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Extra bubblewrap required

Posted on 28 May 2009 @ 4:33pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

2,858 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: DS5 / USS Freedom / Shuttle Libertor
Timeline: Day 2 - 0530

Contact Commander Da`nal on the USS Freedom for departure details.

When she woke and had walked off the stiffness that the previous day's exertion had left her with Isha began to wonder if her memory was playing tricks on her, but as she read the curt response to her request from Starfleet, one leaning toward rude rather than economical it was just as she had remeembered.

Contact Commander Da`nal on the USS Freedom for departure details.

She took her lip between her teeth as she contemplated her reaction; she had to go, there was no way round that, and the Freedom could take her, and hopefully bring her back. For her part, Isha would have no trouble arranging safe passage, even her enemies needed her to reach Romulus, the difference was she had to arrive under her own terms.

"Computer, send the following message to Commander Da'nal of the USS Freedom ..." he's had a promotion since yesterday, that was hardly going to make him any easier to deal with, "... further to receipt of your orders from Admiral Rittenhouse I would like to ..." how best to put this "... discuss the terms of your mission to Romulus. I invite you to join me for breakfast on the promenade - a neutral location where I'm sure the pressure of public scrutiny will ... no, erase that last bit ... a neutral location where we can discuss the unique peculiarities of this endeavour. Send it," she finished.

It would do, but it was as much of an effort at finding an accommodation as she could make.


Da`nal was thankful for the message. "Father I must go. I would forward your request but given my involvement...."

He had put his son in a difficult position. "Very well I will send it through the High Counsel."

"Father, I will need you to meet us at Star Base 47. I want Akhil, Garath, and Ariella taken home for the time being."

"Say no more...we will be there when you arrive."

Da`nal's terminal beeped again from the arrival of the message. "Thank you, I will contact you after we are under way."

"Qapla my son."

"Qapla.." With that Da`nal opened the message.

It was still very early but he was up anyway. He had expected something like this...just not so soon. Well she wanted a neutral location. There wasn't a neutral place on the station right now, not after the attack anyway. Especially with Gabriel and his people acting like Gestapo; even though he out ranked him, his xenophobic nature could cause problems. With the station compromised and Gabriel on the prowl what was needed was privacy.

He didn't reply immediately; instead he headed dressed and head to deck 7 and launched the Liberator, the Freedom's Aerowing Class Shuttle. Once away from the ship Da'nal sent a reply. "Invitation accepted, neutral and secure location established. Transport to the following coordinates." After including the location of his shuttle he sent the reply and waited.


If the night had not healed her it had given Isha the time to regain some of her usual composure, on the outside at least. Slowly and carefully Isha sat at her desk spreading her fingers over the smooth surface. She stared at the co-ordinates provided, long enough to establish that the location Da’nal had proposed was not actually on the station.

At least she assumed it was Da’nal … what if …

“No, stop that!†Isha told herself, such paranoia could prove crippling and even if she could not trust the ground beneath her feet not to give way right now she had to avoid giving in to it.

Isha rose to her feet reaching for the little green-stoned ring that Darson had given her. She slipped it on to her finger, less concerned than she had been about him being able to track her movements – the knowledge that she could call for assistance if needed was somewhat comforting after her last adventure.

“OK,†she muttered, “this should be fun.â€


The room in which she emerged was pale and clean to the point of being clinical; a shining new transporter pad. Isha stepped into the room very aware of her quickening pulse beneath the heavy ring on her finger.

Da`nal was in the next room removing several items from the replicator station. They were meet over breakfast and he hadn't eaten for quite sometime. Hearing the transporter effects he placed the food on the table and stood as she walked into the room. "You can relax, Ambassador, you are on an Aerowing class shuttle. Even with your name, I know you are not of the bloodline that is my House's enemy, so have nothing to fear from me. I thought a secluded location would be best given the presents of agents on the station, not to mention Gabriel’s...activities."

Isha nodded, none of them could be certain who could be trusted right now, and such an isolated location might provide greater security than any more public forum. “Of the bloodline or not, I have the task and honour of leading the Illialhlae, and it is my children who will lead the house after me,†Isha said. She was not given to hiding from her responsibilities and one of those included making him aware of exactly where she fitted in to the shared parts of their family history. “I’m not sure what mental somersault you can perform that will allow you overlook my position, but I will accept your word, Commander.â€

"Your actions will dictate the future, not the past. While my father may not share this view, my time in the Federation has given me a...wider view. But this is not why you wanted to see me know is it?"

“I think that this trip to Romulus will not be an easy one. We have, perhaps, settled one of my concerns for the time being but it is one of many. I would not have requested that you were the one to take me there,†Isha said as she pulled back a chair and lowered herself into it. “Given the option, I would ask for an alternative, but I do not have the luxury of time. Have you spoken with my husband’s brother?â€

"I don't like this any more than you do, but I have my orders and I will do my duty. As for Nniol. No I have not spoken with him. My diplomatic officer spoke with him and I will be talking with him today."

“Lieutenant Elek? He did mention that he had had that particular pleasure … perhaps some coffee before you join me, Commander,†Isha suggested, he was still hovering so another trip to the replicator wouldn’t hurt him. “Do you think I might be permitted to observe one of these many discussions that you all seem to be having with him?â€

Da`nal nodded. "I think that could be arranged. Speaking of arrangements. I was going to have the Remains, findings from the on station sabotage, etc. transfered to the Freedom."

Isha twisted the ring on her finger, it did bother her. As she spoke she removed it dropping it onto the table with a click, "You will forgive for not being familiar with these ... remains," it was an odd choice of word, was he too going to present her with a list of casualties? "Are you able to tell me what you propose to bring along?"

"Evidence collected from the system sabotage, and the body of the assassin that attack my family and the stations diplomatic officer as evidence of Romulan infiltration. Ship debris from the Romulan vessels destroyed at the station to one identify the ship itself and two to counter any charges that the Federation fabricated the incident. The communication logs from the Vrelnec, plus any other data collected from the debris that can lead to identifying those behind the attack. And any bodies recovered from the debris - to be returned to their families. As well as a list of Federation and Non-Federation civilians and Star Fleet Officers killed in the attack." After a breif pause. "I understand there were two survivors recovered."

"I have not been made aware of any survivors from ou ... the attacking ships, or of any prisoners. I believe that Gabriel left a list of the civilian deceased on the floor of my quarters after it rebounded off his forehead," she said. Isha's memory was not that clear about the latter part of the previous evening, she dropped her gaze to the breakfast plates as she tried to identify exactly what had gone on ... Chelsea had said that she was conussed ... was that going to be a problem for Isha?

"I have provided you with the necessary logs from the Vrelnec," she said as she rose and went to get herself a coffee, "even one which I would prefer not to be widely broadcast. Your precaution with regard to material evidence is only common sense," she added turning back from the replicator.

"The analysis of the logs and other data will continue during the trip. My intent is not to 'broadcast' but to find those who may be behind or supporting Nniol."

Before she sat Isha placed her cup on the table; Opaka had heard the end of the communication so there was no way that she could refuse to provide it, and circumstances meant that there was no way that she could edit it:even Elek knew ... Nniol had made sure of that. "My husband's brother is a well connected man as I'm sure you are aware," Isha said as she sat and raised her cup to her lips.

"True. However there are times when even powerful connection and support waiver or even disappear after a failure. Despite his claims that your extraction was their only goal...I believe his mission was a failure. Now with the spotlight on those in power that could have supported him. They will either take action or retreat to the shadows. If there is anything else you could tell me that might help us flush out these...supporter it would be appreciated." Da`nal lifted his own drink as he watched her from across the table.

"That was his claim?" Isha mused running her fingers all the way down her mug to the table. "Possibly it was true - there was someone on the station, a Bajoran, though I have since learned not really, who was attempting to get close to me ... I believe that Nniol was forced to act now; it makes no sense otherwise. Removing me would fit with what he said before ... well, perhaps we don't need to discuss that."

Lowering his drink. "What did he say?"

"Nniol offered to marry me, Commander," Isha said, her gaze unwavering, "Perfectly legitimate under our law, and not unprecedented under the circumstances, however one would have to be immensly weak to consider ceding one's own authority. I am not weak, and I refused, but I believe that Nniol thought he might be able to change my mind."

Da`nal wasn't one bit surprised, he knew him to be a manipulater..."So if he could force you he planned to kill you? What about his plans for the station?"

"Believe it or not I think the attack was incidental, he needs his claim to be legitimate and that requires my consent, however achieved. My untimely death would cause a schism ... Nniol is not a stupid man," Isha shook her head gently, "There are wider implications, but I haven't yet discovered what they may be - that is why I am so eager to get home."

"Understood. What kind of 'reception' do you anticipate from the Senate? Te Federation has a VERY strong case. Their is no denying the attack. Do you they accept that facts as they stand and find someone to take the blame?"

"My government will accept no involvement in the incident," Isha said - had it gone differently, she might not have been so sure, but there was no denying the failure of the attack and what government would append its name to that? "A family squabble that has got out of hand - they will take steps against one faction or the other, depending on which is the most ... convincing."

Da`nal nodded. He had figured a that the 'government' would place blame on others. "And your government's likely position on the Federation's...losses?"

"That remains to be seen. As I told Rittenhouse, my family will provide some degree of compensation, however official acceptence is unlikely, that would be admitting the incident as a sanctioned act of war and I don't think either the Empire or the Federation are in the mood for that right now. Perhaps you could tell me what end the Federation hopes to achieve - I will be preparing our case on the journey - this will hardly be the first time I have spoken before I tribunal but it would probably be best if there were no surprises."

"I don't think we, we being the Federation, is looking for your government to accept any responsibility. The statement that this was a non-sanctioned action has already been accepted. If your government want to the full mantle of responsibility fall on the shoulders of a rogue element thats fine. However as an overture I think it would be resonable to expect their assistance in bring those resposilble to justice. As it stands right now we have the man who carried out the assault, but I doubt it stops with him. Exposing the rest of the plot...those who may have masterminded would be beneficial to all. After all niether side can afford to have these, element loose causing trouble. Would you not agree?"

Isha twisted the fingers of one hand in the palm of the other, "We will co-operate," she said, "but had I not been here, I cannot yet be certain that any attack of any form would have occurred, or indeed that it would not have been worse."

Da`nal shook his head. "You are not responsible for the action of those that wish to usurp power. Was Chancelor Martok responsible for the Houses that tried to take control of the High Council? No. It could be that you were merely the excuse to launch the attack and those behind it had other goals. If this is the case we need to find out."

"I confess, Da'nal that you are rather more reasonable than I expected you to be," Isha said. "I did not expect you to hear or even choose to understand a word I had to say." She sat back, and as her hands fell into her lap, closed her eyes, "I understand less than I would like - this whole situation is so contradictory that any passing stranger could make capital from it if he so wished."

Da`nal let out a slow breath, then laced his fingers together placing his arms on the table as he leaned forward slightly. "You are not my enemy, even though you carry the name of those who are. You have acted honorably by providing information in the defense of this station. At the same time you defended the interests of you government.

Perhaps after we root out those who would put their own thirst for power before honor......"

=^= "Will the following crew report to the Commander office,"Commander Da'Nal, Lieutenant Dorian Gabriel, Lieutenant Chelsea Adams, Lieutenant Junior Grade Zorana Kasikova, Ensigns Joel & Wallace, Officer Petro and Major James Darson. Davies out." =^= He closed the comm with a grin, wondering what was going through their minds. He immediately tapped at his comm before any responses could come through.

=^= "Ambassador t'Khellian, would you honor me with your presence in the commander's office?" He asked with a slight aloofness.

Isha glanced across the table at Da'nal as she placed her coffee cup down, "Of course, Commander Davies," she said with the slightest twitch of one eyebrow. "I assume we can transport directly there," she said to Da'nal.

"I can transport you there if you wish. However, I think Ihad better put my new toy away first..."

"I can wait," Isha said. "The most pressing question would seem to be whether or not you have any concerns about arriving at the same time as me, Commander. Assuming that you have no such objections, I will be patient, and once you have put it in its box, I will consent that you escort me to this meeting which we would both appear to be requested to attend."

Da`nal thought for a moment, then a grin spread over his face. "It would get under Gabriel's skin now wouldn't it?"

"If it would cause Agent Gabriel to itch, I think that I would pretend to be best friends with a Ferengi," Isha said, her tone conspiratorial, though nothing could remove the hint of venom beneath her words.


Commander Da'nal

Ambassador Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnau tr'Illialhlae


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