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Personal Log

Posted on 13 Jul 2009 @ 6:10pm by

178 words; about a 1 minute read

Termin Elek's Personal Log, Stardate 64137.69,

I had just finished a diplomatic dinner with the Romulan Ambassador, Captain Da'nal and the XO. My compliments to the chef for a lovely dinner.

I regret that the evening could have gone better.

The problem with any diplomatic function, but especially dinner, is that the rival sides are sat round the table with people they often don't especially like, and therefore struggle to find any conversation that doesn't bring up old rivalries or passions.

It's already an intriguing mission, and we haven't even reached Romulus yet.

I very much doubt I'll be able to see my son while I'm there - it would arouse too much suspicion if a Starfleet lieutenant and the deputy director of the Continuing Committee were seen in conversation. This ... upsets me more than I'll admit.

I haven't yet told Isha about my son ... to be honest, I don't know if I will. I don't know if it will accomplish anything.


I have just received a summons from the captain to attend a briefing. Computer, end Personal Log.


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