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Representative of the Goddess

Posted on 10 Nov 2013 @ 7:07pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar
Edited on on 10 Nov 2013 @ 7:16pm

1,035 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Nahroo Capital City - Royal Palace

The room was a buzz of activity as the various maidens and priestesses saw to the stranger that had been brought to them. The High Priestess herself had been brought to see her immediately and had directed her priestesses to see to her comfort and to summon her when she awoke. The stranger had had no obvious injuries and she had been cleaned and clothed in the pale blue garments reserved for the high priestess herself.

Holy incense now burned as the priestesses now knelt at the foot of the bed and prayed at the foot of the bed.

Remembering anything that had happen, was a mere blur. Sara couldn't tell if this is reality or dream, for deep down inside her mind she felt like she wanted to scream. A terrible silence gripped her in a shroud of darkness, held fast with in mind.
Now that the war, between her Klingon and Andorian side was through with her. She slowly awoke, but her eyes refuse see, let alone open. She felt as if there isn't much left, except for pain. She took in a deep breath as both side once more arose. She held her breath as she wished for glory above all else.

The sweet sent of incense course through out the room, drifting around, over, and then worked inside her. She slowly open her eyes, upon hearing whispers or to her ears sounded more like prayers. She slowly arose from the bed in which she laid upon, not really sure, how she gotten here. She looked to see a woman knelt at the foot of the bed, with her head bowed and her hands clasped mumbling words while she prayed.

"You can arise" She uttered softly.

The shock of hearing the voice jolted all of them from their prayers and they fell back trying to get to their feet. Whispering an instruction one of the junior Priestesses ran from the room.

Her shifted slowly from one side to another and back again, which her head turned with the eye gestured. She was puzzled and had question that were no doubt needing of answered. But, for the time being she remained quiet, serene in her own mind as she grasp what was happening about her. Yet something inside her an intellects vast, cool and unsympathetic, regarded these people with envious eyes, as this being slowly and surely drew it's plans against them.

She was impress with what she discovered her clothing. A simple, near see through garment that nearly matched her skin color. Again she puzzled over questions, which demanded answers. Which she answered herself, as she grasped upon a faded memory, which she felt might not have been a memory. It felt more like a dream then a memory, as she turned slightly and placed her bare feet upon the stone floor. She felt the dress upon her naked body, as she rose up from the bed. Again she looked to those gathered there, in their state of shock and hearing them whisper to one another.

"hmmm..." she grumbled as she turned to look out the window.

The Blue skin woman padded towards the window as she bask in the rays of the sun. Her eyes were closed as a soft breeze blew in causing her white hair to flow and surround her with the pleasant scent of the incense that continue to burn with in the room. Sara knew something had taken place during transport, but, now, the people her seemed a bit Primitive.

'If this is the case, then the Prime Directive is shot, with me being her' she thought 'So play it off and hopefully, I can get home'

The priestesses stood in silence as the stranger moved to the window and they made no move limit her movements. The silence was broken as the High Priestess entered the chamber.

Dropping her hand from the door she looked the stranger over. The tone of her skin color was uncanny and unseen by any before now. Looking to the attending priestess, "Leave us."

As the heavy door closed the High Priestess bowed her head then looked in her eyes as she spoke. "Word of your arrival has had a great effect within the walls of this city. Many see it as an omen and a sign of the Goddesses support for the Sovereign."

with an arch of her right brow, Sara took in what was stated, before she nodded her head "I see. Then my arrival has come at a good time?"

"To an extent. While the Sovereigns forces have taken your arrival as a favorable sign. The forces arrayed against the Sovereign may seek to strike early before word of your presents spreads to the Vershani tribesmen."

[The Great Hall]

First Sword Nersus listened as the young priestess rattle off her story as she informed him the stranger was awake. Thanking her, he turned to inform his Lord, but he didn't have to take but a few steps has the leader of the Nahroo Sovereignty entered the hall. "Sovereign she is awake."

Nodding the broad shouldered leader spoke, "Take me to her."


Patience was one of the many key features in which she had to learn in her life and now put forth here on this world, a world that for her was in the past. She knew something was a foot, but, what it was she didn't know. Yet as she waited her thoughts ran, puzzling over how she gotten her and what happen to her equipment she carried. She dwelled upon as she wanted for whomever it was the priestess stated to summon, but, there in among her thoughts was a darkness. which both her warrior cultures were in great debate over, as she waited. She was fighting between two Empires, both equally strong and wise. Yet, she already knew that anything she did now would affect the outcome of these people in some form or another. So she remained in the chamber and merely let her mind wondered on how she can fix this and to use both culture traits in finding a way home.

Lt. Sara'Marbela Har'tar

NPCs played by Da`nal


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