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Lost in Time - The Away Team...Part 3

Posted on 24 Aug 2013 @ 8:07pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar & Lieutenant Naja Jas

881 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Planet's Surface
Timeline: 1300

[Awayteam - looking out over the plain]

As the lift came to a stop they exited and moved to a better vantage point on a higher promontory. "Almost two millennia ago two great armies faced each other on the plain below. This valley once contained the capital of the Nahroo kingdom and according to our history the Nahroo was under siege by the Vershani, a group of tribal peoples."

Da`nal listened intently, the recent events with his friend reminded him of Earth's history and the situation being described seemed very similar to the Fall of Rome.

"Both looked to the Goddess for guidance but each side had their own interpretations of what the Goddesses signs and prophets meant..."

As the Prime Minister spoke Da`nal leaned towards Lantiq whispering, "Sounds like what's happening now."

Lantiq suppressed a snort "You're not wrong Admiral" He whispered back "These people have inner zealots just simmering away beneath the surface"

"...but despite the similarities the Vershani looked to the prosperity of the Nahroo and sought to take it for themselves. The details of the battle and the events leading up to it have passed into legend, however in every version none of the two forces ever clashed on the plain below. According to legend; as the armies drew near and the swords of the leaders touched, the sky split and every combatant fell to the ground after angering the wrath of the Goddess. Only the Priestesses and Prophets of the Goddess were spared. The stories go on to say that as they walked the field of bodies they met near the two leaders and together they offered prayers for the fallen, asking for forgiveness for the division that had called down her wrath. It is said that as they prayed, in an act of forgiveness, the Goddess resurrected both leader and half of those that had be struck down. It still took centuries for the teachings of tolerance and unity to spread over the plant, but pilgrims came to this site the word spread and our planet united."

"Granted the move to unity was not easy or bloodless, but eventually went global and out of that religious unity came political unity as well."

Lantiq looked out over the vast plain and he didn’t have too much of a problem believing in a divine intervention stopping the bloodshed, his very own Prophets had slammed the wormhole shut on a Dominion invasion fleet and saved Bajor.

"Ever swung a sword Chief?" he asked Mallory "Or one of the Admiral's Klingon weapons?"

"Matter of fact Commander, I have. I've used broadswords, long swords, and daggers before. Never did more than familiarization with the Klingon weapons, so I won't cut myself with them. I prefer a phaser though, much more neat, and less evidence to process." He responded to question.

Lantiq shook his head and grinned wrly

The Chief medical officer over heard both the CO and XO and chuckle lightly on using melee weapons and other hand held weaponry. She herself, had been thought and used both her cultural background melee weapons, and was rather good with both, but, hearing the two men talk about using such weapons, she made Sara chuckle, as she finished up her exams of those that were going to be transported back to the ship.

Da`nal imagined what it must have been like to see two armies struck down and wonder what could have caused such an event. His thoughts were interrupted as his commbadge sounded and Morag's voice filled the air.

=^= Morag to Da'nal is I think I have something, but I need to view the linguistic scripts of both modern languages to know for sure what I am seeing,=^= Morag said.

Tapping his badge he replied, "Gather your data and prepare to beam up. You can access the Dandarand linguistic database from the ship. Lt. Jas, see that the Priestess with you is prepared and has the scroll we are to examine."

"Aye sir" Naja stated to the Captain as she stepped over to the Priestess and to make surte she had the scrolls and was ready to transport up to the ship.

Lantiq and Mallory joined the group and prepared to return to the ship.

[In Orbit]

A ghostly glow shared a similar orbit and shifted from undefined wisps to near geometric structures. Flashes of light began to blink on and off, moving closer and closer growing brighter and brighter forming bluish translucent sphere.

[Away team]

Da`nal looked about as his crew gathered. The Lord Father and one of the High Priestesses would be joining them as witnesses to their efforts and as the others gathered he reached up tapping his commbadge. "Admiral Da`nal to Achilles; eight people and one artifact to beam up."

=^= Understood, stand-by. Transporters locked, Energizing. =^=

[In Orbit]

As the energy to transport the transport the away team to the ship reached out towards the planet a blinding flash emanated from the sphere. A shaft of energy reached out encompassing the Achilles flowing down the transporter beam; while another reached out targeting a point in space along Dandarand 4's orbital path. Then as suddenly as it began it was over, everything vanished into that single point in space.



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