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New orders

Posted on 13 Mar 2013 @ 9:39pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

608 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M9: Rest, Recovery, and Reflection
Timeline: MD:45 11:45am

Da`nal was walking the corridors or the Achilles the repairs & renovation complete and the general resupply well underway the main corridors were bustling with activity and supplies and equipment were stored. As he moved through the ship he knew that soon they would be underway once again. That thought alone put him in a good mood, despite recent events that took place on the surface.

Passing by one of the large cargo bays he saw the swarm of activity as cargo was being loaded via transporter as well as through the exterior door. The station had extended and addition umbilical to allow for the rapid transfer of cargo. Nodding approvingly he left the area to so that he wasn't in the way and entered a turbo lift and headed for the bridge.

Once on the bridge he was greeted by both crew and technicians, but before he could even reach his command chair Ens. Logan turned from her position at ops. "Sir, there is an incoming call for you coming in from Fleet Admiral Rittenhouse."

"In my ready room, Ensign."

Entering his ready room the monitor was already rising from his desk. As he took his seat the monitor came alive. "Admiral, it's been a long time."

"That it has...Admiral. Congratulation on the promotion, and well done. The information form that is being gleaned from the computer core and the ship have given us a great deal of intel. How are your repairs?"

"Took longer than expected, but completed. We are currently resupplying the ship and waiting on last of the crew replacements to arrive."

"Good, because I have an assignment for you. Your orders are to proceed to the Dandarand system."

Da`nal wrinkled his brow. "Dandarand? What could possibly be happening there?"

Rittenhouse laughed. "Normally, nothing. However it seems that there has been a growing tide of unrest concerning a Federation archeological dig going on. Apparently an ancient temple was found and there have been several...incidents and injuries. I want you to take the Achilles there to ensure that things don't get worse. With the Achilles in orbit it will show those on the planet just how serious we view the situation. I know it's not what your used to but not every assignment is going to be behind enemy lines. Besides it'll be just the thing to shake out any bugs from the all the work that been done recently."

"So we go there, make our presence know, rattle the saber if needed, and keep the archeological team out of trouble."

"Basically. Just don't rattle and sabers too hard."

Da`nal was not happy with the idea but orders were orders. "Understood."

"How soon can you be ready to depart?"

Da`nal thought for a quick moment then replied. "Our resupply has already begun and the last of our new crew members should be here within 18 hours."

"You got 24, just in case. How are the kids?

Da`nal grinned at the change in subject. "Growing fast."

"Well they do that, maybe I can find some time and stop by help break up the boredom? I have a hunting program you might like...a creature like you've never seen."

Now he was definitely in a better mood. "I would be honored. You are always welcome here."

"Good, I'll see what I can arrange. Until then my friend."

"Until then; Da`nal out." After closing the channel he paged Lance to set a meeting of the senior staff for a mission briefing. He was sure that they would be just as glad to be getting underway as he was.


Rear-Admiral Da`nal


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