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Strangers in a Strange Land

Posted on 26 Aug 2013 @ 9:49pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

613 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Dandarand 4
Timeline: approximately 2000yrs in the past

[Nahroo Territory]

Rain pelted the ground and the rumble of thunder rolled through the valley. Beneath him the ground rumbled and shook and roused Da`nal and he stirred pushed himself to his knees. The ringing in his ears was still there and as his eyes came into focus he found himself staring at an animal head as it's head was pulled to the side by a set of reins. As he looked up into the rain to see the beasts rider he was struck sending him back into the mud.

First Sword Nersus side stepped his mount looking at the at the scene his patrol had come upon. A great tree had been split and smoldered in the rain and around it lay 5 bodies. Dismounting he examined them one by one... all were without armor and their garments were strange. Two of the men were smooth headed and without any form of ridges of any kind and he ran his hand across the forehead of the second, ~So strange...~.

"Nersus, are they Vershani!"

"No. But we will take them back and see just who they are. Put them across your mounts."

So far, all were alive and he rose, moving to the last . It was face down in the mud and he gripped the last stranger by the arm and rolled it over. The veteran soldier jumped back falling into the mud; "BY THE GODDESS!"

Rushing to his superior his torch hissing in the rain. "What is it!?"

Pushing himself up he removed his rain soaked cloak and covered her before anyone else glimpsed what he had seen. Taking her up he returned to his mount and the battle hardened animal had no difficulty rising under that added weight. Shouting over the storm to the rest of his detachment, "To the castle!"

[Vershani Encampments]

Campfires and oil pots lit the area as the rain continued to fall. The thundering of hooves roused the High Chieftain and as a rain soaked warrior entered his outer tent he was already belting his sword. "Pardon the disturbance my Lord but there have been a omen."

"What type of omen?"

"Three strangers fell from the sky, one of them bearing the crest of a priestess to the Goddess."

The statement stopped him in his tracks, it wasn't until the man had finished that he completed his task. "Take me to them."

[Candurva - Nahroo Capital]

The ride was swift and brutal and as the riders entered the city they quickly moved towards the entrance to the castle. First Sword Nersus pealed away from the patrol, who continued on to take their burdens to the dungeons, as he headed to the temple.

[Temple of the Priestess]

Entering the temple foyer Nersus was greeted by one of the maidens as see moved to stop the Sovereign's second in command. "You know better that to..."

Nersus pulled back his cloak to uncover the creatures face, a creature with blue skin...the color of the Goddess.

Rushing to examine her, "...Where did you find her?"

We saw the a flash of lightning and her and her companions fell from the sky..."

"From the sky?!!", she interrupted.

"I saw it with my own eyes."

"Bring her."

Following the elder maiden Nersus entered into a sleep chamber and laid what could only a emissary from the goddess herself on the bed. "I must report this to the Sovereign."

"Go. We will care for her."

Nersus retrieved his cloak and stared down at the unconscious form. Legends spoke of blue beings that were messengers for the Goddess. With the pending battle whatever message she carried could turn the tied...or seal their fate.


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