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First Hunt

Posted on 27 Mar 2013 @ 12:18pm by Ensign Morag NA

529 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: USS Xerxes-Ruktah quarters
Tags: Da'nal

Simeon had been on edge for weeks. Even his instructors said that he seemed agitated in class, but Ahna knew what it was and there were only two things that would take care of it. Her little boy had turned ten a few weeks earlier and this was, Morag had told her, when he took his first ascension and a first hunt. Now it was her son's turn. Morag would be home from his shift in the science department soon. Simeon was already home and unable to concentrate on his homework.

"Simeon darling," she asked, "are you alright."

"I don't know mother," he said trying to explain, "It's like everything inside of me is screaming for something."

"Alright, do whatever homework you can then you can go to the holodeck and try to release some of what you are feeling."

"Okay," he said anxiously, "I will try."

Simeon went back to his room and finished the assignment that didn't require much focus. He almost couldn't opting to take a nap instead of going to the holodeck.

Morag walked into the Captain's ready room. He'd been called there a few minutes ago. It had to be important or he would not have called in the middle of the analysis he had been running on a curious stone text that came in from the USS Achilles. It wasn't complete yet. Morag was nervous as he walked in.

"Welcome, Mr. Morag," he said, "would you like some blood wine. I know it's not your family's wine, but it come close."

He handed a glass to Morag. Morag accepted it, it was almost as good as his own. By the flavors in the wine he could tell which family had made it. He was on good terms with them and praised them often.

"Why am I here sir?" Morag asked, "I have research waiting."

"The Achilles stone, yes I know. I have good news, your family's transfer request came through. Right now they are getting ready to pull out of their current location. We are approaching them and they are eagerly expecting you. Also, there is the matter of your son. His teachers feel that it is time for his first ascension and they fill that at at he current time the Achilles is the best place for him in which to progress. In addition to your transfer I am giving you and your family five days shore leave at the Achilles' current location to take your boy on a first hunt."

"Thank you sir. He appreciate this very much as I do," Allyn raised his glass in toast.

"To house Ruktah, may their sons live a life of glory."

Morag raised his glass to the offering. He had had a good life here on the Xerxes, but times change and it was his time for a change. It was a welcome one and he knew in his Klingon heart that this change would help his son a great deal. Just then the helm officer hailed Allyn.

"Sir, we are coming up on the Achilles location and Roberts says they are hailing us."

"Tell him to send it to the ready room."


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