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The Past made Present - Part 1

Posted on 09 May 2013 @ 8:24pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

842 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Dandurand 4
Timeline: MD 1

Dr. Galen was finally eating a late dinner at his field desk covered with various artifacts and dig plans when his student aid burst into the room. "Doctor Galen! We found something!"

Looking up huffing as he knew his meal was going to have to wait...again, "Could you be more specific?"

The enthusiastic student hurried in and moved to the main dig schematic. "We were in the lower level, here, clearing out the burial chamber of debris so it could be examined tomorrow as scheduled. One of the locals tripped and fell hard against the southern wall and created what we thought was going to be a partial collapse..."

Galen could feel his face flush red in anger at the news about to 3000 year old chamber. The walls of the burial chamber were covered in pictographs and writings, still to be translated, about who had been buried there. Dandurand 4's ancient cultural had been ruled by roving warlords but was showing signs of a move towards a more stable and centrally controlled feudal monarchial system centered around a single monotheistic religion. The writing on the chamber showed that the occupant was someone of great importance, possibly one of the great warlords, a sovereign, or even one of the early religious leaders. "How bad was the damage to the writings within chamber?"

His aid shook his head and waved his hand reassuring his boss. "The damage was minor as he fell into this section here by this alcove...what we thought had once held a shelf of some kind...but uncovered an antechamber of some kind."

That got his attention and on the move because none of their scans of that area had indicated anything but solid rock. They headed into the main dig and taking the various ladders into the lower levels Galen was led to their accidental discovery. He could see that his aid had not let the moment get the better of him and that an inert gas containment field had been sent up.

Lights had been set up to illuminate the cavity and his mouth opened wide in astonishment. It appeared they had uncovered some kind of ancient library, perhaps the personal collection of the burial chambers occupant. The finding of a High Priestess' burial site had caused enough problems. If these scrolls were hers...this find could be on par with the discovery of the dead sea scrolls on Earth. When word got out of the writing all hell was going to break loose, "Who all knows about this?"

"Just you, me and the workers that were here with me."

"Where are they!?"

[Temple of the Goddess]

Having been informed of the discovery the High Priestess herself had wanted to speak to the worker from the dig. Although he was amongst those aiding the off worlders she granted his request for forgiveness as he explained what he had seen. "Thank you. You have done the Goddess a great service and she will no doubt bless you and your family for your actions this day. Go in peace."

"Thank you Priestess."

The High Priestess closed the terminal and went to her balcony overlooking the valley. The plain that stretched out below was sacred to her order and was being defiled by world scientists. So far the protests at the dig had been peaceful but once word spread, if the discovery was true or not, things could get much much worse.

Leaving her study she entered the chapel to join her priestesses and at her entrance they gathered around her. "We must go to the dig quickly my daughters, before blood is spilt in the valley again."

One of the more promising students looked at her with grave concern. “Do you really think it will come to violence?”

“The people are moving away from the teachings of the Goddess and extremists are perverting her wisdom for their own ends. These off worlders, though I believe they do not intend harm, must be made to see the danger they pose to our way of life. Come.”

As the Priestesses followed their Matriarch one hung back, activating a small communicator. Looking around quickly she spoke, “Tell the Father that something important is happening at the dig site.”

She frowned as she was questioned. “I don’t know, but it was important enough to get the High Priestess to go there herself…I have to go!” Closing the channel she hurried to catch up with her sisters.

[Headquarters for the Right Arm of the Goddess]

The Lord Father sat with his elders as they planned the next rally in the capital, when the meeting was interrupted.

“Lord Father, excuse the interruption, but we have just received word that the High Priestess herself is leaving her mountain temple and heading for the off worlder dig site...”

His shock was shared by all in the room. “WHAT! She never leaves…even the Prime Minister goes to her. Find out what is going on and get some of our people there immediately!”



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