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Out of the Frying pan...Part 2

Posted on 27 Sep 2013 @ 8:18pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,427 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Vershani Encampment

Darkness peeked away at Jas the symbiont, it heard his host inside of him, but not outside as all the other before had once held. Something happen to Naja, but, what it was was a blur and flash of light. He wanted answers from the outside world, but, with Naja knocked out and inside him, he was having a hard time figuring out which former host. For the Symbiont known as Jas couldn’t figure what voice was whose for they were all talking as one. In a way during a Zhian'tara. So which luck, he picked one the voice that he felt was Naja, and transfer the memories into the mind of Naja.

With a moan of pain, as she slowly moved, Naja's hand moved and placed upon her forehead and began to rub the side of her head. Then it paused and her eyes open upon hearing the moan and other voices. She looked around as her eyes opened wide to see a group of people, she never seen before. She was about to state something in a way of a greeting, but, she stopped and looked down at her body.

"This is..."she started softly "...odd"

She looked over to the other who were near her and then looked to the other who where there as well. She study them briefly, noticing the weapons and how some of them remind her of Klingons, but somehow slightly different. Except for two of them. She dwelled over what she wanted to say, when she paused and heard voices inside her head. Which was odd, in all matter of speaking. But, of course, she was trained to silent the over she heard as she took in a deep breath, and waited to be spoken too.

Gesturing to herself she smiled at the person "Not really sure what a Djinn is, but, I'm a trill. Names Lodi"

"See!" Braegor pointed at Naja with his staff "That one does not even call herself a being like us, she has strange markings! The mark of evil!"

"I beg to differ on me being evil in any shape or form. Strange markings aside of course" Lodi stated training to figure out what was going on let alone why he was in a female body. Yet, he quietly observed the interaction that was taking place before him, her 'not sure how I got here, hell, not even sure if this is a dream. But, one thing is clear, this will make one hell of a story when I get back'

Blanra forced herself to retain the calm and dignity of her station but this, so called prophet was making it difficult and her face flushed, but she kept her tone respectful. "High Lord Hahranhah, as I said I am a Priestess of the Goddess. The histories are taught only to those deemed worthy in hopes that they may be chosen by the Goddess to guide the souls of her people. My knowledge of the past is proof that I am who I say I am. Only those of noble birth, like yourself, would know anything of them."

Looking to still unconscious Klingon and the now awakened Trill. "As to my companions, they may appear strange but they arrived with me. I believe them a test by the Goddess. Will you judge them on their appearance alone?"

Hahranhah rubbed his chin, while he mused over the unusual situation. He was sure evil spirits existed, but had never seen any and these people did not look like how he expected a Djinn to appear. Secretly he was also enjoying annoying Braegor, who was still muttering under his breath by the fire pit.

He decided to let events develop further "What kind of test?" he asked the woman

"Uh ummm..." Lodi stated in the voice of Naja "...not really sure on what you’re seeking for a test. Strength, Wisdom, Agility, or what not to prove that we're not evil in any shape or form. I'm sure, each of us, has different abilities that can prove to you we're not evil."

Lodi gestured to the Klingon who for the most part was still out cold "Take him, for example. He is a warrior. Bound by a code of honor, loyal to his people, his house, and to the Empire he serves. But, I doubt he is from the Empire, but, an even more notable and honorable group of people, who seeks out knowledge and to better their way of life. Which, I am myself is from this ever group of people, who want to know all that can about those that call this galaxy of ours home and share with them what they have learned"

Lodi, paused as she gestured skyward "We're from worlds no different than your own, yet, I can go on and on about the vastness of this group of people and all the worlds in which they call home."

"Different worlds?" Hahranhah asked "You mean from the cities of the Nahroo Sovereignty?! Pah! Then you would have better claimed to be Djinns!"

There was some shifting and whispering among the tribal Chieftains who did not want Nahroo spies in the camp on the eve of battle.

That would teach her; now how did she get them out of this mess. Ens. Morag, though his ridges where more pronounced than theirs would fit in; if he didn’t get them all killed when he woke up. Naja was an entirely different subject, especially now that she said they were from another world. Thinking quickly she looked to the Trill then back to their captor. “My Lord, you and the Vershani are well known for their strength and prowess in battle. How else would your people have brought the Naharoo Sovereignty to where you have. However the Goddess is not only impressed by strength of body but heart as well. You have the power to kill at will and for that people fear you. But that is not true power. True power is when you have the right to kill but do not. No one here, in heaven, or in hell would doubt your ability as a warrior, but what of your compassion? This is the test I believe is before you.”

She glanced to Braegor, who was still fuming as she continued. “Will you honor the Goddess or surrender to the fear and ignorance of others?”

"I surrender to nothing or no one" Hahranhah said coldy "Certainly not to fear! Compassion is a luxury I do not have, too long the Tribes have been forced to wander the plains and deserts. Now is the time for a final settling of accounts with the Nahroo. So do not expect compassion before a battle to the death"

While Hahranhah did not consider these strangers to be evil spirits, their claim to be from different worlds was clearly upsetting his Chieftains. If the strangers were Nahroo spies perhaps handing them over to Braegor would be a solution, although he hated to give the prophet anything.

He stomped back and sat on his chest for a while, drinking his beer, looking between the strangers, his chieftains and the despised prophet. Finally he came to a decision.

"Very well, we shall test your spirit and heart and leave compassion to the mercy of the Goddess Herself." He announced "One of you will fight one of my warriors. Who will be chosen and blessed by Braegor.

If you are Djinns, as Braegor claims, then his blessing with enable the warrior to defeat you. However, if you have true spirit and strength and are beloved of the Goddess, as you claim, then she will protect you. The match will be to first blood If your fighter is cut first, then you will be handed over to Braegor to be cleansed in fire."

From the corner of his eye Hahranhah watched his Chieftains; there was a general nodding of approval from them. Braegor, on the other hand, had a sour look on his face. Had he just realized that if the warrior he chose did not win then his own standing as Prophet would be diminished? Hahranhah hoped he had

"So, do you accept the test of combat?"

The Priestess look to Morag then bowed her head toward Hahranhah. "While it is unwise to test the Goddess, you leave us little choice. I would ask for some time to see to our champion and to perform the customary ritual prayers for our champion."



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