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Combat Drill - Upper Stardrive Section - Hirogens in the night

Posted on 29 May 2013 @ 3:04pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Lieutenant Naja Jas

894 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Bridge

[Upper Stardrive Section: Auxiliary Bridge 1]

As the Admiral and senior staff arrived, followed by Lantiq, the viewscreen displayed the incoming Hirogen ship simulations and the computer announced the next phase of the drill

Hirogen vessels now at nine thousand kilometers and closing. Tractor beams have been activated. They are attempting to lock on. Warp power remains off line

Da`nal took his seat in the redesign bridge next to his XO, who would normally be commanding the lower drive section. By breaking up the ship it gave their simulated enemy more targets to worry about and also increased the available fire power of the ship. "Continue Fire all weapons...Helm bring us to a 268 mark 37!"

Lucas Mason didn't even have time to sit, he started entering the commands as soon as he got to his station. "Aye, sir 268 mark 37."

"Firing weapons, attempting to adjust the shields to break their tractor beam hold." The CWO moved back to the tactical console and started running through the normal methods, while maintaining the weapons fire on the formation. The lack of known information was beginning to bother him.

Naja bracing herself from the shaking of the ship, Naja began summing up any useful data for those on the bridge. thou her limitation on the enemy was lacking, but, if she knew any sort of useful idea that might help in bring a surrender from the hostiles, she'll be the first on to suggest one. As her fingers danced over the key, she did a quick spot check, ran a few equations for possible enemy ship locations and sent her findings to Tactical. As the battle unfold, the Trill, spoke out enemy shield status as well as divided status of the Achilles.

On the view screen the five Hirogen ships broke their formation, one each going for the other two sections of the ship as it began to separate. The remaining three formed up into a wedge and came directly at the Upper Stardrive section, their weapons blazing!

Da`nal grinned a the divide and conquer attempt by the Hirogen formation and matched the move of the three main vessels. "All sections, Delta formation, Target the lead vessel!" Instead of facing the firepower of one vessel the lead ship was now the sole target of three. The combined firepower was to much for any single ship to bare and was racked by explosions as the vessel tumbled out of control.

"Break formation! Provide covering fire and reform for another run!" The simulated Saucer section and Lower drive section both rolled away from the command section firing on the ships that had broken away earlier as the Upper drive section split it's weapons fire as it flew over the two ships of the central formation.

All three sections took fire from multiple ships as they passed the oncoming enemy ships. No sooner had the two formations passed each other than the Achilles computer sounded an intruder alert and the tactical officer reported. "Admiral, we have intruders on deck 7, 8, 9, and 12 over all three sections of the ship!"

Without hesitation Da`nal issued his orders. "Deploy Marines and security forces to those locations and seal the bridge!"

"Bridge is now secure, sir" replied the trill science chief "Marines and security on the move to those decks. Enemy vessel two sheild on starboard side, are no more. Haul damage and weapon system on enemy is being reduced...." Naja gave more status on the enemy vessels along with the other parts of the Achilles "...correction status of enemy vessel two, sir. She venting dry plasma, haul breeches on several decks damage to her warp nascel. Her speed has been reduced."

Even though disabled the hunters on that ship were a danger. Hirogens, like Klingons, would rather die in battle than give up. The decision was easy to make and could be justified in both as a Starfleet officer and as a Klingon. Simulation or not he would give them an honorable death, "Target that ship!"

A full spread of quantum torpedoes leapt out from the Achilles and the bridge flashed bright as the vessel exploded. With two ships down the numbers were now even and the three sections of the ship had reformed their flight formation and were swing around at full impulse for another attack run on the remaining enemy ship.

Da`nal was about to give his next order when Logan interrupted, " Adrmiral, we are receiving an general distress call from Dandarand 4."

"On screen."

=^= To any Federation vessel this is Dr. Galen with the Daystrom Institute on Dandarand 4, we are under attack! Planetary security has been overrun…! =^= A loud crash and a startled scream interrupted the doctor's call for help, but everything went out over the open channel. The struggle and the sound of a body hitting the floor was followed by a crash as the terminal was smashed and the connection was terminated.

Again Da`nal did not hesitate. "End simulation. Helm get us to Danduand 4! Everyone resume normal duties stations."

Turning, "Commander Lantiq, get me everything you can on who we are dealing with down there and I want a staffing meeting once we make orbit."

Lan'tiq arose "Computer - end combat drill 'Lantiq Alpha Zero One'!"

There was a beep "Computer acknowledges. Combat drill terminated. Returning to standard operations



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