

Glancing over the padd briefly and nodding approvingly he looked up at the young officer, returning the padd. "The Achilles is right out there. For all the damage it took while behind the lines it gave much much more...a fitting vessel for it's name sake." He paused as she looked out over the repair yard.

Looking out the window, Hayley sighed, "oh great, my new ship's in pieces. No-one told me it would be 'some assembly required'. Damn"

"Well considering that the damage was sustained during battle while in assault mode; each section needed to be repaired separately. Oh and that my ship Lieutenant."

Surprised, Hayley turned around to face the other officer, "sorry, did you just say that you're the Achilles CO?"

Da`nal nodded with a grin.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry sir, I didn't mean any disrespect" Hayley said, bowing slightly

"None taken Lieutenant. Why don't we go aboard and hand find Lt. Stevens. I'm sure he'd welcome your assistance. The rest of the crew is on extended shore leave. The two of two could work out a rotational schedule to give each of you a break if you like."

Hayley smiled, "Sir, I've had my rest, if the lieutenant needs shoreleave, than I'll take over for a while"

Nodding approvingly, Stevens had been going great work keeping both the ships engineering and the stations repair yard personnel on task and ahead of schedule. "Steven has been pushing himself and the last thing we need is the progress or quality to start slipping. Let's head over and get you up to speed."

Hayley nodded quickly, "definatly, I'm looking forward to getting started. I've heard so much about the Prometheus Class"

They took the nearest lift to the main repair bay and as they stepped out they emerged to a hive of activity. In the center of it all was the station's yardmaster as she coordinated the transfer of supplies to the various sections of the Achilles.

Seeing the Admiral's approach she shot a thumb towards the umbilical to the lower drive section. As she did there was a large crash as a cart got away from someone and collided with a stack of empty supply crates.

They left the yardmaster to her duties as she started shouting at the unlucky crewman. They made their way through the ship and found Stevens shouting up the new nacelle pylon.

"Dammit! I said to run the secondaries inside the new support column..."

"No problems here Lieutenant?", Da`nal interrupted.

"Nothing that a cattleprod would fix. Notta worry sir everything will be ready as promised." Looking to the woman standing next to his boss. "And you are?"

"Lieutenant Lawson, your Assistant Chief Engineering Officer" Hayley responded, holding out her hand, "it's good to meet you."

"And your relief I might add." Da`nal interjected.

Ignoring the new arrival Stevens turned to the Admiral. "Sir we are at a critical juncture and I cannot just go gallivanting down on the planet while some stranger..." Looking to the Admiral's companion, what ever her name was " offence...", then facing the Admiral again. "Sir I have no inten...."

His expression alone had been able to stop Lt. Stevens this time be for he bug his whole any deeper. "Get her up to speed and then you WILL take a one week liberty on the planet below." Stevens' mouth drop and he was about to protest but Da`nal continued, his tone getting more and more 'Klingon' as he went. "I will not have my ship or its crew endanger because you push yourself and something gets missed from your fatigue. If you even attempt to monitor, communicate, or return to the station before that time is up you will not like the consequences."

Turning to Stevens, Hayley smiled, "so lieutenant, how's the repairs going?"

Still irritated from being stripped of his duties he handed over his PADD. "They are going fine, we just completed the reconstruction of this nacelle. The new construction doubles the pylon strength and the same re-enforcement is being incorporated on the other pylons as well. Other than that it's repair or replacement of damaged systems, replacement of hull plating and the ships ablative armor. Pretty standard really just that there's a lot of it."

"Well, I'm here to help. Just tell me where to start and I'll get things moving"

The Admiral turned to let the engineers work things out amongst themselves. When he did he was shock to see a cadet waiting for him to finish his tirade.

"Evening sir, junior grade cadet Tekran Theodore reporting for duty" Tekran stood at attention in front of who he hoped was his CO. "I am eager to learn the ropes sir what shall I do first?" he asked eagerly.

Da`nal had been able to dodge the cadet training bullet since he first took command of a starship as a Commander but it seemed the extended repairs to the Achilles had made that impossible. He took a deep breath and "Your orders."

"Yes sir, here they are" Tekran said handing over the PADD with his orders. He couldn't help but notice how the rear admiral seemed a little irritated..... well maybe a little was putting it lightly.

Taking the PADD held out by the cadet he reviewed the Cadet's file and saw that he was to be assigned to engineering. Personally he had always found Vulcans annoying but an asset at the same time. "Very well. Looks like you will be joining us for the time being. Think you're up to serving on a Prometheus Class starship?"

"Yes sir I am. Once I found out I had been assigned to the Achilles..... well lets just say I had to meditate to keep my calm about me" Tekran replied with a little nervousness in his voice. "When do we shove off sir?"

Such an admission of emotion was uncharacteristic of a Vulcan and to and to it Da`nal could sense his apprehension, very un-Vulcan like but he was young. "We 'shove off' once our repairs and upgrades are complete. Right now most of the crew is on extended shore leave with essential and command being on a rotational schedule."

He stepped back turning to his two key engineers. "Lieutenants Smith...Lawson. This is Cadet Theldore; he will be joining us for his training cruise. He's all yours." With that Da`nal left the area to deal with other things leaving them to deal with the new arrival.

Lieutenant Stevens fumed shaking his head. "Great a Cadet on top of everything else..." Handing the current repair schedule to Lawson has he had been forced to take leave, " deal with him." ~I need a drink...,~ he thought to himself as he stormed off leaving the two newbies to their own devices.

Lt Hank Steven
(Played by Da`nal)

Lt Hayley Lawson

Junior Cadet Tekran Theldore


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