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No rest for the weary

Posted on 15 Mar 2013 @ 8:00pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Sergeant Major Arcenio Velez & Captain Rebecca Post

748 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Deck 12 - "Marine Country"
Timeline: MD 44 (prior to New Orders)

The word had spread though the ship and that was to be expected; the only thing that travel faster than warp 10 was rumor. As soon as Velez had heard he had checked to see where the Captain was. Now he was making his way to intercept her. Having just beamed back aboard he assumed she was on her way to the office.

Sure enough as he was en route his comm badge sounded with her summons. "Already on my way ma`am."

Despite herself Rebecca smiled to herself at the Sergeant Major's response. Whatever else could be said about her detachment, and there was plenty of scope, she had a good senior Marine non-com with her and that was something at least. She arrived at the Marine Barracks just in time to see the Sergeant Major appear from the other corridor she gestured for him to follow her and led the way into her office where, after getting inside she tossed her beret unceremoniously onto the desk and promptly collected herself a strong coffee from the replicator and sank into her chair, briefly pinching the bridge of her nose to stave off a headache.

"Alright Sergeant Major, how much have you heard?"

"That you and the Admiral were called down to the surface in the middle of the night...and that a few of our Marines were the cause. Don't need much more detail that that to know the shit's hitn the fan. Not the best way to start the day." He noticed her condition and figured that she probably hadn't gotten any rack time yet....and the day was just about to start to boot.

"That's an understatement," Rebecca replied dryly. "Now I'll concede that this time it wasn't a Marine that threw the first punch, but they probably could have avoided the entire mess by being a little more discrete, in any case they got themselves caught brawling, given that they are enlisted I'd appreciate your input in your thoughts for discipline."

Velez grinned slightly, bar brawls had been a part of the Corps since its founding centuries ago, hell he'd been involved in more than one himself in his time. "You have more details then me. Do you think it warrants official charges under the UCMJ or do you think unofficial disciplinary measures would be appropriate? More importantly, what did the Admiral say?"

"He, being a Klingon, is happy they won, but disappointed that they got caught," Rebecca replied wryly. "In any case, no I don't think this requires anything under the UCMJ, but I'm not going to let them get away with this scot free, there were a number of NCOs down there who should have known better, so the unofficial NJP route is the one I would prefer."

That set Velez's wheels turning. "Roger that, make their life hell;” he said grinning devilishly. "To bad everything’s new and shinny..." he envisioned to lot of them in EV suits polishing the ship ablative armor and chuckled a bit. "I'm sure I can arrange some manual labor for them."

"Something really unpleasant," Rebecca added with a slight smile.

"Oh, of that you can be sure. Who are our trouble makers?"

"Davis, Tenaka, Narel, Hernandez, & Eirias"

Now Velez was pissed off a Recon Marine should have been good enough to evade local cops, but once he talked with the group he would get the full details of how things went down. He noted the time and how tired the Captain looked. "It's still very early Captain, why don't you get some rack time. The schedule for today is nothing but resupplying the detachment from the starbase anyway."

"I might just have to take you up on that suggestion, Sergeant Major," Rebecca nodded with a weary smile. "In the meantime if you could handle getting the reprobates disciplined I'd appreciate that, in addition I want you to find out what role that new private of ours had and let me know, I may want to speak with him personally."

He nodded. "Understood; I will talk to him after I put them through today’s manual labor. If there's nothing more I'll make arrangements for our resupply and you can rack out for a bit."

"I appreciate that, Sergeant Major, thanks," Rebecca smiled gratefully. "Dismissed."

Velez turned and headed out to deal with the detachments brawlers.


Captain Rebecca Post
Marine Detachment Commanding Officer
U.S.S. Achillies

SgtMaj Velez - SNCOIC
NPC played by Da`nal


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