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Just want to sleep

Posted on 01 Jun 2009 @ 12:18am by

493 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Timeline: Backpost to evening of Day 2

It was dark, humid and hot. Webb walked cautiously, slowly talking in his environment, searching for his targets. The feel of his Katana was reassuring. It was perfectly balanced. It’s blade shimmering in the dim light. He had been here before. He remembered now and would never forget the smell and the sounds of a Borg cube. Sweat was dripping off his forehead and stinging his eyes. He wiped them cautiously, searching for his prey.
He could hear them coming closer, just like before. This time it was different. This time it was revenge. They took things from him. Not just his humanity, but more important things his wife and daughter. He would have gladly died for them, a thousand times. His humanity is back now. He can feel it in the pain, knowing that he will never see his wife or child again.

Several drones approached Webb, his katana was a blur of light reaching out to drone and another and one more. Each being cleaved in half from the ark of the katana as Webb swung the sword with precision. Each drone became a shimmering light and then was gone.~If only they were real~ Webb thought to himself. He continued on searching for more. He slowly crept around the corner. A drone appeared in front of him. The drone thrust out his arm with a type of small circular saw at the end. Webb dropped his sword and stopped the drone’s thrust by grabbing the wrist with both hands. The drone’s other hand came up and began to assist the saw blade. Webb felt his strength draining. He dropped and rolled onto his back Using the strength in his arms along with the drone’s own strength to send the drone flying over and past Webb. Webb like a ninja kicked his legs and was up in an instant with his katana in hand. He quicky reversed the sword and thrust it down into the drone. The drone shimmered then disappeared. Another drone came up behind Webb. Webb sensed this and turned while swinging his sword, the drone was no more. Webb felt himself beginning to tire and knew that soon he might be able to get some long as the nightmares didn’t come too soon.

The comm channel opened....â€Bridge to Webb, I have an incoming subspace message for youâ€.

“Stand by, I will take it in my quarters.†Webb quickly arrived at his quarters, with a towel wiping off his face, he sat down in front of the terminal at his desk. Tapping his comm badge, “Webb to bridge, send it to my quarters, please.â€

The panel lit up with the Federation logo, then a beautiful, smiling, familiar face appeared. It was Maria. He wanted to tell here everything but, he couldn’t, not yet. It hurt too much. He smiled at her and listened to her talk..............


Ens. Webb


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