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Problem Solved

Posted on 17 Mar 2013 @ 9:48pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

979 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Timeline: Current

The report of the USS Hornets distress call and being left adrift had finally made its way to Da`nal's desk. As he read it he had nearly come out of his seat but as he continued to read he saw that things were well in hand.

The crew, for the most part, was accounted for and recovering aboard the USS Athena

The Hornet was another story, the ship was nearly a total loss, but was scheduled for repair once the recovery vessel brought it in to begin the lengthy process. He looked at the estimated time for repair and shook his head.

He had a decision to make; break up the Hornet's crew by reassigning them to other assignments or keep them together. He remembered the time where he faced the possibility of losing his own crew, and knew how distasteful that could be. However he couldn't have an entire crew sitting on their asses waiting for the extensive repairs the Hornet needed.

If he was going to keep them together he had to move on the situation and he closed out his current project and began looking for a solution. A short time later he found one and opened a channel to the former Captain of the USS Hornet.

David felt uncomfortable as he sat in what was someone else’s chair only days before. His ship the Hornet was adrift with a distress beacon attached to it and submitting for a pickup, he was with what remained of his crew aboard the USS Athena which they had managed to rescue from captivity with what remained of her crew. ~The remains of both the crews only makes up a small portion of what should be the standard crew of this ship~ David thought as he continued to just sit there staring at the wall.

The computer terminal in front of David beeped signaling that it had finally opened a channel to David's immediate superior Rear Admiral Da'nal.

As the channel finally opened Da`nal looked at the Captain, surrounded by the familiar layout of a Prometheus Class bridge. “Captain; you look terrible.”

“Thank you Admiral, you look like you could do with some sleep yourself” David replied with a cheeky smile. Hopefully Da’nal would decide not to try and call David back because the Athena was already on route to carry on the Hornet’s mission which in David’s opinion was still as important as ever.

“Your status?”

“I regret to report that the Hornet is crippled, i lost twelve members of the Hornet crew” David started to explain “I have assumed command of the Athena and merged their crew with my own but we are still severely understaffed”

He took a breath before continuing “The Athena on the other hand has lost 132 crew; including all of the Senior Officers and NCO’s from the virus that ravaged the crew and the subsequent captivity. Some of the Officers are MIA, we aren't sure if they were taken away to be held elsewhere or what”

Da`nal listened carefully has the Captain explained how things had developed and the current situation. “I assume the virus that took most of the Athena’s crew has been dealt with?”

“Yes their captors took care of that, they seem to be a little too organized to be the normal pirate scum you get on the fringes. There is more to this” David explained.

“Understood. I assume you wish to continue to the pursuit that nearly destroyed the Hornet?”

“Yes I would sir, I’m positive it would be bad to let this go for even a moment” He replied forcefully and then taking a breath before asking what was to happen to his ship “How about my ship sir, what will you do with her” He asked.

Da`nal not only had the solution to his problem before him. “A recovery vessel is already enroute to recover the Hornet as we speak. However you don’t need to worry about that. Given the situation I am awarding you command of the Athena; effective immediately.”

David had expected some form of argument to keep even a transport ship after losing his command “I didn’t expect that” David smiled warily for the first time in what felt like days, “I was expecting to be posted to the dirtiest and grittiest ship anyone could find doing simple milk runs” David half joked.

Da`nal grinned slightly and was going to put the matter into a Klingon perspective, “You were out gunned yes?”

David simply nodded to his superior.

“Then there is no dishonor in defeat to a superior enemy. A Prometheus class vessel is another situation entirely and its fire power, in the command of the right person with the right crew, has almost no equal. Are you saying you are not the man?”

"No...... But how can you be so sure I am that man" David asked curiously.

Da`nal laced his hand together as he leaned back. “You took a hit; but you got back up; and if I assume correctly you are already on a heading to deal with the situation...or am I wrong?"

"You're correct; we are on course to chase down one of the ships that ran after the Hornet was abandoned. I am hoping to gain some intelligence" David smiled.

The Admiral’s suspicions confirmed his lip curled at the corner of his mouth, “Then good hunting Captain. We will drink to your victory upon your return. QAPLA!”

David understood that their conversation was over and he was glad that he wouldn’t have to disobey any orders from the Admiral “That we will Admiral” He moved to close the channel.


Rear-Admiral Da`nal of the House of Varal

Captain David Thompson
USS Athena - Formerly of the USS Hornet


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