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On her way

Posted on 02 Jun 2009 @ 3:09am by

641 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Webbs quarters


Webb returned to his quarters from the gym. He thought to himself, ~ Maria is late on her call. I wonder what is going on. Maybe I should call her to make sure she is ok. Nope, I will wait till I am done with the shower, then I will call her.

Webb stepped out of the shower, he was very relaxed now. Soon he would be going to bed. He threw on his sleeping pants and began walking toward him computer terminal.

The comm activated “ Ensign Webb there is a subspace communication for you.†came the voice.
“Thank you, send it to my quarters.†Webb began to smile, a familiar face came over the screen.
It was his love, Maria. She had a very big and beautiful smile going.

“Hello Tim, How are you feeling? I can sense something different in you. We will talk about that very soon. I think we should talk over dinner tomorrow tonight on DS5. What do you think?â€

Tim’s jaw dropped in disbelief, “What? You will be here tomorrow? That’s fantastic! Wha... what happened for you to return so quick?†Webb closed his mouth.

“Well, we finished our scans of an anomaly ahead of schedule, thanks to our science and engineering departments. There is something that I wish to talk to you about right now though.â€
You mentioned to me that we should be close together, so our relation ship can continue to more forward. Well, I agree. I will be the first one to give something in our relationship. I want to come with you on the Freedom. I don’t care what type of job that I have. I love engineering. It is my passion but, I will take anything for now, with the assumption, that I will be back in engineering one day. For now it does not matter as long as I am with you. I would like for you to talk to your Captain today and let him know my intentions and if you have any pull with him, put in a good word.†She began to laugh after remembering the accounts of Webb’s first day. “I have already talked to my Captain about our situation, he agrees and is going to give me a transfer. He said he will hate to see his best engineer leave. He said he will also talk with your captain and put in a good word for me. What do you think?â€

Tim couldn’t believe what he was hearing, “Are you kidding me? This is great! I can’t believe it.
It’s fast but great. I am ready for you and yes I do have something that I need to talk to you about.†There, he said it. ~I need to talk to someone about it and she is the best person for me to talk to, She is my best friend.....and more~

“Well Tim, I will see you tomorrow. It looks like you are ready for bed so I will end this now.
Good night, I love you.â€

“See you tomorrow, I love you too.†Tim replied with a warm smile.

The screen went to the Federation logo.
Tim’s mind began to wonder. Thinking about the good times he shared with Maria. That was just the beginning. There would be many more good times. Then his mind went to Linda and the baby. He missed them. His smile was gone, replaced by sadness. ~I will have to find a way to tell her. I can not do it over dinner. Not out there. It will have to be in private.~ He began to think about them again.
He would not sleep tonight. Feelings washing over him, he buried his face in his hands and began to weep.


Ensign Webb

NPC Maria by Webb


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