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Time alone - Part 2

Posted on 06 Aug 2013 @ 12:51am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan
Edited on on 18 Aug 2013 @ 9:03pm

1,160 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Admiral's quarters
Timeline: Before beaming down

Her opponent understood this hate; he had felt it too in his life. In fact he was driven by hate for much of his life. At the moment he was in a very good mood, At least he was not going to injure her, but if he was not careful she would injure him. He grinned at her skill, but he needed her focused as his liaison once he returned to the VaQbach.

From his left he saw one of the communications people trying to attract their attention. "X'aedell... whoa..." he said and lifted his sword to indicate an interruption.

X'aedell halted her downward strike in mid air, a little frustrated. She was certain she was close to breaking through Kre's defenses.

The communications clerk stepped deeper into the training hall towards them. "Sir," he acknowledged Kretorg. "It is for the Lady X'aedell," he said respectfully. They all knew how many hours she had been training and fighting and that she killed M'Kla'H two days ago. Kre nodded his head to allow him to continue.

X'ae gave him a look that clearly said it had better be worth it.

"Ayren Kelan wishes to speak with you..." he said and handed her the long distance portable communications apparatus.

"Ayren?" she said and glanced towards Kre. She spoke to her the day before, and they planned to talk again in a couple of days, like they always do. She was immediately alerted when she took the LPCA from the messenger.

She pressed her thumb against the side to activate and Ayren's face appeared on the smaller screen.

"X'aedell...." Ayren said smiling, but her expression conveyed mixed feelings, concern and joy. "I received strange news and they were actually looking for you...”

"Who...what?" "X'aedell asked now even more concerned.

"It is about .... Charg." Ayren said cautiously. "The archaeological division of the science directorate had found a container... like a time capsule Charg left...."

X'aedell stared a the screen dumfounded. "What...?" she asked breathlessly.

Kre stepped forward at the news and placed his arm around X'aedell. "What was in the box?" he asked on X'aedell's behalf

"His d'k tahg, a communicator, and a date. There was blood on the blade and DNA confirmed that it was his..." she answered still carefully. "A few weeks ago someone did excavations in the area and picked up a weak signal, they followed it and found a stone box buried under an ancient coliseum of some sort... he buried it approximately 2500 earth years ago, about 160 A.D.."

X'aedell sank to her knees. "He is alive...." she whispered.

Kre thanked Ayren, his attention torn between his niece and Ayren on the screen.

"We have to go and find him..." X'ae said, as if oblivious to the impossibility of the task.

"X'aedell... he has been dead for thousands of years!" Kre said, even if he was calculating how hard it would be to go back in time...

"No... He IS alive..... Q did not kill him.... he has to be a man again..." X'aedell said fiercely. "It is not impossible!"

"I know..." Kre said, "but is not far from impossible..." he added, knowing somehow that his niece would go after Charg and he would possibly be caught up in her quest.

Kre stepped closer to the screen again, looking to catch Da'nal's eyes. "Ever travelled back in time before, Da'nal?" he asked.

[USS Achilles]

Da`nal shook his head. "No. We are currently on assignment on Dandarand 4. Once we complete our mission here I intend to go to Earth and request a recovery operation. Since he is your officer I assume you will want to join me?"

Kre looked in the direction of X'aedell, who just about pleaded with her eyes. "Yes..."

"How soon before you can reach Earth?"

Kre made some quick calculations. "About 10 days, give or take..."

Da`nal nodded. That would give them time to finish things up on Dandarnd and get there themselves. If everything works out they should have time to get some more details as well. "Good, we will meet you there. In form General D'Groth we may need his influence with the High Council.


Closing the channel he turned to Ayren, he needed get going but he needed information. Taking Ayren in his arms, "I need to get to the bridge before going to the surface. I want you to comb through the historical records find anything that looks like might be Charg's influence. Start at 155 AD in case his date was wrong."

Ayren stood on her toes and kissed him in her excitement. "I would love to do that..." she grinned. "I know... I know...." she said, knowing he might caution her not to get too swept away with the whole idea. "I feel good about this, Da'nal... I don't know why, and I think you do too..." she smiled.

He shared her enthusiasm but knew that the challenge they faced to like nothing they had ever come up against. "Messing with time is something the Federation takes very seriously...we need to tread carefully."

"The fewer people who know, the better..." she said quietly, "in fact, it would be better if none of the brass knew," she said wistfully.

Da`nal considered her advice. "No. They already know that he has been found in the past and that we have been informed. If Charg suddenly appears..." He stopped himself, "...damned time and its paradoxes. But to act on our own, knowingly defying the Temporal Prime Directive, would still be dishonorable."

"I know all that...." she said, "but it would have been easier..." she said.” If he was back here, then the timeline might be restored and no one would know that he had been gone in the first place...yes... paradoxes..." she said. "What if Starfleet refuses?"

"In that case..." He paused for a moment, Da`nal knew better than most the strain Federation-Klingon relations were under and to have a ship of the Empire openly defy the Federation Council would only make things worse. " a good thing that the Empire is not governed by Federation policy."

"Yep...." Ayren said thoughtfully. "I guess when we met up with the VaQbach, we will know more of how we are going to look for Charg… who knows, maybe the brass will give permission because Charg being in the past compromises the Prime Directive..." she said.

"Restoring the timeline is our only hope for getting permission to go back and try to find him. I have to get to the bridge before beaming down. Speak with sciences and see if they can aid you in building our case." Taking her chin, he knew she would see that their friend...closest thing he had to a brother anymore was in good hands. His lip curled slightly as he a low growl rumbled...if they could just have some time alone for a change.

Real-Admiral Da`nal

Ayren Kelan
Diplomatic Officers


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