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Family Matters - Part 2

Posted on 18 Aug 2013 @ 9:01pm by Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey & Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar
Edited on on 18 Aug 2013 @ 9:02pm

862 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: SB 80 & USS Achilles
Timeline: Past & Present

[USS Achilles] - Present - 1206

Jason walked into sickbay and saw that Hartar was gone, ~probably at the same briefing that Captain Post was at~, he thought to himself. Teresa was busy with some patient and he came up behind her, interrupting he instructions. "Don't believe a thing she says...had to put one of my Marines down after she got done with him."

Teresa jumped at his voice and turned to him. "Watch it, Marine, or you'll be on that bio-bed over there.” She said wagging her finger.

"I'll be done here shortly." Arching an eyebrow. "You could wait on that bio-bed." With a grin and in a whisper added, "We could play doctor."

Turning back to her patient. "Stay off that ankle for a week. No more rock climbing without a harness, or I'll injure the other ankle for you." She dispensed some pain meds and sent the ensign on his merry way.

Turning to Jason, shaking her head. "Now, is this a professional visit or a personal visit?

Jason had become a familiar sight in sickbay and the rest of the staff was well aware of their relationship; "Just seeing if you are free for lunch."

Teresa looked around sickbay. She saw no patients, and she nodded. "I'm available. Let me get one of the doctors to cover me. An hour long enough?" She asked as she washed her hands.

She walked to where one of the other doctors was working. As the doctor turned to put away a piece of equipment away, Teresa stepped forward. "Can you cover me, for about an hour?"

At the doctor's nod, Teresa turned and followed Jason out.

The two made the short walk to the turbo lift and entered and Jason announced their destination. "Deck 5". After the lift sped on its way he asked, "Can you tel me something...."


"...what was up with Vicki a few days ago back on the Starbase? I could have sworn she was going to call me dad for a second."

Teresa turned to Jason in the turbolift. "I'm not certain.” She said with a blush. "Vicki started asking about her father after the funeral. She wanted to know if he was coming. Whether or not he was dead. Thankfully she doesn't comprehend how wild I was, which is a good thing." Teresa cringed at the memory of her previous lifestyle. "I explained to her that her father was not dead, and that he wasn't coming back. That I was uncertain as to where he was."

Teresa glanced down at the turbolift floor. "She then asked me if you were going to be her father." She glanced back up quickly at Jason then back at the floor. "Jason, I honestly had to tell her I didn't know."

Looking back up at Jason; "We've never discussed family or having one, Jason."

Teresa wrapped her arms around herself. "Just so you know, Harry overheard this and I received the third degree from him."

The doors opened to deck 5 and the stood there for a moment. "We haven't discussed that or anything lead up to that," he said honestly. They stepped out and rounded to corner to the lounge that was bustling with the lunch crowd. "Where do you see this going?"

"I'll tell you as I told Harry. I've grown to care about you a lot. Vicki has grown attached to you. I would like to see our relationship develop into something else, but I will not push you. Nor would I allow anyone else push us." Teresa said as she followed Jason out into the lunch crowd. She pulled Jason aside, "Look Jason. I've grown to more than care about you. What happens next, well we should discuss it. Just don't feel pressured."

Jason looked a her as she spoke. It had been his memories of Teresa that had held him up during the year he had been stuck on an enemy controlled planet during the Kzinti War. It had been her face that greeted him on his return. He put his arm around her waist, but as he began to reply the comm sounded.

=^= Sick bay to Ltjg. Wendsar, Report to sick bay immediately. =^=

"Wendsar here. What going on?"

=^= The Hostages on the surface have been released. They are being beamed aboard for examination. =^=

"Understood. I'm on my way

As she turned away, seemingly a bit upset having not gotten a reply, Jason grabbed her hand pulling her back to him and planted a passionate Teresa her answer.

Teresa returned his kiss with just as much passion. "We should continue this conversation later. Maybe we should continue this conversation with Vicki included. How about dinner tonight?" she asked as she headed back to the turbolift.

Shouting after her he smiled, "It's a date." SSgt Jason stood there and watched as Teresa had to leave to see to the hostages that had just been beamed to sickbay. "So much for lunch..." Snapping his fingers he too headed out; he had a few things to cover with Sgt Brianna anyway.

SSgt Jason Frey
Marine Recon
(NPC played by Da`nal)

Lt. Teresa Wendsar
Medical Officer


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