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Taking care of their own

Posted on 24 Aug 2013 @ 8:04pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Sergeant Dawn Brianna

830 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Deck 14
Timeline: 1300

[Deck 14 - Aft Lounge]

The aft crew lounge was typically officer free and had become, unofficially, the Marines lounge. Jason had been exceptionally busy getting his team re-equipped and ready to go . He had half expected the station's Marine garrison to try a push there old gear off on them but everything was shinny and new. In addition to that dang drill at zero dark 30, he had submitted a training schedule to keep the troops busy. Now he wanted to find out what was going on with Dawn.

During the departure preparations she had seemed withdrawn, plus there was what she had mentioned back on the station. Finishing his drink he stood and headed to her quarters to find out what was going on.

Dawn was in her quarters, thinking about what had happened over the past week. She felt bad still for what everyone had to see. On top of that rumors were spreading about her, which frustrated her tremendously. Dawn wanted it all to end, she hated being the center of attention.

Jason stepped up to the door to Dawn's quarters, pressing the chime. While he waited he went over several things he needed to take care of; both concerning Dawn and the unit as a whole.

'Bet you it's Jason.' Dawn thought to herself, "Enter." she said, standing up and walking closer to the door.

As the door opened he saw his sergeant standing there. They had been working hard to get things ready but she looked more than just tired. "How you feel'n?"

"Fine sir." Dawn replied with a straight face. She really just wanted him to leave so she could go to sleep. Dawn was still quite a bit sore from what happened.

He smirked and shook his head. "You can drop the sir, I wear stripes just like you do. Mind if I come in, there was something I needed to clear up?"

"Sure, What do you need to clear up Staff Sergeant?" Dawn asked, knowing darn well what he was going to ask about.

"Well there have been some rumors floating around about just what happened back on the station and about you and a particular team member. Now I don't put any stock in rumor but I did some checking with a friend stationed on the starbase and found out what had happened. I want you to know that dad or not he won’t' get within a light year of you ever again and I squashed that particular rumor as best I could without revealing any details."

He took a breath and a smirk spread on his face. "As to the other rumor...Is there anything going on between you and Cyfian?"

Dawn nodded, "Y-yes sir, there is." she paused, looking at his face expression. "It won't affect our duty sir, I promise." she added quickly.

He smirked again as he waved it off. "I'm sure you can keep his straight. What you guys do on your time is your business, but I will have to hold you to that. If I even suspect your relationship is compromising the team I will have something. At least you guys aren't getting into bar bawls."

"You got it boss." Dawn smiled, "We'll perform at our best." she assured him. "One-hundred and ten percent sir."

Jason nodded. He knew his people knew what needed to be done. "Glad to hear it. So, when do you think you're going to back to 100%? What with our deployment and now this you just keep getting hurt."

"Should be soon..." She frowned, "It better be, even if it's not, I'm still going." she stated, wanting to go badly.

Glad to hear it. Is there anything else sickbay can do to speed your recovery? The sooner your back to full duty the better and we can get to Cyfian's training.

"Get me a banana pudding sir?" Dawn giggled a little.

Shaking his head a smile spread over his face. "Well I don't think you need to go to sickbay for that."

Rising he moved to the replicator, “One banana pudding...and a tapioca." Retuning he set the puddings down and threw his leg over the chair.

"Oh, I didn't know you were serious. I thought you were joking." Dawn blushed, "Thank you though."

Laughing he picked up his spoon, taking a bite. "Well eat've been laying around on your backside long enough Marine, and I have a feeling we'll have our hands full soon enough."

"Sounds good sir." Dawn smiled, then began eating.

[In Orbit]

A ghostly glow shared a similar orbit and shifted from undefined wisps to near geometric structures. Flashes of light began to blink on and off, moving closer and closer growing brighter and brighter forming bluish translucent sphere.

[Aft lounge]

The light from the disturbance poured into the lounge and Jason stood from his chair. "What the hell..."

SSgt. Jason Frey
Marine Recon

Sgt. Dawn Brianna
Marine Recon


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