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Last Minute Matters

Posted on 13 Apr 2013 @ 10:32pm by Lieutenant Hank Stevens

266 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: CEO office
Timeline: Shortly after resignation


Hank Stevens drank from his already cold coffee. You no longer have the luxury of passing off problems to the chief engineer.
He remembered something his mother told him once before "Careful what you wish for, you make it more than you bargained for"

Hey chuckled reminding himself that ~ Once again mama had proved correct~

He and Gronk were slowly whittling down list of things needed to be done. The engineers were glad to have Someone that had an idea what was going on. The calibrating of the Achilles sensor arrays were moving along slowly but surely.

He readily agreed with the ships science officer that this needed be done ASAP. Stevens didn't like to go into a potential situation partially blinded. His thoughts drifted to the rear admiral in command of the vessel. He reminded Hank of the Spartans of ancient Greece on old earth . He dared not disappoint the man .

For the life of him, he could not figure why the artifact at Their destination was so important?

Gronk Knocked on the door outside of Hank's office.

Hey where he Stevens looked up and said "yes Chief?"

"Sir, I'll provisions are nearly Loaded and store." The Ferengi said.

Smiling tiredly, Hank replied "Some good news at last".

Gronk liked the hew*mon and said "Sir, take a couple hours rest. There is no profit in missing something because you need rest. I can get you f things are more than we can handle"

Hank smiled And replied "Chief you are wise. Get me in two hours".


Lt Hank Stevens
USS Achilles


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