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The Specialist

Posted on 30 May 2009 @ 1:22pm by

459 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Intel office
Timeline: Prior to departure (after post "Stand off")

Silonez and Janis were busy unloading the evidence from the grav carts, security was going to come over and inventory their stuff later, and the bomb fragments were sitting on the work bench. Dr. Hemming way was going to do an autotopsy later on to determine cause of death and identity of the dead.

Janis spoke up "so whose the mysterious specialist thats coming to look over these bomb chunks?"

"Lita Wilkinson, shes' in the area and she has the back ground we need for this trip." Silonez smirked, He had requested her for this assignment just after he had arrived.

"Is she going to make it before we depart. I'd hate for her to get left behind." Janis snickered

"I made it here just before they closed the airlock, Hi Silonez, this must be Janis, I'm Lita." The blonde said, "You guys in obsidian fleet don't screw around."

"You must have arrived after the battle, you ready to work or you need some time to get settled in?" Silonez hoped she wasn't in a rush.

"I don't know where my quarters are, so I'd like to get settled in first I can start the reconstruction in the morning, I could use something to eat as well." Lita said.

"Janis lets wrap it up for today, I'll show Lita to her quarters, lets pick it up at the beginning of the day shift. This way Ms. Masterson" Silonez showed the way

In the hall Silonez and Lita were talking about alot of things, "Then their was this ferengi, Oh my god thay guy was annoying, I haven't been so annoyed with anyone until that little freak got in my face."

"oh geeze, you didn't do something did you?" silonez asked

"No, I didn't have the chance too, he got carted off by station security, So how is Rita these days?" Lita asked not knowing events of a few weeks ago.

"Uhh...Rita and I are no more, we were going different ways so we ended it amicably. how about you?" Silonez trying to change the direction of the conversation.

"No, Randy and I never really had a chance, especially now that hes at deepspace 9 and I'm here. I'm not that good at the long distance thing. So these are my quarters?"

"yeah there not like being on a Galaxy class, but they are cozy" Silonez tried to joke.

"Well, I'll see you at 0700 tomorrow, ok" Lita said and went into her quarters.

Silonez just stood there ~Right next time I'll be more forward with you~ silonez hung his head and just walked down the corridor to his quarters, feeling defeated and hurt.


Lt. Silonez Ericson

Ens. Lita Wilkinson (NPC)
Intel officer

WO1 Janis Cortice(NPC)
Intel Officer


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