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Manual Labor

Posted on 24 Mar 2013 @ 10:11pm by Sergeant Major Arcenio Velez & Staff Sergeant Philip Kasmierski

1,670 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection

Velez looked out at the sorry looking lot standing before him. Each of them had some kind of serious bruise or cut where they had taken a hit. From what he had been told the Admiral had ripped into them already, but that did mean he was barred from doing the same. As he finished his tirade he could see the beads of sweat on the young PFC that was in the group.

" consider your asses chewed Marines! Fortunately for you the powers that be are going to pass on any formal charges. In other words what happens to you is up to me. Now since the ship was just renovated everything is brand new and all our weapons and gear were secured by the station. However the shuttle bay is now receiving the detachment entire resupply; weapons, field gear, emergency equipment, the whole nine. You all get the pleasure of moving that equipment from the shuttle bay to it proper location here (deck 8 to deck 12). But to make things a little more interesting there will be no use of transporters or antigrav unit."

Eirias was definitely sweating. He had already been running around the ship all night, with a break just long enough to get the cut above his eye treated, but not sealed and the black eye was developing beautifully. He hadn't been able to look anyone in the eye yet, and wondered just how much damage he managed to cause in one night. Throughout the entire lecture, he hadn't so much as twitched other than to breathe. The announcement of moving everything from the bay to the armory almost caused him to wince, as he estimated that would take at least five hours to do properly if they were rested. Somehow, he doubted they would be given any wiggle room on that time estimate.

Jeannie hissed at the announcement of their punishment detail. Sergeant K had already made them sand the Villalobos logos off Omega team's gear, and then clean Holodeck 6 with toothbrushes. It'd taken them a good four hours. This...well, it would be done.

"Oh, I wasn't finished. Then you all get to inventory that gear and store it properly."

That caused him no issues, Eirias expected that condition to be attached to the task. If they worked together and did it the right way the first time, they could move and inventory at the same time which would make it easier to stow properly. However, until the Sgt.Maj. finished, he wasn't saying a word.

"Oh mother------," Jeannie muttered. That wall of junk she'd seen on the way in? Wait, what was it Sarnek always said? "A large man can die from a thousand paper cuts?" Jeez, the Vulcan was death obsessed, even for a sniper.
TAGS (more groans?)

Velez stepped in closer to the group. "I don't wanna hear it! The fact you were fighting isn't what I have any issue with, but you all got caught! So once this little chore is done we'll have ourselves some evasion training. Dismissed."

~Evasion training? Does he mean evading being hit, or evading a scene?~ Eirias thought to himself as he moved back to attention, then tuned sharply to walk over to the bay. Taking a quick glance, he did check to see who was going to end up senior in this....detail, to get instructions.

"Evasion training" Jeannie muttered after they were dismissed. "Crap. It's probably going to be Corporal Sarnek and Whelan sniping at us on the holodeck." She looked around at the four others. "Here's a thought, guys. No anti-grav, but we can use carts, right? We start with the big stuff, that'll be easy to inventory."

Eirias nodded as the plan started to come together, and so far he liked it. "Want me loading, or hauling?" He asked out loud.

Jeannie looked over to the guy. "You're on load with Narel. Davis, can you score us some carts? The three of us will do the hauling, then when we get to the storage area, Eirias, you and Hernandez do the unloading. We go back for more stuff, and hopefully we get this done and get some rack time in." She smiled wryly. There was a reason Sergeant K called her his right hand, and it was on display right now.

"Understood. We'll get started right on that. Big stuff will be loaded up first." Eirias responded. Nodding to his assigned work partner, he walked over and began hauling the larger items over first to load. Mentally, he was kicking himself for letting the situation get to this point.

Staff Sergeant Philip Kasmierski stepped out of the turbolift into what he'd pretty much expected - the storage areas of most ships were light on the amenities. Here the beige-gray-whatever color utility carpet had been torn out to aid in the movement of cargo. The walls were covered with scuff marks and scratches from crashes like the one he heard a few seconds after the turbolift doors closed. He heard a feminine voice cursing in some guttural language and grinned. That had to be Tenaka. He made his way down the hall to find a tipped over cart and Tenaka with two of the privates from the bar.

"Man, I leave you alone for ten seconds and you go get yourself in trouble, Tenaka," he said to his corporal. He looked at the two guys straining to lift something, stepped over another box, then helped them lift it onto the cart.

"Uh, sarge, you sure you should be doing that?" Tenaka asked, wondering what Sergeant Major Velez would think if he came down and saw the non-com helping them.

"Just making sure everything's being done safely, might make me look like I didn't train you right if you had someone bust their ass picking up something."

Then he looked at the others. "Why you all letting her take charge?" Hearing Tenaka's disgusted snort, he grinned. "I guess I would too, I heard what she did to those guys in the bar."

He helped the group get everything back on the pallet, then held the turbolift door for them. Tenaka, you come see me at close of business today."

Inside, Jeannie sighed. She'd bet all the latinum in the world that their evasion exercise was Sarnek and Whelan shooting at them. Hopefully not with live phasers.

Now that the first cart had been loaded, unloaded, and inventoried, Eirias was focusing his efforts on loading the rest of the equipment. Once everything was in place, they repeated this process over the next few hours, until the entire contents of the bay had been transferred successfully. He was definitely tired after that assignment, but happy they had finished it. "So, now what Corporal?" he asked her.

"I guess we go report to the Sergeant Major," she replied, taking a sip of water from a bottle. Then the door opened, and the devil appeared, saving them the trip.

Velez stopped by the shuttle bay and was glad to see that the gear was cleared out. Putting in a call to his partner in crime on the station he signaled for the next shipment to be sent over. He then headed to deck 12 to check on their progress...and give them the good news. Entering the area he didn't care what progress had been made, his job was to be a hard ass and that what he going to do. "What the Hell! This gear should have been cataloged and secured by now! Get off your asses and get moving! The second shipment is being beamed into the shuttle bay now so you all have plenty to do."

Pointing to the Staff Sergeant. "You! This isn't your detail so I don't want you to see, hear, otherwise find out you lifted so much as a power cell. Supervise, more."

"Not a problem, Sergeant Major." Kasmierski replied. "Needed to have a word with my Corporal, and I'm outta here now." He made a V sign with his index and middle fingers, pointed the V at his eyes, then to Tenaka, then back again. She nodded, acknowledging the signal. "Let you guys get back to work. I gotta set up a sniper scenario for Sarnek and Whelan."

Scanning the room, looking at all, knowing the time it had taken them to get to this point he cut the time back for them to get the job done. Turning to leave, he stopped as the door opened at his approach and he turned back to the Marines. "Oh, just so you all know the entire senior staff in in a briefing right now; so my latinum is on us leaving this little paradise and getting back to doing our jobs. You all have 4 hours. After that I want you all cleaned up and standing tall before me. Get it done! And loose that old school cart."

"Understood, Sgt.Maj!" he replied from the at ease position he had adopted when Velez came in. Mentally, Eirias was groaning at the thought of another shipment, and without the cart this time. Heading back to Deck Eight, he and the others would begin the process of hauling the second load of gear to the armory, saving his strength for the work ahead. The time frame meant that they'd have to split into two groups to get it done, and just volunteered himself for the heavy part, leaving the Corporals to inventory and put away.

Three and a half hours later, the last piece was transferred, inventoried, and put away. With a deep sigh of relief, Jason made his way back to the barracks to clean up and change uniforms. Once he was sure he was inspection ready, and had Davis double check him, it was over to the Sgt.Maj's office to await the others, and their next punishment detail.


SgtMaj Velez
NPC played by Da`nal

PFC Jason Eirias

CPL Jeannie Tenaka & SSG Philip Kasmierski


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