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Resupply & New Crew

Posted on 29 May 2013 @ 3:03pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,252 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Shuttle Bay & CO's Ready Room
Timeline: MD4: 1123 hours



Lan'tiq had the conn while the Admiral was in last minute discussions with the Achilles' diplomatic personnel concerning the upcoming mission.

"Approaching Dandurand 4" the duty helms-woman informed him as the ship dropped out of warp and the planet drifted into the viewscreen.

"Thank you, standard orbit" He instructed her "Any sign of our resupply ship?" he asked, turning to the comms officer.

"Aye sir, they report they should be here in about thirty minutes"

"Very good, we'll rendezvous with them to take aboard stores and personnel"

The bridge crew acknowledged their orders and Lan'tiq called Van Berg over.

"Chief, go meet the new personnel." he informed the Chief of the Boat, "Crew and junior officers can report to their departments. Show the senior staff to their cabins and have them report to the Admiral's Ready Room at... " he checked the time "We'll say 12.45 hours"

"Aye Sir" Van Berg acknowledged.

[Shuttle Bay]

The shuttle from the transport set down on the hangar deck and powered down its engines. The doors opened and and the two occupants disembarked. One was an older trill officer; the rank pips of a lieutenant commander glinted from his collar. The other was a young bajoran ensign in the same gold uniform as his fellow passenger. As operations crew started to unload their small amount of luggage, the two started forward towards those waiting for them.

Relin walked with a steady peace, glancing around with interest, not that there was much to see. It was an easy-going gaze, his interest rooted in comparing the layout of the Achilles to the schematics he'd studied. He was not surprised to find the hangar the same. He carried a slight smile wit him as he walked.

Ensign Tal, on the other hand, expressed just as much interest in the Achilles as the trill, but did so with a level of excitement, of appreciation for novelty, that Commander Alvion was not affected by.

When they reached the other officers, Ralin dropped into an easy stance and slipped his hands behind his back. Tal braced up and fixed his eyes straight, hands at his sides. "Lieutenant Commander Alvion, Relin, reporting for duty," he said with a brief but polite nod of his head.

"Ensign Tal Eidran, reporting for duty," Tal added, eager but restrained.

"Welcome aboard the Achilles gentlemen" Van Berg greeted them "I'm Chief Van Berg, Chief of the Boat. Mister Tal you can report to your department head. Crewman Adams will show you the way" She gestured to a waiting security crewman

"Come with me sir" Adams responded and led the way.

Tal relaxed his posture and gave a nod. "Aye," he said, immediately following after Adams.

Berg turned back to the Trill "Commander Alvion, I'll show you to your cabin, Sir. Then you have a meeting with Admiral Da'nal and Commander Lan'tiq at 1130 hours"

"Very good, Master Chief," the lieutenant commander said with the polite tone of respect he reserved for high-ranking enlisted officers. He gestured for the woman to lead the way as he continued. "I appreciate you taking the time to greet me; it's quite unnecessary. You're the chief of the boat, isn't that correct?"

"Aye sir" Van Berg acknowledged "But like you I'm new, came aboard at Starbase 80"

Van Berg escorted Alvion up to his assigned cabin on Deck 3 and she left him there to unpack. "Bridge is up two and forward Sir. Admiral's ready room is on the port side. Let me know if there is anything else you need."

"Of course," Alvion replied, tapping the controls to open his door, "thank you."

[CO's Ready Room]

"Resupply is completed Admiral" Lan'tiq was informing his commander "Amazingly, we got all our requisitions this time, including personnel. Must be some mistake at sector supply!" he said wryly "And the new Operations chief, Commander Alvion, should report here in a few minutes."

The diplomatic briefing was over and Ayren had remained. She could tell Da`nal was irritated and had stayed to be a calming presents if nothing else. She sat there quietly sipping her tea as he endorsed the requisitions, transfer orders or whatever Lance was putting in front of him.

"Very good. My thanks to the Captain and his crew of the Dover for completing what those at SB 80 had failed to do." Da`nal was not happy that they had need to be resupplied at all. They had spent months at the star base and he had been told everything had bee taken care of. If it had been a clerical error that was one thing, but it someone had lied to get out of doing their job they were going to have their head mount on his wall.

Ayren grinned at the mental picture she picked up from Da`nal and she shook her head softly. Suddenly there was a soft chime from the door.

Da`nal couldn't help but see her reaction but he could deal with her later, and he saw her squint her eyes at him as she read that thought too. "Enter."

A moment later, the new operations chief stepped inside. He moved just inside and off to the right, repeating his easy posture and his nod to the two officers. "Lieutenant Commander Alvion, Relin, reporting for duty, sirs."

Indicating the chair next to his XO Da`nal greeted his new Chief of Operations. "Welcome Aboard Commander. I'm glad to see that you were able to make arrangements to meet us here as soon as you did. So are you ready to get to work or do you need time to get settled in?"

"Considering that we have arrived at out destination, captain," Relin began, relaxing and moving to sit in the indicated chair, "I expect that you may need my help right away. I'm prepared for duty now."

Lantiq nodded to the new arrival pleased to hear he was ready to start work "Good afternoon Commander, Lantiq Ryal, eX Oh."

"Commander Lantiq," Relin acknowledged with a nod.

Da`nal stood from his desk. "Excellent commander, because we have a situation below. Something the Archeological team found on the surface has churned the citizens into a frenzy. So much so that a extremist group has overrun the dig site and taken not only the team hostage but the leader of the religious majority. Why she was there is unknown but the Prime Minister will be beaming up shorty and there is to be a full staff meeting at the top of the hour. Any questions?"

"Yes," Alvion said, standing up, "What is the artifact exactly, do we know? It's cultural significance?"

"Unknown, hopefully the Minister will be bringing that information when he transports aboard. Until then, welcome aboard. If you have any departmental questions Ens. Logan can help you there."

Alvion nodded, "Do you want me to be there to greet the Prime Minister as well?"

Shaking his head. "No the XO and I will handle the pleasantries, but I do want you to find out just who shirked their duty and caused us to need resupplying just after leaving Starbase."

Alvion considered, not having heard about the problem until just then. "Aye, sir, I will look into it immediately."

Nodding with approval, "Then I won't keep you from your duties Commander."

"Captain," Alvion said with a nod, followed by another to Lantiq, "Commander." With that, he left.

Rear-Admiral Da`nal

LtCmdr Lantiq Ryal

Lt. Commander Relin Alvion
Chief Operations Officer


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