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Young and Dumb Part-4

Posted on 07 Mar 2013 @ 1:41am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Rebecca Post & Staff Sergeant Philip Kasmierski
Edited on on 07 Mar 2013 @ 2:04am

1,217 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Location: Planet Nell - Club Chaos/Achilles/Detention Center

[The First and Only Pub, planet side]

"So yeah, I was saying to him, there's no bloody way you were second man on the balcony." Mentally, Kaz groaned. McCall had been banging on about this hostage thing all night. While the Brit and his friends was a barrel of laughs, sometimes he just couldn't give a topic a rest.

Then he heard a beeping from his back pocket. He pulled his badge out and tapped it.


"Sarge, its Caldwell." In the background he heard someone shout "Security! No one move!"

"Um, you gotta get over to Club Chaos, Tenaka got in a fight."

"The fu--" He cut off the expletive and sighed. "Be there shortly. Out." He looked up at his drinking buddies. "Any of you know where Club Chaos is?"

"Bloody other side of town, that is." McCall held up his keys. "I'll take you."

Because of the traffic, Kaz ended up at the club just in time to find out his trooper had been taken to jail. He groaned. That meant the officers had been notified, and a friendly NCO to NCO talk was out of the question.

"McCall?" he said the other Marine once he got back into the electric car. "Be a star. Take me to jail, m'man."

OOC: I figure Kaz gets there soon after Da'nal and Post.

[USS Achilles - Some time later]

Da`nal was asleep breathing steadily, Ayrens warmth next to him, when the comm sounded. "Bridge to Admiral Da`nal. There is a call for you from the planet’s surface sir."

Aryen shifted slightly as he rose. "At my terminal."

Da`nal pulled on a uniform tunic as he took a seat at his desk, tying his hair back as the monitor rose from the desks surface. Activating the monitor he spoke. "This is Admiral Da`nal."

=^=My apologies for the lateness of the hour Admiral, I am Captain Feriin Magistrate of Precinct 38, it seem a few members of your Marines were involved in a brawl at one of our local night clubs. We have them in custody. The current agreement with the Federation allows the commanding office to take custody and administer punishments for lesser crime if the commanding officer so chooses.=^=

"How many?"

=^= While 16 were arrested, of your crew I have a Corporals Davis, Tenaka, and Narel; a Lance Corporal Hernandez, and one PFC Eirias. =^=

Da`nal gritted his teeth and nodded. "Thank you Captain. I will be down shortly."

Ayren sat up and frowned, stretching. They only went to sleep a few hours ago!

Activating the comm from his desk, "Admiral Da`nal to Captain Post. Meet me in transporter Room 2 in 15 minutes."

"A brawl... trust the Marines... " she mumbled. "Let me know if you need me..." Ayren said, not that she thought the Marines would need counseling..

Arching a brow as he watched her rollover into the middle of the bed taking advantage of his absense to sprawl out and go back to sleep.


Rebecca had litterlly been in the process of pulling back her bed covers to crawl into bed and get much needed sleep when the call from the Admiral came in. For a few moments she just stood there looking down at it with an expression that spoke volumes. Very slowly she replaced the bedding and smoothed it out before scooping up her combadge from the bedside table and tapping it.

"Understood Sir, I'll meet you there," Rebecca said, doing her best not to give away that she had been literally seconds away from sleep.

Once the channel was closed she got about getting re-dressed, given the hour the chances were it would be a full duty uniform occassion. Pulling on her underwear followed quickly by the black trousers and light purple undershirt, as well as getting her shoes at the same time. Once she had secured her lower half with a belt she grabbed her marine green turtleneck and pulled that on, zipping it up, before finally taking her uniform jacket and slipping her arms into that and securing that. She grabbed her Captain's bars from the side and pinned them onto her collar, followed by the SFMC insignia on the other collar and finally her Starfleet combadge. She paused a few moments looking down at her beret before deciding that if her insticts were correct it couldn't hurt to go the full formal route on this particular issue. After quickly checking herself she departed and began to move quickly through the ship towards transporter room 2.

[Transporter Room]

Da`nal walked into the transporter room seeing that the Captain was already there. "Ah Captain good. Before I summoned you I was contacted my a local magistrate. Seems a few Marines decide to get themselves arrested."

"How nice of them," Rebecca sighed, she had already figured it was likely to be that. "Any idea who it is?"

"Davis, Tenaka, Narel, Hernandez, & Eirias"

"Nice, they dragged that kid into this mess," Rebecca rolled her eyes.

The transport operator chimed in. "Sirs I have the coordinates of the detention center."

Nodding, Da`nal replied. "Energize."

[Detention Area]

Looking at a mirror, Jason was in the middle of cleaning up the blood and the cut from the fight. Mentally, he was kicking himself resoundingly for letting this happen, and dreading the fallout. He couldn't even look at Davis or the others right now, feeling more than a bit guilty.

The door to the area opened, admitting a slightly worse for wear Jeannie Tenaka. She sat on one of the benches, and then looked over to Davis.

"Shannon called my NCO. He's coming. Do you think they've called the officers yet?"

Davis was still massaging his jaw. "Its only a matter of time...With the Skipper being Klingon we might get off. Then again he might pull out an old school agonizer."

Jason turned from the mirror and slumped down into a chair, looking a bit defeated, guilty, and down. "Honestly, I think I'd prefer the agonizer. I know the usual agreement is the CO gets priority on things like this, and with all of us being Marines, that means we can probably expect both the Admiral and the Captain, possibly the Sergeant Major as well. “Sighing deeply, he closed his eyes and waited for the arrival.

Da`nal and Post materialized in the Detention Center's Waiting area and a man approached, from his appearance it looked to be the magistrate that had contacted him. The Magistrate had been talking to another man and gave him a cautioning gesture before sending him into a side room. From the look on his face he could tell thing had gotten worse.

"Admiral Da`nal, thank you for coming personally. I'm afraid things have changed slightly. The club owner is pressing charges against your crew. The assault charges were dropped as the witness statement confirm that one of our local 'trouble-makers' started things and that your crew member had only come to the defense of another - before things got out of hand. The charge of disturbing the peace remains and can be worked out as we discussed. However the owner has brought charges of destruction of private property, this charge has to be investigated evidence presented, and could result in incarceration if convicted."



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