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Duty Calls

Posted on 20 Mar 2013 @ 7:46pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

541 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Bridge / Readyroom

Once again Da`nal had been cornered by his Yeoman. He hated paperwork, not to mention the small mountain that came with the duties of commanding an entire Task Force, but it was a duty that had to be done. “Admiral, you still need to select a CO for the USS Bismarck."

"Very well, how may eligible candidates this time."

"Only 20 this time..."


Lance smiled as he shook his head. "Just kidding sir; only 6 in the area to choose from."

Rising from his chair Da`nal headed to his ready room. Lance was of only a few people that even dared to prank him and that was probably why he had kept him around. The man had guts.

Sitting down at his desk he saw that Lance had already replicated him his usual ra'taj and as he picked up his drink with one hand he selected one of the six selectees to review. Two hours and several ra'taj's later Da`nal summoned his Yeoman. "Get me the XO of the Maine."

::USS Maine::

"Commander Sparks, message coming in for you from Admiral Da'nal. Priority one." Jason heard over the intercom.

Jason rolled over onto his back and sighed, "Send it to my quarters." He said as quietly as possible so the he didn't wake his wife, Karrie.

Jason climbed out of bed and quickly threw on his uniform and walked out into the living space. He ran his fingers through his hair and sat down in front of the monitor. He opened it and saw that it was from an Admiral. He got a questioned look on his face. He turned on the display and typed in his access code and the Admirals face appeared on the screen, "Admiral Da'nal. I am Lieutenant Commander Jason Sparks. You wanted to talk to me, sir?" He said in his strong southern drawl.

=^= Good morning Commander, I wanted to contact you personally. You will be receiving new orders. You are to report to Starbase 47. There you will take command of the USS Bismarck. =^=

Jason was shocked at what he had just heard. A while ago he had heard of Starfleet picking people to command the starships but he thought that was just a rumor. Usually people applied for the commands, but he didn't know what to say. So all he said was, "Yes sir. I will see about getting transportation there immediately." He thought about how he was going to tell Tilla, the CO of the Maine.

=^= Excellent. Your orders are being transmitted as we speak. The Bismarck isn't fancy and she isn't the newest, but it's a tested and solid vessel. Congratulations Commander.=^=

"Thank you sir." Jason said professionally. He was excited to start, "When do y'all need me there?" He asked in his strong southern drawl.

"Wrap up your affairs on the Maine and proceed to SB 47. By the time you are settled and you have your command staff selected. I should have orders for you. In the mean time, get to know your ship Commander. QAPLA!"

Closing the channel Da`nal looked up, seeing Lance stepping around the corner. "They are waiting for you sir."


Rear-Admiral Da`nal
CO USS Achilles

Lt. Commander Jason Sparks
CO USS Bismarck


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