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Lost in time - Achilles Part 1

Posted on 24 Aug 2013 @ 8:11pm by Ensign Jessica Logan (PNPC) & Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Staff Sergeant Philip Kasmierski

905 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Timeline: 1300


Following his call from Earth Da`nal had returned to the bridge to get things wrapped up before he joined the away team. As soon as he stepped on the bridge Ens. Logan had been attempting to explain what had happened during the briefing. What he was hearing didn't make any sense and what the sensors had detected was even more unbelievable.

Lantiq reported to Da'nal "Team is ready to go sir". Tapping his commbadge he replied. "Understood. I will be there shortly."

Closing the channel he back to Logan. "I want to know what in Kahless you thought you saw when I return. No guesses, no theories.." as he pointed to the apparition on the view screen. The frozen replay of the sensor data capturing a silhouette that was surprising coincidental.

Jessica snapped to. "Aye, sir."

"Mr. Mason, you have the bridge until our return."

Lucas glanced up in surprise at Da'nal's orders. It was the last thing he expected. He suppressed the mixture of dread and honour that was welling up within him. He stood, nodded and said, "Aye, sir."

Da`nal turned sharply and left the bridge to join the away team.

Jessica grinned as she watched Lucas rise from his station and move to assume command, "Some people get all the easy jobs..." Turning back to her console she transferred all her data on the sensors to the Operations offices to make sure her boss had the information. Maybe he could find something she had missed.

[Main Lounge]

Teresa returned his kiss with just as much passion. "We should continue this conversation later. Maybe we should continue this conversation with Vicki included. How about dinner tonight?" she asked as she headed back to the turbolift.

Shouting after her he smiled, "It's a date." SSgt Jason stood there and watched as Teresa had to leave to see to the hostages that had just been beamed to sickbay. "So much for lunch..." Snapping his fingers he too headed out he had a few thing to cover with Sgt Brianna anyway.

After the morning assignments had been given, PFC Eirias found himself with a few others on a detail to learn the layout of the ship and scout possible routes to decrease their response time. For them, that meant an entire day of walking down passageways and crawl spaces, inspecting Jefferies tubes and junctions, and making notes. Their only break for the duty shift, would be lunch time...whenever that was.

[Marine Mess]

Plastic clattered against plastic as Corporal Jeannie Tenaka set her tray down on the table. She then sat down at the chair bolted to the deck.

“So what's wrong with this picture, Kaz?” she asked as she dumped hot sauce on what appeared to be scrambled eggs.

“The fact we're here and not prepping to go planet side?” Sergeant Kazmierski replied before taking a bite of a substance the synthesizer claimed was sausage with green peppers and onions.

“Yeah. I talked with one of the chiefs over in Security and she said the protective service team hasn't been activated. I want what OPS is smoking, because that's some really good drugs for them to send a bunch of officers down without anyone to bodyguard them.”

“I'd bet someone figured that nothing has happened on this planet to a Fleetie in ever, so they picked the barest minimum of personnel because they forgot Murphy's Law. Or someone's looking to prove they're John Rambo's reincarnation.” He shook his head. “We keep the suits ready and stay on alert. You schedule the holodeck for this afternoon?”

“Yeah, hostage rescue scenario.” She grinned. “I got one of the analysts from Intel to add some twists. And I asked the computer to use a planet like the one we were briefed on.”

“Tenaka, once in a while I'm glad you're like that,” Kaz said. “I'm going to check with the other teams and see if they want in on it.”

An hour later, Omega team was wearing simulation harnesses, body armor and were on the third level holodeck.

"Awright, ladies and germs," Kaz said to the assembled group. "Our mission is to rescue a group of five civilian hostages. Intel sensors indicate they're being held in a building in a local national town. Computer's got maps up on everyone's helmet displays, along with the route I'm looking at."

[In Orbit]

A ghostly glow shared a similar orbit and shifted from undefined wisps to near geometric structures. Flashes of light began to blink on and off, moving closer and closer growing brighter and brighter.


Ensign Logan's panel beep as thing began to change. "Sir..."

[Away team]

Da`nal looked about as his crew gathered. The Lord Father and one of the High Priestesses would be joining them as witnesses to their efforts and as the others gathered he reached up tapping his commbadge. "Admiral Da`nal to Achilles; eight people and one artifact to beam up."

=^= Understood, stand-by. Transporters locked, Energizing. =^=

[In Orbit]

As the energy to transport the transport the away team to the ship reached out towards the planet a blinding flash emanated from the sphere. A shaft of energy reached out encompassing the Achilles flowing down the transporter beam; while another reached out targeting a point in space along Dandarand 4's orbital path. Then as suddenly as it began it was over, everything vanished into that single point in space.



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