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changing of the guard

Posted on 04 Jun 2009 @ 11:22am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

833 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: Day 2 - 1315 - prior to briefing

Da`nal sat at his desk reviewing files and so far he wasn't seeing what he was looking for. That was going to make the upcoming mission a little more difficult. However, for this mission, he needed his people in the position where they would do the most good. Well, he had to do what was required, even if it was something that he wasn't looking forward to. Even so, his mind was made up and he wasn't one to hesitate at anything. Tapping the panel on his desk, =^=Lt. Rodriguez, report to the ready room.=^=

Mari was there almost immediately, ringing the chime and standing at the door with feet shoulder-width apart and hands behind her back, waiting to be given permission to enter. Once that was given, she moved through the now open door and stood with the same stance looking expectantly at the captain, saying, "You wanted to see me, Señor?"

Looking up at the Lieutenant as she came through the door, Da`nal said, "Come, have a seat. I've been reviewing the files on the crew. Making a few final decisions on positions. I have just issued orders to fill the post of Chief Engineer who should be arriving shortly. That leaves the Freedom without a department head over Science or Operations. I would like you to fill the Science post."

"Me, Señor?" Mari asked, looking confused, "I don't understand."

"It's nothing personal, Lieutenant. As you know, a commanding officer has the right to select his -or her- XO. Now Starfleet feels you are ready for that position, and you did an outstanding job preparing this ship for battle. However, given the mission ahead and given the nature of this vessel I feel I need an exec with a little more....seasoning."

A dark look with a flash of stubborn pride entered Mari's eyes and her jaw clenched as she said with a hint of bitterness, "Entiendo, Señor. Why science, though? I have no specialty in that area. I have no specialty in any area apart from command..."

"And I have no one else with that speciality either." Da`nal said interupting. "But it is your command experience that will enable you to lead that department without interfering with any projects that are assigned. You know how to lead, how to rely on the experise of those under your command to accomplish the mission. You are a fine officer, one that will one day have a command of her own, of that I have no doubt. However, given the nature of this ship and the missions we will face, I need someone that can.....balance out myself."

His explanation calmed Mari's initial flash of temper and the corners of her mouth twitched, her eyes twinkling with a cross between determination and a challenge as she said, "Bueno. When put that way...I accept. Under one condition. I would like to be made second officer if I cannot be first officer. I would like the opportunity to learn more about command in action prior to being placed in command once more. De acuerdo?" (Do you agree?)

Da`nal leaned back in his chair, looking at her intently. He hadn't planned on assigning an official post of second officer. The Freedom wasn't really big enough in his opinion. Not to mention that the standard chain of command would suffice should he or his XO be incapacitated. Although there wasn't any real down side to her 'condition', it would actually make things easier on whomever he selected as his first officer, he didn't like 'conditions' placed on his orders. But in this case there was no real reason not to agree....but he decided to agree in a round about way. "A Condition? Are you challenging my authority?"

"No, Señor," Mari said calmly, "I am saying that if you say no, I will most likely walk away from Starfleet and do what I have been wanting to do since I was practically a child: roam the universe taking odd jobs until I can manage to get myself a civilian vessel of my own. I am not interested in Starfleet other than what I can learn from being in a position of command and while being a department head is, I believe, a necessary step, it is not the only one."

"I see. Well I would hate to lose such a promising officer, so I will accept your condition...this time," he added with a touch of a grin.

Pleased, Mari nodded, a slight grin of her own showing on her pretty features, "Agreed, then. Do you have any orders for your new chief science officer before she goes?"

"For nnow jest get your department squared away. I will be giving out departmental assignments at the briefing in....less than an hour."

"Bueno, I will be there then," Mari said with a nod and waited to be dismissed.



Cmdr Da`nal

Lt Mariposa Hernandez Rodriguez


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